Module Seplog

Separation logic.

From Coq Require Import ZArith Lia Bool List Program.Equality.
From Coq Require Import FunctionalExtensionality PropExtensionality.
From CDF Require Import Sequences Separation.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

1. A language of pointers

We now define a small programming language to work with pointers to mutable state. The language has variables, but these variables are immutable. This in unlike IMP but like ML: mutable variables are expressed as immutable pointers (references) to mutable state.

As in ML too, we blur the distinction between expressions and commands. Every command returns a value, which we take to be an integer, in addition to possibly performing effects.

We use higher-order abstract syntax to represent commands in this language. With first-order abstract syntax, a "let" binding let x = a in b would be represented using the constructor
    LET: forall (x: ident) (a b: com), com
With higher-order syntax, we use a Coq function fun x => b to represent the binding of x inside b:
    LET: forall (a: com) (b: Z -> com), com
As a benefit, we can use any Coq expression of type Z as a pure command of the language, making it unnecessary to define syntax and semantics for a specific expression language.

CoInductive com: Type :=
  | PURE (x: Z) (* command without effects *)
  | LET (c: com) (f: Z -> com) (* sequencing of commands *)
  | IFTHENELSE (b: Z) (c1 c2: com) (* conditional *)
  | ALLOC (sz: nat) (* allocate sz words of storage *)
  | GET (l: addr) (* dereference a pointer *)
  | SET (l: addr) (v: Z) (* assign through a pointer *)
  | FREE (l: addr) (* free one word of storage *)
  | PICK (n: Z). (* pick a number between 0 and n *)

Some derived forms.

Definition SKIP: com := PURE 0.

Definition SEQ (c1 c2: com) := LET c1 (fun _ => c2).

Definition EITHER (c1 c2: com) := LET (PICK 2) (fun n => IFTHENELSE n c1 c2).

Reduction semantics.

Inductive red: com * heap -> com * heap -> Prop :=
  | red_pick: forall n i h,
      0 <= i < n ->
      red (PICK n, h) (PURE i, h)
  | red_let_done: forall x f h,
      red (LET (PURE x) f, h) (f x, h)
  | red_let_step: forall c f h c' h',
      red (c, h) (c', h') ->
      red (LET c f, h) (LET c' f, h')
  | red_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 h,
      red (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2, h) ((if b =? 0 then c2 else c1), h)
  | red_alloc: forall sz (h: heap) l,
      (forall i, l <= i < l + Z.of_nat sz -> h i = None) ->
      l <> 0 ->
      red (ALLOC sz, h) (PURE l, hinit l sz h)
  | red_get: forall l (h: heap) v,
      h l = Some v ->
      red (GET l, h) (PURE v, h)
  | red_set: forall l v (h: heap),
      h l <> None ->
      red (SET l v, h) (SKIP, hupdate l v h)
  | red_free: forall l (h: heap),
      h l <> None ->
      red (FREE l, h) (SKIP, hfree l h).

Absence of run-time errors. immsafe c h holds if c / h is not going to abort immediately on a run-time error, such as dereferencing an invalid pointer.

Inductive immsafe: com * heap -> Prop :=
  | immsafe_pure: forall v h,
      immsafe (PURE v, h)
  | immsafe_let: forall c f h,
      immsafe (c, h) -> immsafe (LET c f, h)
  | immsafe_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 h,
      immsafe (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2, h)
  | immsafe_alloc: forall sz (h: heap) l,
      l <> 0 -> (forall i, l <= i < l + Z.of_nat sz -> h i = None) ->
      immsafe (ALLOC sz, h)
  | immsafe_get: forall l (h: heap),
      h l <> None -> immsafe (GET l, h)
  | immsafe_set: forall l v (h: heap),
      h l <> None -> immsafe (SET l v, h)
  | immsafe_free: forall l (h: heap),
      h l <> None -> immsafe (FREE l, h)
  | immsafe_pick: forall n h,
      immsafe (PICK n, h).

2. The rules of separation logic

Definition precond := assertion.
Definition postcond := Z -> assertion.

2.1. Semantic definition of strong triples

Instead of axiomatizing the rules of separation logic, then prove their soundness against the operational semantics, we define triples PcQ directly in terms of the operational semantics, then show the rules of separation logic as lemmas about these semantic triples. Note: the way triples are defined below, they are strong triples that guarantee termination. However, we write them with braces instead of brackets, for consistency with the third lecture and with the literature on separation logic.

safe c h Q holds if c started in h always terminates without errors, and when it terminates with value v, the postcondition Q v holds of the final heap.

Inductive safe: com -> heap -> postcond -> Prop :=
  | safe_done: forall v h (Q: postcond),
      Q v h ->
      safe (PURE v) h Q
  | safe_step: forall c h Q,
      match c with PURE _ => False | _ => True end ->
      immsafe (c, h) ->
      (forall c' h', red (c, h) (c', h') -> safe c' h' Q) ->
      safe c h Q.

We define semantic triples like we did for Hoare logic:

Definition triple (P: precond) (c: com) (Q: postcond) :=
  forall h, P h -> safe c h Q.

Notation "⦃ PcQ ⦄" := (triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

2.2. The frame rule

The frame rule is valid because the operational semantics has nice properties with respect to heap extension: if a command is safe in a small heap, it is safe in a bigger heap, and any reduction from the bigger heap is simulated by a reduction from the smaller heap.

Ltac inv H := inversion H; clear H; subst.

Lemma immsafe_frame: forall h' c h,
  immsafe (c, h) -> hdisjoint h h' -> immsafe (c, hunion h h').
  intros h' c h IMM; dependent induction IMM; intros DISJ.
- constructor.
- constructor; auto.
- constructor.
- destruct (isfinite (hunion h h')) as [l' FIN].
  apply immsafe_alloc with (Z.max 1 l').
  intros. apply FIN. lia.
- constructor. cbn. destruct (h l); congruence.
- constructor. cbn. destruct (h l); congruence.
- constructor. cbn. destruct (h l); congruence.
- constructor.

Lemma red_frame: forall h2 c h1 c' h',
  red (c, hunion h1 h2) (c', h') ->
  immsafe (c, h1) ->
  hdisjoint h1 h2 ->
  exists h1', red (c, h1) (c', h1') /\ hdisjoint h1' h2 /\ h' = hunion h1' h2.
  intros until h'; intros RED; dependent induction RED; intros IMM DISJ; inv IMM.
- exists h1; intuition auto. constructor; auto.
- exists h1; intuition auto. constructor; auto.
- edestruct IHRED as (h1' & R & D & U); eauto.
  exists h1'; intuition auto. constructor; auto.
- exists h1; intuition auto. constructor; auto.
- exists (hinit l sz h1); intuition auto.
  + constructor; auto. intros. apply H in H1. cbn in H1. destruct (h1 i); congruence.
  + red; cbn; intros i.
    assert (EITHER: l <= i < l + Z.of_nat sz \/ (i < l \/ l + Z.of_nat sz <= i)) by lia.
    destruct EITHER.
    * right. apply H in H1. cbn in H1. destruct (h1 i), (h2 i); congruence.
    * rewrite hinit_outside by auto. apply DISJ.
  + apply heap_extensionality; intros i; cbn.
    assert (EITHER: l <= i < l + Z.of_nat sz \/ (i < l \/ l + Z.of_nat sz <= i)) by lia.
    destruct EITHER.
    * rewrite ! hinit_inside by auto. auto.
    * rewrite ! hinit_outside by auto. auto.
- exists h1; intuition auto. constructor; auto. cbn in H. destruct (h1 l); congruence.
- exists (hupdate l v h1); intuition auto.
  + constructor; auto.
  + intros i; cbn. generalize (DISJ i).
    destruct (Z.eq_dec l i); intuition congruence.
  + apply heap_extensionality; intros i; cbn.
    destruct (Z.eq_dec l i); auto.
- exists (hfree l h1); intuition auto.
  + constructor; auto.
  + intros i; cbn. generalize (DISJ i).
    destruct (Z.eq_dec l i); intuition congruence.
  + apply heap_extensionality; intros i; cbn.
    destruct (Z.eq_dec l i); auto.
    subst i. generalize (DISJ l). intuition.

Lemma safe_frame:
  forall (R: assertion) h', R h' ->
  forall c h Q,
  safe c h Q -> hdisjoint h h' -> safe c (hunion h h') (fun v => Q v ** R).
  induction 2; intros DISJ.
- constructor. exists h, h'; auto.
- constructor. auto. apply immsafe_frame; auto.
  intros. edestruct red_frame as (h1' & RED1 & D & U); eauto. subst h'0.
  apply H3; auto.

Lemma triple_frame: forall P c Q R,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  ⦃ P ** Rcfun v => Q v ** R ⦄.
  intros P c Q R TR h (h1 & h2 & P1 & R2 & D & U). subst h.
  apply safe_frame; auto.

2.3. The "small rules" for heap operations

Lemma triple_get: forall l v,
  ⦃ contains l vGET lfun v' => (v' = v) //\\ contains l v ⦄.
  intros l v h P.
  assert (L: h l = Some v).
  { red in P. subst h. apply hupdate_same. }
  constructor; auto.
  - constructor. congruence.
  - intros c' h' RED. inv RED. constructor. split; auto; congruence.

Lemma triple_set: forall l v,
  ⦃ valid lSET l vfun _ => contains l v ⦄.
  intros l v h (v0 & P).
  assert (L: h l = Some v0).
  { red in P; subst h; apply hupdate_same. }
  constructor; auto.
  - constructor. congruence.
  - intros c' h' RED. inv RED. constructor.
    red in P; subst h.
    red. apply heap_extensionality; intros l'; cbn.
    destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); auto.

Fixpoint valid_N (l: addr) (sz: nat) : assertion :=
  match sz with O => emp | S sz => valid l ** valid_N (l + 1) sz end.

Remark valid_N_init: forall sz l,
  (valid_N l sz) (hinit l sz hempty).
  induction sz as [ | sz]; intros l; cbn.
- red; auto.
- exists (hupdate l 0 hempty), (hinit (l + 1) sz hempty); intuition auto.
  + exists 0. red; auto.
  + intros x. unfold hupdate, hempty; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l x); auto.
  right. rewrite hinit_outside by lia. auto.
  + apply heap_extensionality; intros x. cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l x); auto.

Lemma triple_alloc: forall sz,
  ⦃ emp
  ALLOC sz
  ⦃ fun l => (l <> 0) //\\ valid_N l sz ⦄.
  intros sz h P. red in P. subst h.
  constructor; auto.
- apply immsafe_alloc with 1; intros.
  + lia.
  + auto.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. constructor.
  split; auto. apply valid_N_init; auto.

Lemma triple_free: forall l,
  ⦃ valid l
  FREE l
  ⦃ fun _ => emp ⦄.
  intros l h (v0 & P). red in P.
  assert (L: h l = Some v0).
  { subst h. apply hupdate_same. }
  constructor; auto.
- constructor. congruence.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. constructor.
  red. apply heap_extensionality; intros x. cbn.
  destruct (Z.eq_dec l x); auto.

2.4. Properties of the safe predicate

Lemma safe_pure: forall v h Q,
  safe (PURE v) h Q -> Q v h.
  intros. inv H.
- auto.
- contradiction.

Lemma safe_red: forall c h Q c' h',
  safe c h Q -> red (c, h) (c', h') -> safe c' h' Q.
  intros. inv H.
- inv H0.
- eauto.

Lemma safe_immsafe: forall c h Q,
  safe c h Q -> immsafe (c, h).
  intros. inv H.
- constructor.
- auto.

Lemma safe_let: forall (Q R: postcond) f,
  (forall v h', Q v h' -> safe (f v) h' R) ->
  forall c h,
  safe c h Q ->
  safe (LET c f) h R.
  intros Q R f POST. induction 1.
- constructor; auto.
  + constructor. constructor.
  + intros c' h' RED; inv RED. apply POST; auto. inv H1.
- constructor; auto.
  + constructor; auto.
  + intros c' h' RED; inv RED. contradiction. eauto.

Lemma safe_consequence: forall (Q Q': postcond),
  (forall v, Q v -->> Q' v) ->
  forall c h, safe c h Q -> safe c h Q'.
  intros Q Q' IMP. induction 1.
- apply safe_done. apply IMP. assumption.
- apply safe_step; auto.

2.5. Rules for control structures

Lemma triple_pure: forall P v (Q: postcond),
  P -->> Q v ->
  ⦃ PPURE vQ ⦄.
  intros; intros h Ph. constructor. apply H; auto.

Lemma triple_let:
  forall c f (P: precond) (Q R: postcond),
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  (forall v, ⦃ Q vf vR ⦄) ->
  ⦃ PLET c fR ⦄.
  intros until R; intros HR1 HR2 h Ph.
  apply safe_let with Q. apply HR2. apply HR1. auto.

Lemma triple_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 P Q,
  ⦃ (b <> 0) //\\ Pc1Q ⦄ ->
  ⦃ (b = 0) //\\ Pc2Q ⦄ ->
  ⦃ PIFTHENELSE b c1 c2Q ⦄.
  intros until Q; intros HR1 HR2 h Ph. constructor; auto.
- constructor.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. destruct (Z.eqb_spec b 0).
  + apply HR2. split; auto.
  + apply HR1. split; auto.

Lemma triple_consequence: forall P P' c Q' Q,
  ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ' ⦄ ->
  P -->> P' -> (forall v, Q' v -->> Q v) ->
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄.
  intros; red; intros. apply safe_consequence with Q'; auto.

Lemma triple_pick: forall n,
  ⦃ emp
  PICK n
  ⦃ fun i => pure (0 <= i < n) ⦄.
  intros n h Ph. constructor; auto.
- constructor.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. constructor. split; auto.

2.6. Useful derived rules

The following rules are heavily used in the examples of section 3.

Lemma triple_consequence_pre: forall P P' c Q,
  ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ ⦄ ->
  P -->> P' ->
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄.
  intros. apply triple_consequence with P' Q; auto. intros; red; auto.

Lemma triple_consequence_post: forall P c Q Q',
  ⦃ PcQ' ⦄ ->
  (forall v, Q' v -->> Q v) ->
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄.
  intros. apply triple_consequence with P Q'; auto. red; auto.

Lemma triple_lift_pure: forall (P: Prop) P' c Q,
  (P -> ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ ⦄) ->
  ⦃ P //\\ P' ⦄ cQ ⦄.
  intros. intros h [P1 P2]. apply H; auto.

Lemma triple_lift_exists: forall (X: Type) (P: X -> assertion) c Q,
  (forall x, ⦃ P xcQ ⦄) ->
  ⦃ aexists PcQ ⦄.
  intros. intros h (x & Px). apply (H x); auto.

Lemma triple_ifthen: forall b c1 c2 P Q,
  b <> 0 -> ⦃ Pc1Q ⦄ ->
  ⦃ PIFTHENELSE b c1 c2Q ⦄.
  intros. apply triple_ifthenelse; apply triple_lift_pure; intros.
- auto.
- lia.

Lemma triple_ifelse: forall b c1 c2 P Q,
  b = 0 -> ⦃ Pc2Q ⦄ ->
  ⦃ PIFTHENELSE b c1 c2Q ⦄.
  intros. apply triple_ifthenelse; apply triple_lift_pure; intros.
- lia.
- auto.

Lemma unroll_com: forall c,
  c = match c with
      | PURE x => PURE x
      | LET c f => LET c f
      | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => IFTHENELSE b c1 c2
      | ALLOC sz => ALLOC sz
      | GET l => GET l
      | SET l v => SET l v
      | FREE l => FREE l
      | PICK n => PICK n
  destruct c; auto.

3. Singly-linked lists

Representation predicate

Here is a separation logic assertion that describes the in-memory representation of a list.

Fixpoint list_at (a: addr) (l: list Z) : assertion :=
  match l with
  | nil => (a = 0) //\\ emp
  | h :: t => (a <> 0) //\\ aexists (fun a' => contains a h ** contains (a + 1) a' ** list_at a' t)

The "cons" operation

Definition list_cons (n: Z) (a: addr) : com :=
  LET (ALLOC 2) (fun a' => SEQ (SET a' n) (SEQ (SET (a' + 1) a) (PURE a'))).

Lemma list_cons_correct: forall a n l,
    ⦃ list_at a l
  list_cons n a
    ⦃ fun a' => list_at a' (n :: l) ⦄.
  intros. eapply triple_let.
  rewrite <- sepconj_emp at 1. apply triple_frame. apply triple_alloc.
  intros b; simpl. rewrite lift_pureconj, ! sepconj_assoc, sepconj_emp.
  apply triple_lift_pure; intros H1.
  eapply triple_let. apply triple_frame. apply triple_set. simpl; intros _.
  eapply triple_let. rewrite sepconj_pick2.
  apply triple_frame. apply triple_set. simpl; intros _.
  rewrite sepconj_pick2.
  apply triple_pure. intros h A. split. auto. exists a; auto.

Computing the length of a list

Taking advantage of the coinductive nature of type com, we use infinite commands to represent loops and tail-recursive functions.

CoFixpoint list_length_rec (a: addr) (len: Z) : com :=
  IFTHENELSE a (LET (GET (a + 1)) (fun t => list_length_rec t (len + 1))) (PURE len).

Definition list_length (a: addr) : com := list_length_rec a 0.

Normally we would write
   len = 0;
   while (a != 0) { a = get (a + 1); len = len + 1; }
With the coinductive definition, we write the equivalent infinite command
   if (a == 0) return 0; else {
     a1 = get (a + 1);
     if (a1 == 0) return 1; else {
       a2 = get (a1 + 1);
       if (a2 == 0) return 2; else ...

Lemma list_length_rec_correct: forall l a len,
    ⦃ list_at a l
  list_length_rec a len
    ⦃ fun len' => (len' = len + Z.of_nat (List.length l)) //\\ list_at a l ⦄.
Local Opaque Z.of_nat.
  induction l as [ | h t]; intros; rewrite (unroll_com (list_length_rec a len)); cbn.
- apply triple_lift_pure; intro H1.
  apply triple_ifelse; auto.
  apply triple_pure. intros h H2. split. lia. split; auto.
- apply triple_lift_pure; intro H1.
  apply triple_lift_exists; intros a'.
  apply triple_ifthen; auto.
  eapply triple_let.
  rewrite sepconj_pick2. apply triple_frame. apply triple_get. simpl.
  intros a''. rewrite lift_pureconj. apply triple_lift_pure; intros H3. subst a''.
  rewrite sepconj_swap3.
  eapply triple_consequence_post.
  apply triple_frame. apply IHt. intros len'; simpl.
  rewrite lift_pureconj. rewrite <- sepconj_swap3, sepconj_pick2.
  intros h1 (A & B). split. lia. split. auto. exists a'; auto.

Corollary list_length_correct: forall l a,
    ⦃ list_at a l
  list_length a
    ⦃ fun len => (len = Z.of_nat (length l)) //\\ list_at a l ⦄.
  intros. apply list_length_rec_correct.

Concatenating two lists in-place

In loop notation:
  if (l1 == 0) return l2; else {
    t = get(l1 + 1);
    while (get (t + 1) != 0) t = get (t + 1);
    set (t + 1, l2);
    return l1;

CoFixpoint list_concat_rec (a1 a2: addr) : com :=
  LET (GET (a1 + 1)) (fun t => IFTHENELSE t (list_concat_rec t a2) (SET (a1 + 1) a2)).

Definition list_concat (a1 a2: addr) : com :=
  IFTHENELSE a1 (SEQ (list_concat_rec a1 a2) (PURE a1)) (PURE a2).

Lemma list_concat_rec_correct: forall l2 a2 l1 a1,
  a1 <> 0 ->
    ⦃ list_at a1 l1 ** list_at a2 l2
  list_concat_rec a1 a2
    ⦃ fun _ => list_at a1 (l1 ++ l2) ⦄.
  induction l1 as [ | h1 t1]; intros; rewrite (unroll_com (list_concat_rec a1 a2)); simpl.
- rewrite lift_pureconj. apply triple_lift_pure; intros. lia.
- rewrite lift_pureconj. apply triple_lift_pure. intros H1.
  rewrite lift_aexists. apply triple_lift_exists. intros a'.
  rewrite sepconj_assoc.
  eapply triple_let.
  + rewrite sepconj_assoc, sepconj_pick2. apply triple_frame. apply triple_get.
  + intros t. simpl.
    rewrite lift_pureconj. apply triple_lift_pure. intros H2; subst t.
    apply triple_ifthenelse.
    * apply triple_lift_pure. intros H2.
      rewrite <- sepconj_assoc, sepconj_comm.
      eapply triple_consequence_post. apply triple_frame. apply IHt1. auto.
      simpl. intros _. rewrite sepconj_pick2, sepconj_swap3.
      intros h P. split; auto. exists a'; auto.
    * apply triple_lift_pure. intros H2.
      eapply triple_consequence_post.
      apply triple_frame.
      eapply triple_consequence_pre. apply triple_set.
      intros h P; exists a'; auto.
      simpl. intros _. rewrite sepconj_pick2, sepconj_pick3.
      destruct t1; simpl.
      ** rewrite lift_pureconj, sepconj_emp.
         intros h (A & B). split; auto. exists a2; auto.
      ** rewrite lift_pureconj. intros h (A & B). lia.

Lemma list_concat_correct: forall l1 a1 l2 a2,
    ⦃ list_at a1 l1 ** list_at a2 l2
  list_concat a1 a2
    ⦃ fun a => list_at a (l1 ++ l2) ⦄.
  intros. unfold list_concat. apply triple_ifthenelse.
- apply triple_lift_pure; intros H1.
  eapply triple_let. apply list_concat_rec_correct; auto.
  simpl. intros _. apply triple_pure. red; auto.
- apply triple_lift_pure; intros H1.
  destruct l1; simpl.
  + apply triple_pure. rewrite lift_pureconj, sepconj_emp. intros h (A & B); auto.
  + rewrite lift_pureconj. apply triple_lift_pure. intros; lia.

List reversal in place

In loop notation:
  p = 0;
  while (l != 0) {
    n = get (l + 1);
    set (l + 1, p);
    p = l;
    l = n;
  return p;

CoFixpoint list_rev_rec (a p: addr) : com :=
    (LET (GET (a + 1)) (fun n =>
     SEQ (SET (a + 1) p)
         (list_rev_rec n a)))
    (PURE p).

Definition list_rev (a: addr) : com := list_rev_rec a 0.

Lemma list_rev_rec_correct: forall l a l' p,
    ⦃ list_at a l ** list_at p l' ⦄
  list_rev_rec a p
    ⦃ fun x => list_at x (List.rev_append l l') ⦄.
  induction l as [ | hd l]; intros; rewrite (unroll_com (list_rev_rec a p)); simpl.
- rewrite lift_pureconj, sepconj_emp. apply triple_lift_pure; intros H1.
  apply triple_ifelse; auto. apply triple_pure. red; auto.
- rewrite lift_pureconj; apply triple_lift_pure; intros H1.
  rewrite lift_aexists; apply triple_lift_exists; intros a'.
  apply triple_ifthen; auto.
  eapply triple_let.
  rewrite ! sepconj_assoc, sepconj_pick2.
  apply triple_frame. apply triple_get. intros a''. simpl.
  rewrite lift_pureconj. apply triple_lift_pure. intros H3. subst a''.
  eapply triple_let.
  apply triple_frame. eapply triple_consequence_pre.
  apply triple_set.
  intros h P; exists a'; auto.
  simpl. intros _.
  rewrite sepconj_pick2, sepconj_pick3.
  eapply triple_consequence_pre.
  apply IHl.
  simpl. apply sepconj_imp_r. intros h A. split; auto. exists p; auto.

Lemma list_rev_correct: forall a l,
    ⦃ list_at a l
  list_rev a
    ⦃ fun x => list_at x (List.rev l) ⦄.
  intros. rewrite List.rev_alt.
  eapply triple_consequence_pre. apply list_rev_rec_correct.
  simpl. rewrite sepconj_comm, lift_pureconj, sepconj_emp.
  intros h A; split; auto.

4. An alternate definition of separation logic triples

Module AlternateSeplog.

For some languages, the frame property for reductions (lemma red_frame above) does not hold, e.g. because allocations are deterministic. Or maybe we do not want to prove the red_frame lemma. In this case, not all is lost: we can define our separation triples PcQ as Hoare triples plus framing.

Definition Hoare (P: precond) (c: com) (Q: postcond) : Prop :=
  forall h, P h -> safe c h Q.

Definition triple (P: precond) (c: com) (Q: postcond) :=
  forall (R: assertion), Hoare (P ** R) c (fun v => Q v ** R).

Notation "⦃ PcQ ⦄" := (triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

This definition validates the frame rule.

Lemma triple_frame: forall P c Q R,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  ⦃ P ** Rcfun v => Q v ** R ⦄.
  intros P c Q R TR R'. rewrite sepconj_assoc.
  replace (fun v => (Q v ** R) ** R') with (fun v => Q v ** (R ** R')).
  apply TR.
  apply functional_extensionality; intros. rewrite sepconj_assoc; auto.

It also validates the "small rules" for heap operations.

Lemma triple_get: forall l v,
  ⦃ contains l vGET lfun v' => (v' = v) //\\ contains l v ⦄.
  intros l v R h (h1 & h2 & H1 & H2 & D & U).
  assert (L1: h1 l = Some v).
  { red in H1. subst h1. apply hupdate_same. }
  assert (L: h l = Some v).
  { intros. rewrite U; simpl. rewrite L1; auto. }
  constructor; auto.
  - constructor. congruence.
  - intros c' h' RED. inv RED. constructor.
    exists h1, h2. unfold pureconj. intuition congruence.

Lemma triple_set: forall l v,
  ⦃ valid lSET l vfun _ => contains l v ⦄.
  intros l v R h (h1 & h2 & H1 & H2 & D & U).
  destruct H1 as (v0 & H1). red in H1.
  assert (L1: h1 l = Some v0).
  { subst h1; apply hupdate_same. }
  assert (L: h l = Some v0).
  { rewrite U; cbn. rewrite L1; auto. }
  constructor; auto.
  - constructor. congruence.
  - intros c' h' RED. inv RED. constructor.
    exists (hupdate l v hempty), h2.
    split. red. auto.
    split. auto.
    split. intro l'. specialize (D l'). cbn in *. destruct D; auto. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); auto. congruence.
    apply heap_extensionality; intros l'; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); auto.

Remark valid_N_init:
  forall (R: assertion) sz l h,
  R h ->
  (forall i, l <= i < l + Z.of_nat sz -> h i = None) ->
  (valid_N l sz ** R) (hinit l sz h).
  induction sz as [ | sz]; intros l h Rh EMPTY; cbn.
- rewrite sepconj_emp. auto.
- rewrite sepconj_assoc. exists (hupdate l 0 hempty), (hinit (l + 1) sz h).
  split. exists 0. red; auto.
  split. apply IHsz. auto. intros. apply EMPTY. lia.
  split. intros x. unfold hupdate, hempty; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l x); auto.
  right. rewrite hinit_outside by lia. apply EMPTY; lia.
  apply heap_extensionality; intros x. cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l x); auto.

Lemma triple_alloc: forall sz,
  ⦃ emp
  ALLOC sz
  ⦃ fun l => (l <> 0) //\\ valid_N l sz ⦄.
  intros sz R h H. rewrite sepconj_emp in H.
  constructor; auto.
- destruct (isfinite h) as (l0 & FIN). apply immsafe_alloc with (Z.max l0 1); intros.
  + lia.
  + apply FIN. lia.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. constructor.
  rewrite lift_pureconj; split. auto. apply valid_N_init; auto.

Lemma triple_free: forall l,
  ⦃ valid l
  FREE l
  ⦃ fun _ => emp ⦄.
  intros l R h (h1 & h2 & H1 & H2 & D & U).
  destruct H1 as (v0 & H1).
  assert (L1: h1 l = Some v0).
  { rewrite H1. apply hupdate_same. }
  assert (L: h l = Some v0).
  { rewrite U; cbn. rewrite L1. auto. }
  constructor; auto.
- constructor. congruence.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. constructor. rewrite sepconj_emp.
  replace (hfree l (hunion h1 h2)) with h2; auto.
  apply heap_extensionality; intros x. generalize (D x); rewrite H1; cbn.
  destruct (Z.eq_dec l x); auto. intuition congruence.

The rules for control structures are also valid. Proof plan: first show Hoare-style rules for the Hoare triple, then frame by an arbitrary R to obtain the separation triple.

Lemma Hoare_pure: forall P v (Q: postcond),
  P -->> Q v ->
  Hoare P (PURE v) Q.
  intros; intros h Ph. constructor. apply H; auto.

Lemma triple_pure: forall P v (Q: postcond),
  P -->> Q v ->
  ⦃ PPURE vQ ⦄.
  intros; intros R. apply Hoare_pure. apply sepconj_imp_l; auto.

Lemma Hoare_let:
  forall c f (P: precond) (Q R: postcond),
  Hoare P c Q ->
  (forall v, Hoare (Q v) (f v) R) ->
  Hoare P (LET c f) R.
  intros until R; intros HR1 HR2 h Ph.
  apply safe_let with Q. apply HR2. apply HR1. auto.

Lemma triple_let:
  forall c f (P: precond) (Q R: postcond),
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  (forall v, ⦃ Q vf vR ⦄) ->
  ⦃ PLET c fR ⦄.
  intros c f P Q R TR1 TR2 R'.
  apply Hoare_let with (fun v => Q v ** R').
  apply TR1.
  intros. apply TR2.

Lemma Hoare_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 P Q,
  Hoare ((b <> 0) //\\ P) c1 Q ->
  Hoare ((b = 0) //\\ P) c2 Q ->
  Hoare P (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2) Q.
  intros until Q; intros HR1 HR2 h Ph. constructor; auto.
- constructor.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. destruct (Z.eqb_spec b 0).
  + apply HR2. split; auto.
  + apply HR1. split; auto.

Lemma triple_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 P Q,
  ⦃ (b <> 0) //\\ Pc1Q ⦄ ->
  ⦃ (b = 0) //\\ Pc2Q ⦄ ->
  ⦃ PIFTHENELSE b c1 c2Q ⦄.
  intros b c1 c2 P Q TR1 TR2 R.
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse; rewrite <- lift_pureconj; auto.

Lemma Hoare_consequence: forall P P' c Q' Q,
  Hoare P' c Q' ->
  P -->> P' -> (forall v, Q' v -->> Q v) ->
  Hoare P c Q.
  intros; red; intros. apply safe_consequence with Q'; auto.

Lemma triple_consequence: forall P P' c Q' Q,
  ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ' ⦄ ->
  P -->> P' -> (forall v, Q' v -->> Q v) ->
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄.
  intros; red; intros. apply Hoare_consequence with (P' ** R) (fun v => Q' v ** R).
  apply H.
  apply sepconj_imp_l; auto.
  intros; apply sepconj_imp_l; auto.

Lemma Hoare_pick: forall P n,
  Hoare P (PICK n) (fun i => (0 <= i < n) //\\ P).
  intros P n h Ph. constructor; auto.
- constructor.
- intros c' h' RED; inv RED. constructor. split; auto.

Lemma triple_pick: forall n,
  ⦃ emp
  PICK n
  ⦃ fun i => pure (0 <= i < n) ⦄.
  intros; intros R. rewrite sepconj_emp. eapply Hoare_consequence with (P' := R). apply Hoare_pick.
  red; auto.
  intros; red; intros. rewrite pureconj_sepconj. auto.

End AlternateSeplog.

5. Ramification

Assume we have a triple {P'} c {Q'} and we want to conclude {P} c {Q}. In general, we need to frame the former triple by an appropriate R, then use the consequence rule to conclude.

Lemma triple_frame_consequence: forall R P c Q P' Q',
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  P' -->> P ** R ->
  (forall v, Q v ** R -->> Q' v) ->
  ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ' ⦄.
  intros. apply triple_consequence with (P ** R) (fun v => Q v ** R); auto. apply triple_frame; auto.

This rule still needs the user to guess the framing predicate R. An alternate presentation uses the magic wand instead. This approach is called "ramification" in the literature.

Lemma triple_ramification: forall P c Q P' Q',
 ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  P' -->> P ** (aforall (fun v => Q v --* Q' v)) ->
  ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ' ⦄.
  intros. eapply triple_frame_consequence with (R := aforall (fun v => Q v --* Q' v)).
  intros v h (h1 & h2 & Q1 & W2 & D & U).
  apply (wand_cancel (Q v)). exists h1, h2; auto.

6. Weakest preconditions

6.1. Definition and characterization

Here is one possible definition of the weakest precondition for command c with postcondition Q.

Definition wp (c: com) (Q: postcond) : precond :=
  aexists (fun P => ⦃ PcQ ⦄ //\\ P).

What matters about wp c Q is that it is a precondition...

Lemma wp_precond: forall c Q,
  ⦃ wp c QcQ ⦄.
  intros c Q h (P & T & C). apply T. auto.

... and it is implied by any other precondition.

Lemma wp_weakest: forall P c Q,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  P -->> wp c Q.
  intros P c Q T h Ph. exists P; split; auto.

This leads to the following alternate definition of triples in terms of weakest preconditions.

Corollary wp_equiv: forall P c Q,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ <-> (P -->> wp c Q).
  intros; split; intros.
- apply wp_weakest; auto.
- apply triple_consequence_pre with (wp c Q); auto using wp_precond.

Here is another definition of the weakest precondition, using the operational semantics directly.

Definition wp' (c: com) (Q: postcond) : precond :=
  fun h => safe c h Q.

Lemma wp'_precond: forall c Q,
  ⦃ wp' c QcQ ⦄.
  intros c Q h SAFE. apply SAFE.

Lemma wp'_weakest: forall P c Q,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  P -->> wp' c Q.
  intros; intros h Ph. apply H. auto.

6.2. Structural rules for weakest preconditions

Lemma wp_consequence: forall (Q Q': postcond) c,
  (forall v, Q v -->> Q' v) ->
  wp c Q -->> wp c Q'.
  intros. apply wp_weakest. apply triple_consequence_post with Q; auto using wp_precond.

Lemma wp_frame: forall R c Q,
  wp c Q ** R -->> wp c (fun v => Q v ** R).
  intros. apply wp_weakest. apply triple_frame. apply wp_precond.

Corollary wp_frame_consequence: forall R Q c Q',
  (forall v, Q v ** R -->> Q' v) ->
  wp c Q ** R -->> wp c Q'.
  intros; red; intros. apply wp_consequence with (fun v => Q v ** R). assumption.
  apply wp_frame; auto.

Corollary wp_ramification: forall c Q Q',
  wp c Q ** aforall (fun v => Q v --* Q' v) -->> wp c Q'.
  intros. apply wp_frame_consequence.
  intros v h (h1 & h2 & A & B & D & U). apply (wand_cancel (Q v)). exists h1, h2; auto.

6.3. Weakest precondition rules for our language of pointers

Lemma wp_pure: forall (Q: postcond) v,
  Q v -->> wp (PURE v) Q.
  intros. apply wp_weakest. apply triple_pure. red; auto.

Lemma wp_let: forall c f Q,
  wp c (fun v => wp (f v) Q) -->> wp (LET c f) Q.
  intros. apply wp_weakest. eapply triple_let.
  apply wp_precond.
  intros. apply wp_precond.

Lemma wp_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 Q,
  (if b =? 0 then wp c2 Q else wp c1 Q) -->> wp (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2) Q.
  intros. apply wp_weakest. apply triple_ifthenelse.
- apply triple_consequence_pre with (wp c1 Q). apply wp_precond.
  intros h (A & B). rewrite <- Z.eqb_neq in A. rewrite A in B. auto.
- apply triple_consequence_pre with (wp c2 Q). apply wp_precond.
  intros h (A & B). subst b. auto.

Lemma wp_alloc: forall sz Q,
  aforall (fun l => (l <> 0) //\\ valid_N l sz --* Q l) -->> wp (ALLOC sz) Q.
  intros; red; intros.
  apply wp_ramification with (Q := fun l => (l <> 0) //\\ valid_N l sz).
  apply sepconj_imp_l with emp.
  apply wp_weakest. apply triple_alloc.
  rewrite sepconj_emp. assumption.

Lemma wp_get: forall l v Q,
  contains l v ** (contains l v --* Q v) -->> wp (GET l) Q.
  assert (W: contains l v -->> wp (GET l) (fun v' => (v' = v) //\\ contains l v)).
  { apply wp_weakest. apply triple_get. }
  intros; red; intros.
  eapply wp_ramification. eapply sepconj_imp_l. eexact W.
  eapply sepconj_imp_r. 2: eexact H.
  intros h' H' v' h'' D (A & B). subst v'. apply H'; auto.

Lemma wp_set: forall l v Q,
  valid l ** aforall (fun v' => (contains l v --* Q v')) -->> wp (SET l v) Q.
  assert (W: valid l -->> wp (SET l v) (fun _ => contains l v)).
  { apply wp_weakest. apply triple_set. }
  intros; red; intros.
  eapply wp_ramification. eapply sepconj_imp_l. eexact W.
  eapply sepconj_imp_r. 2: eexact H.
  red; auto.

Corollary wp_set': forall l v Q,
  valid l ** (contains l v --* Q) -->> wp (SET l v) (fun _ => Q).
  intros; red; intros. apply wp_set. eapply sepconj_imp_r; eauto.
  intros h' H' v'. auto.

Lemma wp_free: forall l Q,
  valid l ** aforall (fun v' => Q v') -->> wp (FREE l) Q.
  assert (W: valid l -->> wp (FREE l) (fun _ => emp)).
  { apply wp_weakest. apply triple_free. }
  intros; red; intros.
  eapply wp_ramification. eapply sepconj_imp_l. eexact W.
  eapply sepconj_imp_r. 2: eexact H.
  red; intros. intros v h' D E. rewrite E in *. rewrite hunion_comm, hunion_empty by HDISJ.
  apply H0.

Corollary wp_free': forall l Q,
  valid l ** Q -->> wp (FREE l) (fun _ => Q).
  intros; red; intros. apply wp_free. eapply sepconj_imp_r; eauto.
  intros h' H' v'. auto.

Lemma wp_pick: forall n Q,
  aforall (fun i => pure (0 <= i < n) --* Q i) -->> wp (PICK n) Q.
  assert (W: emp -->> wp (PICK n) (fun i => pure (0 <= i < n))).
  { apply wp_weakest. apply triple_pick. }
  intros; red; intros.
  eapply wp_ramification. eapply sepconj_imp_l. eexact W.
  eapply sepconj_imp_r. 2: rewrite sepconj_emp; eexact H.
  red; auto.