Module Compil

Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Imp.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Semantics.

This chapter defines a compiler from the Imp language to a virtual machine (a small subset of the Java Virtual Machine) and proves that this compiler preserves the semantics of the source programs.

1. The virtual machine.

The machine operates on a code c (a fixed list of instructions) and three variable components:

The instruction set of the machine.

Inductive instruction: Type :=
  | Iconst(n: nat) (* push integer n on stack *)
  | Ivar(x: id) (* push the value of variable x *)
  | Isetvar(x: id) (* pop an integer, assign it to variable x *)
  | Iadd (* pop n2, pop n1, push back n1+n2 *)
  | Isub (* pop n2, pop n1, push back n1-n2 *)
  | Imul (* pop n2, pop n1, push back n1*n2 *)
  | Ibranch_forward(ofs: nat) (* skip ofs instructions forward *)
  | Ibranch_backward(ofs: nat) (* skip ofs instructions backward *)
  | Ibeq(ofs: nat) (* pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1=n2 *)
  | Ibne(ofs: nat) (* pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1<>n2 *)
  | Ible(ofs: nat) (* pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1<=n2 *)
  | Ibgt(ofs: nat) (* pop n2, pop n1, skip ofs forward if n1>n2 *)
  | Ihalt. (* terminate execution successfully *)

Definition code := list instruction.

code_at C pc = Some i if i is the instruction at position pc in the list of instructions C.

Fixpoint code_at (C: code) (pc: nat) : option instruction :=
  match C, pc with
  | nil, _ => None
  | i :: C', O => Some i
  | i :: C', S pc' => code_at C' pc'

Definition stack := list nat.

The semantics of the virtual machine is given in small-step style, as a transition relation between machine states: triples (program counter, evaluation stack, variable state). The transition relation is parameterized by the code c. There is one transition rule for each kind of instruction, except Ihalt, which has no transition.

Definition machine_state := (nat * stack * state)%type.

Inductive transition (C: code): machine_state -> machine_state -> Prop :=
  | trans_const: forall pc stk s n,
      code_at C pc = Some(Iconst n) ->
      transition C (pc, stk, s) (pc + 1, n :: stk, s)
  | trans_var: forall pc stk s x,
      code_at C pc = Some(Ivar x) ->
      transition C (pc, stk, s) (pc + 1, s x :: stk, s)
  | trans_setvar: forall pc stk s x n,
      code_at C pc = Some(Isetvar x) ->
      transition C (pc, n :: stk, s) (pc + 1, stk, update s x n)
  | trans_add: forall pc stk s n1 n2,
      code_at C pc = Some(Iadd) ->
      transition C (pc, n2 :: n1 :: stk, s) (pc + 1, (n1 + n2) :: stk, s)
  | trans_sub: forall pc stk s n1 n2,
      code_at C pc = Some(Isub) ->
      transition C (pc, n2 :: n1 :: stk, s) (pc + 1, (n1 - n2) :: stk, s)
  | trans_mul: forall pc stk s n1 n2,
      code_at C pc = Some(Imul) ->
      transition C (pc, n2 :: n1 :: stk, s) (pc + 1, (n1 * n2) :: stk, s)
  | trans_branch_forward: forall pc stk s ofs pc',
      code_at C pc = Some(Ibranch_forward ofs) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + ofs ->
      transition C (pc, stk, s) (pc', stk, s)
  | trans_branch_backward: forall pc stk s ofs pc',
      code_at C pc = Some(Ibranch_backward ofs) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 - ofs ->
      transition C (pc, stk, s) (pc', stk, s)
  | trans_beq: forall pc stk s ofs n1 n2 pc',
      code_at C pc = Some(Ibeq ofs) ->
      pc' = (if beq_nat n1 n2 then pc + 1 + ofs else pc + 1) ->
      transition C (pc, n2 :: n1 :: stk, s) (pc', stk, s)
  | trans_bne: forall pc stk s ofs n1 n2 pc',
      code_at C pc = Some(Ibne ofs) ->
      pc' = (if beq_nat n1 n2 then pc + 1 else pc + 1 + ofs) ->
      transition C (pc, n2 :: n1 :: stk, s) (pc', stk, s)
  | trans_ble: forall pc stk s ofs n1 n2 pc',
      code_at C pc = Some(Ible ofs) ->
      pc' = (if ble_nat n1 n2 then pc + 1 + ofs else pc + 1) ->
      transition C (pc, n2 :: n1 :: stk, s) (pc', stk, s)
  | trans_bgt: forall pc stk s ofs n1 n2 pc',
      code_at C pc = Some(Ibgt ofs) ->
      pc' = (if ble_nat n1 n2 then pc + 1 else pc + 1 + ofs) ->
      transition C (pc, n2 :: n1 :: stk, s) (pc', stk, s).

As usual with small-step semantics, we form sequences of machine transitions to define the behavior of a code. We always start with pc = 0 and an empty evaluation stack. We stop successfully if pc points to an Ihalt instruction and the evaluation stack is empty. If R is a binary relation, star R is its reflexive transitive closure. (See file Sequences for the definition.) star (transition C) therefore represents a sequence of zero, one or several machine transitions.

Definition mach_terminates (C: code) (s_init s_fin: state) :=
  exists pc,
  code_at C pc = Some Ihalt /\
  star (transition C) (0, nil, s_init) (pc, nil, s_fin).

Likewise, infseq R represents an infinite sequence of R transitions. (Also defined in file Sequences.)

Definition mach_diverges (C: code) (s_init: state) :=
  infseq (transition C) (0, nil, s_init).

Definition mach_goes_wrong (C: code) (s_init: state) :=
  exists pc, exists stk, exists s_fin,
  star (transition C) (0, nil, s_init) (pc, stk, s_fin)
  /\ irred (transition C) (pc, stk, s_fin)
  /\ (code_at C pc <> Some Ihalt \/ stk <> nil).

Exercise (1 star).

Note that unlike the small-step semantics for Imp, the machine can go wrong. Here are some examples:

Lemma wrong_program_example_1:
  forall st, mach_goes_wrong (Iadd :: nil) st.
  intros. unfold mach_goes_wrong.

Lemma wrong_program_example_2:
  forall st, mach_goes_wrong (Ibranch_forward 2 :: nil) st.
  intros. unfold mach_goes_wrong.

2. The compilation scheme

The code for an arithmetic expression a This is the familiar translation to "reverse Polish notation".

Fixpoint compile_aexp (a: aexp) : code :=
  match a with
  | ANum n => Iconst n :: nil
  | AId v => Ivar v :: nil
  | APlus a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Iadd :: nil
  | AMinus a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Isub :: nil
  | AMult a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Imul :: nil

Some examples.

Notation vx := (Id 0).
Notation vy := (Id 1).

Eval compute in (compile_aexp (APlus (AId vx) (ANum 1))).

Eval compute in (compile_aexp (AMult (AId vy) (APlus (AId vx) (ANum 1)))).

The code compile_bexp b cond ofs for a boolean expression b See slides for explanation of the mysterious branch offsets!

Fixpoint compile_bexp (b: bexp) (cond: bool) (ofs: nat) : code :=
  match b with
  | BTrue =>
      if cond then Ibranch_forward ofs :: nil else nil
  | BFalse =>
      if cond then nil else Ibranch_forward ofs :: nil
  | BEq a1 a2 =>
      compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++
      (if cond then Ibeq ofs :: nil else Ibne ofs :: nil)
  | BLe a1 a2 =>
      compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++
      (if cond then Ible ofs :: nil else Ibgt ofs :: nil)
  | BNot b1 =>
      compile_bexp b1 (negb cond) ofs
  | BAnd b1 b2 =>
      let c2 := compile_bexp b2 cond ofs in
      let c1 := compile_bexp b1 false (if cond then length c2 else ofs + length c2) in
      c1 ++ c2


Eval compute in (compile_bexp (BEq (AId vx) (ANum 1)) true 42).

Eval compute in (compile_bexp (BAnd (BLe (ANum 1) (AId vx)) (BLe (AId vx) (ANum 10))) false 42).

Eval compute in (compile_bexp (BNot (BAnd BTrue BFalse)) true 42).

The code for a command c Again, see slides for explanations of the generated branch offsets.

Fixpoint compile_com (c: com) : code :=
  match c with
  | SKIP =>
  | (id ::= a) =>
      compile_aexp a ++ Isetvar id :: nil
  | (c1; c2) =>
      compile_com c1 ++ compile_com c2
  | IFB b THEN ifso ELSE ifnot FI =>
      let code_ifso := compile_com ifso in
      let code_ifnot := compile_com ifnot in
      compile_bexp b false (length code_ifso + 1)
      ++ code_ifso
      ++ Ibranch_forward (length code_ifnot)
      :: code_ifnot
  | WHILE b DO body END =>
      let code_body := compile_com body in
      let code_test := compile_bexp b false (length code_body + 1) in
      ++ code_body
      ++ Ibranch_backward (length code_test + length code_body + 1)
      :: nil

The code for a program p (a command) is similar, but terminates cleanly on an Ihalt instruction.

Definition compile_program (p: com) : code :=
  compile_com p ++ Ihalt :: nil.

Examples of compilation:

Eval compute in (compile_program (vx ::= APlus (AId vx) (ANum 1))).

Eval compute in (compile_program (WHILE BTrue DO SKIP END)).

Eval compute in (compile_program (IFB BEq (AId vx) (ANum 1) THEN vx ::= ANum 0 ELSE SKIP FI)).

Exercise (1 star)

The last example shows a slight inefficiency in the code generated for IFB ... THEN ... ELSE SKIP FI. How would you change compile_com to generate better code? Hint: ponder the following function.

Definition smart_Ibranch_forward (ofs: nat) : code :=
  if beq_nat ofs 0 then nil else Ibranch_forward(ofs) :: nil.

3. Semantic preservation

Auxiliary results about code sequences.

To reason about the execution of compiled code, we need to consider code sequences C2 that are at position pc in a bigger code sequence C = C1 ++ C2 ++ C3. The following predicate codeseq_at C pc C2 does just this.

Inductive codeseq_at: code -> nat -> code -> Prop :=
  | codeseq_at_intro: forall C1 C2 C3 pc,
      pc = length C1 ->
      codeseq_at (C1 ++ C2 ++ C3) pc C2.

We show a number of no-brainer lemmas about code_at and codeseq_at, then populate a "hint database" so that Coq can use them automatically.

Lemma code_at_app:
  forall i c2 c1 pc,
  pc = length c1 ->
  code_at (c1 ++ i :: c2) pc = Some i.
  induction c1; simpl; intros; subst pc; auto.

Lemma codeseq_at_head:
  forall C pc i C',
  codeseq_at C pc (i :: C') ->
  code_at C pc = Some i.
  intros. inv H. simpl. apply code_at_app. auto.

Lemma codeseq_at_tail:
  forall C pc i C',
  codeseq_at C pc (i :: C') ->
  codeseq_at C (pc + 1) C'.
  intros. inv H.
  change (C1 ++ (i :: C') ++ C3)
    with (C1 ++ (i :: nil) ++ C' ++ C3).
  rewrite <- app_ass. constructor. rewrite app_length. auto.

Lemma codeseq_at_app_left:
  forall C pc C1 C2,
  codeseq_at C pc (C1 ++ C2) ->
  codeseq_at C pc C1.
  intros. inv H. rewrite app_ass. constructor. auto.

Lemma codeseq_at_app_right:
  forall C pc C1 C2,
  codeseq_at C pc (C1 ++ C2) ->
  codeseq_at C (pc + length C1) C2.
  intros. inv H. rewrite app_ass. rewrite <- app_ass. constructor. rewrite app_length. auto.

Lemma codeseq_at_app_right2:
  forall C pc C1 C2 C3,
  codeseq_at C pc (C1 ++ C2 ++ C3) ->
  codeseq_at C (pc + length C1) C2.
  intros. inv H. repeat rewrite app_ass. rewrite <- app_ass. constructor. rewrite app_length. auto.

Hint Resolve codeseq_at_head codeseq_at_tail codeseq_at_app_left codeseq_at_app_right codeseq_at_app_right2: codeseq.

Ltac normalize :=
  repeat rewrite app_length; repeat rewrite plus_assoc; simpl.

Correctness of generated code for expressions.

Remember the informal specification we gave for the code generated for an arithmetic expression a. It should We now prove that the code compile_aexp a fulfills this contract. The proof is a nice induction on the structure of a.

Lemma compile_aexp_correct:
  forall C st a pc stk,
  codeseq_at C pc (compile_aexp a) ->
  star (transition C)
       (pc, stk, st)
       (pc + length (compile_aexp a), aeval st a :: stk, st).
  induction a; simpl; intros.

Case "ANum".
  apply star_one. apply trans_const. eauto with codeseq.

Case "AId".
  apply star_one. apply trans_var. eauto with codeseq.

Case "APlus".
  eapply star_trans.
  apply IHa1. eauto with codeseq.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply IHa2. eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one. normalize. apply trans_add. eauto with codeseq.

Case "AMinus".
  eapply star_trans.
  apply IHa1. eauto with codeseq.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply IHa2. eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one. normalize. apply trans_sub. eauto with codeseq.

Case "AMult".
  eapply star_trans.
  apply IHa1. eauto with codeseq.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply IHa2. eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one. normalize. apply trans_mul. eauto with codeseq.

Here is a similar proof for the compilation of boolean expressions.

Lemma compile_bexp_correct:
  forall C st b cond ofs pc stk,
  codeseq_at C pc (compile_bexp b cond ofs) ->
  star (transition C)
       (pc, stk, st)
       (pc + length (compile_bexp b cond ofs) + if eqb (beval st b) cond then ofs else 0, stk, st).
  induction b; simpl; intros.

Case "BTrue".
  destruct cond; simpl.
  SCase "BTrue, true".
    apply star_one. apply trans_branch_forward with ofs. eauto with codeseq. auto.
  SCase "BTrue, false".
    repeat rewrite plus_0_r. apply star_refl.
Case "BFalse".
  destruct cond; simpl.
  SCase "BFalse, true".
    repeat rewrite plus_0_r. apply star_refl.
  SCase "BFalse, false".
    apply star_one. apply trans_branch_forward with ofs. eauto with codeseq. auto.

Case "BEq".
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a). eauto with codeseq.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a0). eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one. normalize.
  destruct cond.
  SCase "BEq, true".
    apply trans_beq with ofs. eauto with codeseq.
    destruct (beq_nat (aeval st a) (aeval st a0)); simpl; omega.
  SCase "BEq, false".
    apply trans_bne with ofs. eauto with codeseq.
    destruct (beq_nat (aeval st a) (aeval st a0)); simpl; omega.

Case "BLe".
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a). eauto with codeseq.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a0). eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one. normalize.
  destruct cond.
  SCase "BLe, true".
    apply trans_ble with ofs. eauto with codeseq.
    destruct (ble_nat (aeval st a) (aeval st a0)); simpl; omega.
  SCase "BLe, false".
    apply trans_bgt with ofs. eauto with codeseq.
    destruct (ble_nat (aeval st a) (aeval st a0)); simpl; omega.

Case "BNot".
  replace (eqb (negb (beval st b)) cond)
     with (eqb (beval st b) (negb cond)).
  apply IHb; auto.
  destruct (beval st b); destruct cond; auto.

Case "BAnd".
  set (code_b2 := compile_bexp b2 cond ofs) in *.
  set (ofs' := if cond then length code_b2 else ofs + length code_b2) in *.
  set (code_b1 := compile_bexp b1 false ofs') in *.
  apply star_trans with (pc + length code_b1 + (if eqb (beval st b1) false then ofs' else 0), stk, st).
  apply IHb1. eauto with codeseq.
  destruct cond.
  SCase "BAnd, true".
    destruct (beval st b1); simpl.
    SSCase "b1 evaluates to true".
      normalize. rewrite plus_0_r. apply IHb2. eauto with codeseq.
    SSCase "b1 evaluates to false".
      normalize. rewrite plus_0_r. apply star_refl.
  SCase "BAnd, false".
    destruct (beval st b1); simpl.
    SSCase "b1 evaluates to true".
      normalize. rewrite plus_0_r. apply IHb2. eauto with codeseq.
    SSCase "b1 evaluates to false".
      replace ofs' with (length code_b2 + ofs). normalize. apply star_refl.
      unfold ofs'; omega.

Correctness of generated code for commands: terminating case.

Lemma compile_com_correct_terminating:
  forall C st c st',
  c / st ==> st' ->
  forall stk pc,
  codeseq_at C pc (compile_com c) ->
  star (transition C)
       (pc, stk, st)
       (pc + length (compile_com c), stk, st').
  induction 1; intros stk pc AT.

Case "SKIP".
  simpl in *. rewrite plus_0_r. apply star_refl.

Case ":=".
  simpl in *. subst n.
  eapply star_trans. apply compile_aexp_correct. eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one. normalize. apply trans_setvar. eauto with codeseq.

Case "sequence".
  simpl in *.
  eapply star_trans. apply IHceval1. eauto with codeseq.
  normalize. apply IHceval2. eauto with codeseq.

Case "if true".
  simpl in *.
  set (code1 := compile_com c1) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b1 false (length code1 + 1)) in *.
  set (code2 := compile_com c2) in *.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b1) (cond := false) (ofs := length code1 + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H. simpl. rewrite plus_0_r. fold codeb. normalize.
  eapply star_trans. apply IHceval. eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one. eapply trans_branch_forward. eauto with codeseq. omega.

Case "if false".
  simpl in *.
  set (code1 := compile_com c1) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b1 false (length code1 + 1)) in *.
  set (code2 := compile_com c2) in *.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b1) (cond := false) (ofs := length code1 + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H. simpl. fold codeb. normalize.
  replace (pc + length codeb + length code1 + S(length code2))
     with (pc + length codeb + length code1 + 1 + length code2).
  apply IHceval. eauto with codeseq. omega.

Case "while false".
  simpl in *.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b1) (cond := false) (ofs := length (compile_com c1) + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H. simpl. normalize. apply star_refl.

Case "while true".
  apply star_trans with (pc, stk, st').
  simpl in *.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b1) (cond := false) (ofs := length (compile_com c1) + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H; simpl. rewrite plus_0_r.
  eapply star_trans. apply IHceval1. eauto with codeseq.
  apply star_one.
  eapply trans_branch_backward. eauto with codeseq. omega.
  apply IHceval2. auto.

Theorem compile_program_correct_terminating:
  forall c st st',
  c / st ==> st' ->
  mach_terminates (compile_program c) st st'.
  intros. unfold compile_program. red.
  exists (length (compile_com c)); split.
  apply code_at_app. auto.
  apply compile_com_correct_terminating with (pc := 0). auto.
  apply codeseq_at_intro with (C1 := nil). auto.

Exercise (2 stars)

The previous exercise in this chapter suggested to use smart_Ibranch_forward to avoid generating useless "branch forward" instructions when compiling IFB ... THEN ... ELSE SKIP FI commands. Once you have modified compile_com to use smart_Ibranch_forward, adapt the proof of compile_com_correct_terminating accordingly. The following lemma will come handy:

Lemma trans_smart_branch_forward:
  forall C ofs pc stk st,
  codeseq_at C pc (smart_Ibranch_forward ofs) ->
  star (transition C) (pc, stk, st) (pc + length (smart_Ibranch_forward ofs) + ofs, stk, st).
  unfold smart_Ibranch_forward; intros.

Correctness of generated code for commands: diverging case.

We consider the set of machine states that correspond to a diverging command: the PC points to compile_com c and c diverges in the current state, as captured by the coinductive big-step semantics.

Inductive diverging_state: code -> machine_state -> Prop :=
  | div_state_intro: forall c st C pc stk,
      c / st ==> ∞ ->
      codeseq_at C pc (compile_com c) ->
      diverging_state C (pc, stk, st).

We then show that from any diverging state, the machine can always make one or several transitions and reach another diverging state.

Lemma diverging_state_productive:
  forall C S1,
  diverging_state C S1 ->
  exists S2, plus (transition C) S1 S2 /\ diverging_state C S2.
  intros. inv H. revert c st pc H0 H1.
  induction c; intros st pc EXECINF AT; inv EXECINF.
Case "seq left".
  simpl in AT. apply IHc1. auto. eauto with codeseq.
Case "seq right".
  simpl in AT.
  destruct (IHc2 st2 (pc + length (compile_com c1))) as [S [A B]]. auto. eauto with codeseq.
  exists S; split.
  eapply star_plus_trans. apply compile_com_correct_terminating. eauto. eauto with codeseq. apply A.
  apply B.
Case "if true".
  simpl in AT.
  set (code1 := compile_com c1) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b false (length code1 + 1)) in *.
  set (code2 := compile_com c2) in *.
  destruct (IHc1 st (pc + length codeb)) as [S [A B]]. auto. eauto with codeseq.
  exists S; split.
  eapply star_plus_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b) (cond := false) (ofs := length code1 + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H3; simpl. rewrite plus_0_r. apply A.
  apply B.
Case "if false".
  simpl in AT.
  set (code1 := compile_com c1) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b false (length code1 + 1)) in *.
  set (code2 := compile_com c2) in *.
  destruct (IHc2 st (pc + length codeb + length code1 + 1)) as [S [A B]]. auto. eauto with codeseq.
  exists S; split.
  eapply star_plus_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b) (cond := false) (ofs := length code1 + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H3; simpl. normalize. apply A.
  apply B.
Case "while body".
  simpl in AT.
  set (codec := compile_com c) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b false (length codec + 1)) in *.
  destruct (IHc st (pc + length codeb)) as [S [A B]]. auto. eauto with codeseq.
  exists S; split.
  eapply star_plus_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b) (cond := false) (ofs := length codec + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H1; simpl. rewrite plus_0_r. apply A.
  apply B.
Case "while loop".
  exists (pc, stk, st'); split.
  simpl in AT.
  set (codec := compile_com c) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b false (length codec + 1)) in *.
  eapply star_plus_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b) (cond := false) (ofs := length codec + 1).
  eauto with codeseq.
  rewrite H1; simpl. rewrite plus_0_r.
  eapply star_plus_trans.
  apply compile_com_correct_terminating. eauto. eauto with codeseq.
  apply plus_one.
  eapply trans_branch_backward. eauto with codeseq. fold codec; fold codeb. omega.
  econstructor. eauto. auto.

From the lemma above, we deduce that the machine makes infinitely many transitions if it is started in a diverging state. The proof uses the alternate coinduction principle infseq_coinduction_principle_2 defined and proved in file Sequences.

Lemma compile_com_correct_diverging:
  forall c st C pc stk,
  c / st ==> ∞ -> codeseq_at C pc (compile_com c) ->
  infseq (transition C) (pc, stk, st).
  apply infseq_coinduction_principle_2 with (X := diverging_state C).
  apply diverging_state_productive.
  econstructor; eauto.

Theorem compile_program_correct_diverging:
  forall c st,
  c / st ==> ∞ ->
  mach_diverges (compile_program c) st.
  intros. unfold compile_program. red.
  apply compile_com_correct_diverging with (c := c). auto.
  apply codeseq_at_intro with (C1 := nil); auto.