Module Separation

Heaps and heap assertions for separation logics.

From Coq Require Import ZArith Lia Bool String List.
From Coq Require Import FunctionalExtensionality PropExtensionality.

Local Open Scope Z_scope.

1. Memory heaps

A memory heap is a partial function from addresses (memory locations) to values, with a finite domain.

Definition addr := Z.

Record heap : Type := {
  contents :> addr -> option Z;
  isfinite : exists i, forall j, i <= j -> contents j = None

Lemma heap_extensionality:
  forall (h1 h2: heap),
  (forall l, h1 l = h2 l) -> h1 = h2.
  intros. destruct h1 as [c1 fin1], h2 as [c2 fin2].
  assert (c1 = c2) by (apply functional_extensionality; auto).
  subst c2. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance.

The empty heap.

Program Definition hempty : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l => None |}.
Next Obligation.
  exists 0; auto.

The heap that contains v at address l and is equal to h on all other addresses.

Program Definition hupdate (l: addr) (v: Z) (h: heap) : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l' => if Z.eq_dec l l' then Some v else h l' |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (isfinite h) as (i & fin).
  exists (Z.max i (l + 1)); intros.
  destruct (Z.eq_dec l j). lia. apply fin; lia.

Lemma hupdate_same: forall l v h, (hupdate l v h) l = Some v.
  intros; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l); congruence.

Lemma hupdate_other: forall l v h l', l <> l' -> (hupdate l v h) l' = h l'.
  intros; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); congruence.

The heap h after deallocating address l.

Program Definition hfree (l: addr) (h: heap) : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l' => if Z.eq_dec l l' then None else h l' |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (isfinite h) as (i & fin).
  exists i; intros. destruct (Z.eq_dec l j); auto.

The heap h where addresses l, ..., l + sz - 1 are initialized to 0.

Fixpoint hinit (l: addr) (sz: nat) (h: heap) : heap :=
  match sz with O => h | S sz => hupdate l 0 (hinit (l + 1) sz h) end.

Lemma hinit_inside:
  forall h sz l l', l <= l' < l + Z.of_nat sz -> hinit l sz h l' = Some 0.
  induction sz; intros; cbn.
- lia.
- destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); auto. apply IHsz. lia.

Lemma hinit_outside:
  forall h sz l l', l' < l \/ l + Z.of_nat sz <= l' -> hinit l sz h l' = h l'.
  induction sz; intros; cbn.
- auto.
- destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'). lia. apply IHsz; lia.

The disjoint union of two heaps.

Definition hdisjoint (h1 h2: heap) : Prop :=
  forall l, h1 l = None \/ h2 l = None.

Lemma hdisjoint_sym:
  forall h1 h2, hdisjoint h1 h2 <-> hdisjoint h2 h1.
  unfold hdisjoint; intros; split; intros H l; specialize (H l); tauto.

Program Definition hunion (h1 h2: heap) : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l => if h1 l then h1 l else h2 l |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (isfinite h1) as (i1 & fin1), (isfinite h2) as (i2 & fin2).
  exists (Z.max i1 i2); intros. rewrite fin1, fin2 by lia. auto.

Lemma hunion_comm:
  forall h1 h2, hdisjoint h1 h2 -> hunion h2 h1 = hunion h1 h2.
  intros; apply heap_extensionality; intros; cbn.
  specialize (H l). destruct (h1 l), (h2 l); intuition congruence.

Lemma hunion_assoc:
  forall h1 h2 h3, hunion (hunion h1 h2) h3 = hunion h1 (hunion h2 h3).
  intros; apply heap_extensionality; intros; cbn. destruct (h1 l); auto.

Lemma hunion_empty:
  forall h, hunion hempty h = h.
  intros; apply heap_extensionality; intros; cbn. auto.

Lemma hdisjoint_union_l:
  forall h1 h2 h3,
  hdisjoint (hunion h1 h2) h3 <-> hdisjoint h1 h3 /\ hdisjoint h2 h3.
  unfold hdisjoint, hunion; cbn; intros. split.
- intros D; split; intros l; destruct (D l); auto; destruct (h1 l); auto.
- intros [D1 D2] l. destruct (D2 l); auto. destruct (h1 l) eqn:H1; auto. destruct (D1 l); auto. congruence.

Lemma hdisjoint_union_r:
  forall h1 h2 h3,
  hdisjoint h1 (hunion h2 h3) <-> hdisjoint h1 h2 /\ hdisjoint h1 h3.
  intros. rewrite hdisjoint_sym. rewrite hdisjoint_union_l.
  rewrite (hdisjoint_sym h2), (hdisjoint_sym h3). tauto.

Disjointness between three heaps.

Definition hdisj3 (h1 h2 h3: heap) :=
  hdisjoint h1 h2 /\ hdisjoint h1 h3 /\ hdisjoint h2 h3.

A tactic to prove disjointness statements.

Ltac HDISJ :=
  match goal with
  | [ H: hdisj3 _ _ _ |- _ ] =>
      destruct H as (? & ? & ?); HDISJ
  | [ H: hdisjoint (hunion _ _) _ |- _ ] =>
      apply hdisjoint_union_l in H; destruct H; HDISJ
  | [ H: hdisjoint _ (hunion _ _) |- _ ] =>
      apply hdisjoint_union_r in H; destruct H; HDISJ
  | [ |- hdisj3 _ _ _ ] =>
      split; [|split]; HDISJ
  | [ |- hdisjoint (hunion _ _) _ ] =>
      apply hdisjoint_union_l; split; HDISJ
  | [ |- hdisjoint _ (hunion _ _) ] =>
      apply hdisjoint_union_r; split; HDISJ
  | [ |- hdisjoint hempty _ ] =>
      red; auto
  | [ |- hdisjoint _ hempty ] =>
      red; auto
  | [ |- hdisjoint _ _ ] =>
      assumption || (apply hdisjoint_sym; assumption) || idtac
  | _ => idtac

Lemma hunion_invert_r:
  forall h1 h2 h,
  hunion h h1 = hunion h h2 -> hdisjoint h h1 -> hdisjoint h h2 -> h1 = h2.
  intros. apply heap_extensionality; intros l.
  assert (hunion h h1 l = hunion h h2 l) by congruence.
  cbn in H2. specialize (H0 l); specialize (H1 l). destruct (h l); intuition congruence.

Lemma hunion_invert_l:
  forall h1 h2 h,
  hunion h1 h = hunion h2 h -> hdisjoint h1 h -> hdisjoint h2 h -> h1 = h2.
  intros. apply hunion_invert_r with h.
  rewrite <- ! (hunion_comm h) by HDISJ. auto.

2. Assertions for separation logic

Definition assertion : Type := heap -> Prop.

Implication (entailment).

Definition aimp (P Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall h, P h -> Q h.

Notation "P -->> Q" := (aimp P Q) (at level 95, no associativity).


Definition aexists {A: Type} (P: A -> assertion) : assertion :=
  fun h => exists a: A, P a h.

Definition aforall {A: Type} (P: A -> assertion) : assertion :=
  fun h => forall a: A, P a h.

The assertion "the heap is empty".

Definition emp : assertion :=
  fun h => h = hempty.

The pure assertion: "the heap is empty and P holds".

Definition pure (P: Prop) : assertion :=
  fun h => P /\ h = hempty.

The assertion "address l contains value v". The domain of the heap must be the singleton {l}.

Definition contains (l: addr) (v: Z) : assertion :=
  fun h => h = hupdate l v hempty.

The assertion "address l is valid" (i.e. in the domain of the heap).

Definition valid (l: addr) : assertion := aexists (contains l).

The separating conjunction.

Definition sepconj (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun h => exists h1 h2, P h1
                      /\ Q h2
                      /\ hdisjoint h1 h2 /\ h = hunion h1 h2.

Notation "P ** Q" := (sepconj P Q) (at level 60, right associativity).

The conjunction of a simple assertion and a general assertion.

Definition pureconj (P: Prop) (Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun h => P /\ Q h.

Notation "P //\\ Q" := (pureconj P Q) (at level 60, right associativity).

Plain conjunction and disjunction.

Definition aand (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun h => P h /\ Q h.
Definition aor (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun h => P h \/ Q h.

Extensional equality between assertions.

Lemma assertion_extensionality:
  forall (P Q: assertion),
  (forall h, P h <-> Q h) -> P = Q.
  intros. apply functional_extensionality; intros h.
  apply propositional_extensionality. auto.

Properties of separating conjunction

Lemma sepconj_comm: forall P Q, P ** Q = Q ** P.
  assert (forall P Q h, (P ** Q) h -> (Q ** P) h).
  { intros P Q h (h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & EQ & DISJ); subst h.
    exists h2, h1; intuition auto.
    apply hdisjoint_sym; auto.
    symmetry; apply hunion_comm; auto. }
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split; auto.

Lemma sepconj_assoc: forall P Q R, (P ** Q) ** R = P ** (Q ** R).
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split.
- intros (hx & h3 & (h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & EQ & DISJ) & R3 & EQ' & DISJ'). subst hx h.
  rewrite hdisjoint_union_l in EQ'. rewrite hunion_assoc.
  exists h1, (hunion h2 h3); intuition auto.
  exists h2, h3; intuition auto.
  rewrite hdisjoint_union_r; tauto.
- intros (h1 & hx & P1 & (h2 & h3 & Q2 & R3 & EQ & DISJ) & EQ' & DISJ'). subst hx h.
  rewrite hdisjoint_union_r in EQ'. rewrite <- hunion_assoc.
  exists (hunion h1 h2), h3; intuition auto.
  exists h1, h2; intuition auto.
  rewrite hdisjoint_union_l; tauto.

Lemma sepconj_emp: forall P, emp ** P = P.
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split.
- intros (h1 & h2 & EMP1 & P2 & EQ & DISJ). red in EMP1. subst h h1.
  rewrite hunion_empty; auto.
- intros. exists hempty, h; intuition auto.
  red; auto.
  red; auto.
  rewrite hunion_empty; auto.

Lemma sepconj_imp_l: forall P Q R,
  (P -->> Q) -> (P ** R -->> Q ** R).
  intros P Q R IMP h (h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & D & U).
  exists h1, h2; intuition auto.

Lemma sepconj_imp_r: forall P Q R,
  (P -->> Q) -> (R ** P -->> R ** Q).
  intros. rewrite ! (sepconj_comm R). apply sepconj_imp_l; auto.

Other useful logical properties

Lemma pure_sep: forall P Q,
  pure (P /\ Q) = pure P ** pure Q.
  intros. apply assertion_extensionality; intros.
  unfold pure, sepconj. split.
- intros ((A & B) & C). subst h. exists hempty, hempty; intuition auto.
  intro; auto.
  rewrite hunion_empty; auto.
- intros (h1 & h2 & (PP & E1) & (QQ & E2) & C & D).
  subst. rewrite hunion_empty; auto.

Lemma pureconj_sepconj: forall P Q,
  pure P ** Q = P //\\ Q.
  intros. apply assertion_extensionality; intros.
  unfold pure, sepconj, pureconj; split.
- intros (h1 & h2 & (A & B) & C & D & E).
  split. auto. subst. rewrite hunion_empty. auto.
- intros (A & B). exists hempty, h; intuition auto.
  intro l. auto.
  rewrite hunion_empty; auto.

Lemma lift_pureconj: forall P Q R, (P //\\ Q) ** R = P //\\ (Q ** R).
  intros. rewrite <- ! pureconj_sepconj. rewrite sepconj_assoc. auto.

Lemma lift_aexists: forall (A: Type) (P: A -> assertion) Q,
  aexists P ** Q = aexists (fun x => P x ** Q).
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split.
- intros (h1 & h2 & (a & P1) & Q2 & DISJ & EQ).
  exists a, h1, h2; auto.
- intros (a & h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & DISJ & EQ).
  exists h1, h2; intuition auto. exists a; auto.

Lemma sepconj_swap3: forall R P Q, P ** Q ** R = R ** P ** Q.
  intros. rewrite <- sepconj_assoc, sepconj_comm. auto.

Lemma sepconj_swap4: forall S P Q R, P ** Q ** R ** S = S ** P ** Q ** R.
  intros. rewrite <- sepconj_assoc, sepconj_swap3, sepconj_assoc. auto.

Lemma sepconj_pick2: forall Q P R, P ** Q ** R = Q ** P ** R.
  intros. rewrite (sepconj_comm Q), <- sepconj_assoc, sepconj_comm. auto.

Lemma sepconj_pick3: forall R P Q S, P ** Q ** R ** S = R ** P ** Q ** S.
  intros. rewrite (sepconj_pick2 R), (sepconj_pick2 P). auto.

Magic wand

Definition wand (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun h => forall h', hdisjoint h h' -> P h' -> Q (hunion h h').

Notation "P --* Q" := (wand P Q) (at level 70, right associativity).

Lemma wand_intro: forall P Q R,
  P ** Q -->> R -> P -->> Q --* R.
  intros P Q R IMP h Ph h' DISJ Qh'.
  apply IMP. exists h, h'; auto.

Lemma wand_cancel: forall P Q,
  P ** (P --* Q) -->> Q.
  intros P Q h (h1 & h2 & Ph1 & Wh2 & D & U). subst h.
  assert (D': hdisjoint h2 h1) by (apply hdisjoint_sym; auto).
  rewrite hunion_comm by auto. apply Wh2; auto.

Lemma wand_charact: forall P Q,
  (P --*Q) = (aexists (fun R => (P ** R -->> Q) //\\ R)).
  intros P Q; apply assertion_extensionality; intros h; split.
- intros W. exists (P --* Q). split; auto. apply wand_cancel.
- intros (R & A & B) h' D Ph'.
  assert (D': hdisjoint h' h) by (apply hdisjoint_sym; auto).
  rewrite hunion_comm by auto. apply A. exists h', h; auto.

Lemma wand_equiv: forall P Q R,
  (P -->> (Q --* R)) <-> (P ** Q -->> R).
  intros; split; intros H.
- intros h (h1 & h2 & Ph1 & Wh2 & D & U). subst h.
  apply H; auto.
- apply wand_intro; auto.

Lemma wand_imp_l: forall P P' Q,
  (P' -->> P) -> (P --* Q -->> P' --* Q).
  intros. intros h W h' DISJ P'h'. apply W; auto.

Lemma wand_imp_r: forall P Q Q',
  (Q -->> Q') -> (P --* Q -->> P --* Q').
  intros. intros h W h' DISJ Ph'. apply H; apply W; auto.

Lemma wand_idem: forall P,
  emp -->> P --* P.
  intros P h E. rewrite E. red. intros. rewrite hunion_empty. auto.

Lemma wand_pure_l: forall (P: Prop) Q,
  P -> (pure P --* Q) = Q.
  intros P Q PP. apply assertion_extensionality. intros h; split.
- intros W. rewrite <- hunion_empty, hunion_comm by HDISJ. apply W. HDISJ. split; auto.
- intros Qh h' DISJ (Ph' & E). subst h'. rewrite hunion_comm, hunion_empty by HDISJ. auto.

Lemma wand_curry: forall P Q R,
  (P ** Q --* R) = (P --* Q --* R).
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros h; split.
- intros W h1 D1 Ph1 h2 D2 Qh2. rewrite hunion_assoc. apply W. HDISJ. exists h1, h2; intuition auto. HDISJ.
- intros W h' D (h1 & h2 & Ph1 & Qh2 & D12 & U12). subst h'.
  rewrite <- hunion_assoc. apply W. HDISJ. auto. HDISJ. auto.

Lemma wand_star: forall P Q R,
  ((P --* Q) ** R ) -->> (P --* (Q ** R)).
  intros; intros h (h1 & h2 & W1 & R2 & D & U). subst h. intros h' D' Ph'.
  exists (hunion h1 h'), h2; intuition auto.
  apply W1; auto. HDISJ.
  rewrite ! hunion_assoc. f_equal. apply hunion_comm. HDISJ.

Precise assertions

An assertion is precise if "it unambiguously carves out an area of the heap" (in the words of Gotsman, Berdine, Cook, 2011).

Definition precise (P: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall h1 h2 h1' h2',
  hdisjoint h1 h2 -> hdisjoint h1' h2' -> hunion h1 h2 = hunion h1' h2' ->
  P h1 -> P h1' -> h1 = h1'.

A parameterized assertion is precise if, in addition, the parameter is uniquely determined as well.

Definition param_precise {X: Type} (P: X -> assertion) : Prop :=
  forall x1 x2 h1 h2 h1' h2',
  hdisjoint h1 h2 -> hdisjoint h1' h2' -> hunion h1 h2 = hunion h1' h2' ->
  P x1 h1 -> P x2 h1' -> x1 = x2 /\ h1 = h1'.

Remark param_precise_precise:
  forall (X: Type) (P: X -> assertion),
  param_precise P -> forall x, precise (P x).
  intros; red; intros. edestruct (H x x h1 h2 h1' h2'); eauto.

Remark precise_param_precise:
  forall P, precise P -> param_precise (fun _ : unit => P).
  intros; red; intros. split. destruct x1, x2; auto. eauto.

Lemma pure_precise: forall P,
  precise (pure P).
  unfold pure; intros; red; intros. destruct H2, H3. congruence.

Lemma pure_param_precise: forall (X: Type) (P: X -> Prop),
  (forall x1 x2, P x1 -> P x2 -> x1 = x2) ->
  param_precise (fun x => pure (P x)).
  unfold pure; intros; red; intros. destruct H3, H4. split. auto. congruence.

Lemma contains_param_precise: forall l,
  param_precise (fun v => contains l v).
  unfold contains; intros; red; intros.
  assert (E: hunion h1 h2 l = hunion h1' h2' l) by congruence.
  cbn in E. subst h1 h1'. rewrite ! hupdate_same in E.
  replace x2 with x1 by congruence. auto.

Lemma contains_precise: forall l v,
  precise (contains l v).
  intros. apply param_precise_precise. apply contains_param_precise.

Lemma aexists_precise: forall (X: Type) (P: X -> assertion),
  param_precise P -> precise (aexists P).
  intros; red; intros. destruct H3 as (x1 & P1), H4 as (x2 & P2).
  eapply H; eauto.

Lemma valid_precise: forall l,
  precise (valid l).
  intros. apply aexists_precise. apply contains_param_precise.

Lemma sepconj_param_precise: forall (X: Type) (P Q: X -> assertion),
  param_precise P -> (forall x, precise (Q x)) ->
  param_precise (fun x => P x ** Q x).
  intros; red; intros.
  destruct H4 as (h3 & h4 & P3 & Q4 & D & E).
  destruct H5 as (h3' & h4' & P3' & Q4' & D' & E').
  subst h1 h1'.
  assert (x1 = x2 /\ h3 = h3').
  { apply H with (hunion h4 h2) (hunion h4' h2'); auto. HDISJ. HDISJ.
    rewrite <- ! hunion_assoc. auto. }
  destruct H4. subst x2.
  assert (h4 = h4').
  { apply (H0 x1) with (hunion h3 h2) (hunion h3' h2'); auto. HDISJ. HDISJ.
    rewrite <- ! hunion_assoc.
    rewrite (hunion_comm h3) by HDISJ.
    rewrite (hunion_comm h3') by HDISJ.
  subst; auto.

Lemma sepconj_precise: forall P Q,
  precise P -> precise Q -> precise (P ** Q).
  assert (param_precise (fun _ : unit => P ** Q)).
  { apply sepconj_param_precise. apply precise_param_precise; auto. auto. }
  apply param_precise_precise in H1. auto. exact tt.

Distributivity laws for precise assertions.

Lemma sepconj_and_distr_1: forall P1 P2 Q,
  aand P1 P2 ** Q -->> aand (P1 ** Q) (P2 ** Q).
  intros P1 P2 Q h (h1 & h2 & (P11 & P21) & Q2 & D & E); split; exists h1, h2; auto.

Lemma sepconj_and_distr_2: forall P1 P2 Q,
  precise Q ->
  aand (P1 ** Q) (P2 ** Q) -->> aand P1 P2 ** Q.
  intros P1 P2 Q PQ.
  rewrite (sepconj_comm P1), (sepconj_comm P2).
  intros h ((h1 & h2 & Q1 & P12 & D & E) & (h1' & h2' & Q1' & P22 & D' & E')).
  assert (h1 = h1').
  { apply PQ with h2 h2'; auto. HDISJ. HDISJ. congruence. }
  subst h1'.
  assert (h2 = h2').
  { apply hunion_invert_r with h1; auto; congruence. }
  subst h2'.
  unfold aand; exists h2, h1; intuition auto. HDISJ. rewrite hunion_comm by HDISJ; auto.

Self-conjunction law for precise assertions.

Lemma sepconj_self: forall P,
  precise P ->
  P ** P -->> P.
  intros. intros h (h1 & h2 & P1 & P2 & D & E).
  assert (h1 = h2). { apply H with h2 h1; auto. HDISJ. apply hunion_comm; HDISJ. }
  subst h2.
  assert (h = h1). { apply heap_extensionality; intros l. rewrite E; cbn. destruct (h1 l); auto. }