Module Sequences

A library of operators over relations, to define transition sequences and their properties.

Set Implicit Arguments.


Variable A: Type. (* the type of states *)
Variable R: A -> A -> Prop. (* the transition relation between states *)

Finite sequences of transitions

Zero, one or several transitions: reflexive transitive closure of R.

Inductive star: A -> A -> Prop :=
  | star_refl: forall a,
      star a a
  | star_step: forall a b c,
      R a b -> star b c -> star a c.

Lemma star_one:
  forall (a b: A), R a b -> star a b.
  eauto using star.

Lemma star_trans:
  forall (a b: A), star a b -> forall c, star b c -> star a c.
  induction 1; eauto using star.

One or several transitions: transitive closure of R.

Inductive plus: A -> A -> Prop :=
  | plus_left: forall a b c,
      R a b -> star b c -> plus a c.

Lemma plus_one:
  forall a b, R a b -> plus a b.
  eauto using star, plus.

Lemma plus_star:
  forall a b,
  plus a b -> star a b.
  intros. inversion H. eauto using star.

Lemma plus_star_trans:
  forall a b c, plus a b -> star b c -> plus a c.
  intros. inversion H. eauto using plus, star_trans.

Lemma star_plus_trans:
  forall a b c, star a b -> plus b c -> plus a c.
  intros. inversion H0. inversion H; eauto using plus, star, star_trans.

Lemma plus_right:
  forall a b c, star a b -> R b c -> plus a c.
  eauto using star_plus_trans, plus_one.

Absence of transitions from a state.

Definition irred (a: A) : Prop := forall b, ~(R a b).

A variant of star that counts the number of transitions.

Inductive starN: nat -> A -> A -> Prop :=
  | starN_refl: forall a,
      starN O a a
  | starN_step: forall n a b c,
      R a b -> starN n b c -> starN (S n) a c.

Lemma starN_star:
  forall n a b, starN n a b -> star a b.
  induction 1; econstructor; eauto.

Lemma star_starN:
  forall a b, star a b -> exists n, starN n a b.
  induction 1.
- exists O; constructor.
- destruct IHstar as (n & Sn). exists (S n); econstructor; eauto.

Infinite transition sequences

It is easy to characterize the fact that all transition sequences starting from a state a are infinite: it suffices to say that any finite sequence starting from a can always be extended by one more transition.

Definition all_seq_inf (a: A) : Prop :=
  forall b, star a b -> exists c, R b c.

However, this is not the notion we are trying to characterize: the case where there exists an infinite sequence of transitions starting from a, a --> a1 --> a2 --> ... -> aN -> ... leaving open the possibility that there exists finite sequences starting from a. Example: consider A = nat and R such that R 0 0 and R 0 1. all_seq_inf 0 does not hold, because a sequence 0 -->* 1 cannot be extended. Yet, R admits an infinite sequence, namely 0 --> 0 --> .... Another attempt would be to represent the sequence of states a0 --> a1 --> a2 --> ... -> aN -> ... explicitly, as a function f: nat -> A such that f i is the i-th state ai of the sequence.

Definition infseq_with_function (a: A) : Prop :=
  exists f: nat -> A, f 0 = a /\ forall i, R (f i) (f (1 + i)).

This is a correct characterization of the existence of an infinite sequence of reductions. However, it is inconvenient to work with this definition in Coq's constructive logic: in most use cases, the function f is not computable and therefore cannot be defined in Coq. However, we do not really need the function f: its codomain X is all we need! What matters is the existence of a set X such as a is in X, and every b in X can make a transition to an element of X. This suffices to prove the existence of an infinite sequence of transitions starting from a.

Definition infseq (a: A) : Prop :=
  exists X: A -> Prop,
  X a /\ (forall a1, X a1 -> exists a2, R a1 a2 /\ X a2).

This definition is essentially a coinduction principle. Let us show some expected properties. For instance: if relation R contains a cycle, an infinite sequence exists.

Remark cycle_infseq:
  forall a, R a a -> infseq a.
  intros. exists (fun b => b = a); split.
  intros. subst a1. exists a; auto.

Mon generally: if all sequences from a are infinite, there exists one infinite sequence starting in a.

Lemma infseq_if_all_seq_inf:
  forall a, all_seq_inf a -> infseq a.
  intros a0 ALL0.
  exists all_seq_inf; split; auto.
  intros a1 ALL1. destruct (ALL1 a1) as [a2 R12]. constructor.
  exists a2; split; auto.
  intros a3 S23. destruct (ALL1 a3) as [a4 R23]. apply star_step with a2; auto.
  exists a4; auto.

Likewise, the characterization infseq_with_function based on functions implies infseq.

Lemma infseq_from_function:
  forall a, infseq_with_function a -> infseq a.
  intros a0 (f & F0 & Fn). exists (fun a => exists i, f i = a); split.
- exists 0; auto.
- intros a1 (i1 & F1). subst a1. exists (f (1 + i1)); split; auto. exists (1 + i1); auto.

An "inversion lemma" for infseq: if infseq a, i.e. there exists an infinite sequence starting in a, then a can transition to a state b that satisfies infseq b.

Lemma infseq_inv:
  forall a, infseq a -> exists b, R a b /\ infseq b.
  intros a (X & Xa & XP). destruct (XP a Xa) as (b & Rab & Xb).
  exists b; split; auto. exists X; auto.

A very useful coinduction principle considers a set X where for every a in X, we can make one *or several* transitions to reach a state b that belongs to X.

Lemma infseq_coinduction_principle:
  forall (X: A -> Prop),
  (forall a, X a -> exists b, plus a b /\ X b) ->
  forall a, X a -> infseq a.
  intros X H a0 Xa0.
  exists (fun a => exists b, star a b /\ X b); split.
- exists a0; auto using star_refl.
- intros a1 (a2 & S12 & X2). inversion S12; subst.
  + destruct (H a2 X2) as (a3 & P23 & X3). inversion P23; subst.
    exists b; split; auto. exists a3; auto.
  + exists b; split; auto. exists a2; auto.

Determinism properties for functional transition relations.

A transition relation is functional if every state can transition to at most one other state.

Hypothesis R_functional:
  forall a b c, R a b -> R a c -> b = c.

Uniqueness of finite transition sequences.

Lemma star_star_inv:
  forall a b, star a b -> forall c, star a c -> star b c \/ star c b.
  induction 1; intros.
- auto.
- inversion H1; subst.
+ right. eauto using star.
+ assert (b = b0) by (eapply R_functional; eauto). subst b0.
  apply IHstar; auto.

Lemma finseq_unique:
  forall a b b',
  star a b -> irred b ->
  star a b' -> irred b' ->
  b = b'.
  intros. destruct (star_star_inv H H1).
- inversion H3; subst. auto. elim (H0 _ H4).
- inversion H3; subst. auto. elim (H2 _ H4).

A state cannot both diverge and terminate on an irreducible state.

Lemma infseq_inv':
  forall a b, R a b -> infseq a -> infseq b.
  intros a b Rab Ia.
  destruct (infseq_inv Ia) as (b' & Rab' & Xb').
  assert (b' = b) by (eapply R_functional; eauto).
  subst b'. auto.

Lemma infseq_star_inv:
  forall a b, star a b -> infseq a -> infseq b.
  induction 1; intros.
- auto.
- apply IHstar. apply infseq_inv' with a; auto.

Lemma infseq_finseq_excl:
  forall a b,
  star a b -> irred b -> infseq a -> False.
  destruct (@infseq_inv b) as (c & Rbc & _). eapply infseq_star_inv; eauto.
  apply (H0 c); auto.

If there exists an infinite sequence of transitions from a, all sequences of transitions arising from a are infinite.

Lemma infseq_all_seq_inf:
  forall a, infseq a -> all_seq_inf a.
  intros. unfold all_seq_inf. intros.
  destruct (@infseq_inv b) as (c & Rbc & _). eapply infseq_star_inv; eauto.
  exists c; auto.