Module Compil

From Coq Require Import Arith ZArith Psatz Bool String List Program.Equality.
Require Import Sequences IMP.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope list_scope.

2. The target language: a stack machine

Our compiler will translate IMP to the language of a simple stack machine. This machine is similar to the "Reverse Polish Notation" used by old HP pocket calculators: a stack holds intermediate results, and individual instructions pop arguments off the stack and push results back on the stack.

2.1 Instruction set

Here is the instruction set of the machine:

Inductive instr : Type :=
  | Iconst (n: Z) (* push the integer n *)
  | Ivar (x: ident) (* push the current value of variable x *)
  | Isetvar (x: ident) (* pop an integer and assign it to variable x *)
  | Iadd (* pop two integers, push their sum *)
  | Iopp (* pop one integer, push its opposite *)
  | Ibranch (d: Z) (* skip forward or backward d instructions *)
  | Ibeq (d1: Z) (d0: Z) (* pop two integers, skip d1 instructions if equal, d0 if not equal *)
  | Ible (d1: Z) (d0: Z) (* pop two integer, skip d1 instructions if less or equal, d0 if greater *)
  | Ihalt. (* stop execution *)

A piece of machine code is a list of instructions.

Definition code := list instr.

The length (number of instructions) of a piece of code.

Definition codelen (c: code) : Z := Z.of_nat (List.length c).

2.2 Operational semantics

The machine operates on a code C (a fixed list of instructions) and three variable components:

Definition stack : Type := list Z.

Definition config : Type := (Z * stack * store)%type.

instr_at C pc = Some i if i is the instruction at position pc in C.

Fixpoint instr_at (C: code) (pc: Z) : option instr :=
  match C with
  | nil => None
  | i :: C' => if pc =? 0 then Some i else instr_at C' (pc - 1)

The semantics of the machine is given in small-step style as a transition system: a relation between machine configurations "before" and "after" execution of the instruction at the current program point. The transition relation is parameterized by the code C for the whole program. There is one transition for each kind of instruction, except Ihalt, which has no transition.

Inductive transition (C: code): config -> config -> Prop :=
  | trans_const: forall pc stk s n,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Iconst n) ->
      transition C (pc , stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, n :: stk, s)
  | trans_var: forall pc stk s x,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ivar x) ->
      transition C (pc , stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, s x :: stk, s)
  | trans_setvar: forall pc stk s x n,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Isetvar x) ->
      transition C (pc , n :: stk, s)
                   (pc + 1, stk , update x n s)
  | trans_add: forall pc stk s n1 n2,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Iadd) ->
      transition C (pc , n2 :: n1 :: stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, (n1 + n2) :: stk, s)
  | trans_opp: forall pc stk s n,
      instr_at C pc = Some(Iopp) ->
      transition C (pc , n :: stk , s)
                   (pc + 1, (- n) :: stk, s)
  | trans_branch: forall pc stk s d pc',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ibranch d) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + d ->
      transition C (pc , stk, s)
                   (pc', stk, s)
  | trans_beq: forall pc stk s d1 d0 n1 n2 pc',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ibeq d1 d0) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + (if n1 =? n2 then d1 else d0) ->
      transition C (pc , n2 :: n1 :: stk, s)
                   (pc', stk , s)
  | trans_ble: forall pc stk s d1 d0 n1 n2 pc',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ible d1 d0) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + (if n1 <=? n2 then d1 else d0) ->
      transition C (pc , n2 :: n1 :: stk, s)
                   (pc', stk , s).

As usual with small-step semantics, we form sequences of machine transitions to define the behavior of a code. Zero, one or several transitions correspond to the reflexive transitive closure of relation transition C.

Definition transitions (C: code): config -> config -> Prop :=
  star (transition C).

We always start with pc = 0 and an empty evaluation stack. We stop successfully if pc points to an Ihalt instruction and the evaluation stack is empty.

Definition machine_terminates (C: code) (s_init: store) (s_final: store) : Prop :=
  exists pc, transitions C (0, nil, s_init) (pc, nil, s_final)
          /\ instr_at C pc = Some Ihalt.

The machine can also run forever, making infinitely many transitions.

Definition machine_diverges (C: code) (s_init: store) : Prop :=
  infseq (transition C) (0, nil, s_init).

Yet another possibility is that the machine gets stuck after some transitions.

Definition machine_goes_wrong (C: code) (s_init: store) : Prop :=
  exists pc stk s,
      transitions C (0, nil, s_init) (pc, stk, s)
   /\ irred (transition C) (pc, stk, s)
   /\ (instr_at C pc <> Some Ihalt \/ stk <> nil).

Exercise (2 stars, recommended).

To quickly see how a machine program executes, it is convenient to redefine the semantics of the machine as an executable function instead of inductively-defined relations. This is similar to the cinterp function for the IMP language. To ensure termination of the machine interpreter, we need to bound the number of instructions it can execute. The result of the machine interpreter, therefore, is of the following type:

Inductive machine_result : Type :=
  | Timeout (* the interpreter ran out of fuel *)
  | Stuck (* the machine goes wrong on an impossible case *)
  | Terminates (s: store). (* the machine successfully stops with the given store *)

Please fill in the blanks in the following definition for a machine interpreter:

Fixpoint mach_interp (C: code) (fuel: nat)
                     (pc: Z) (stk: stack) (s: store) : machine_result :=
  match fuel with
  | O => Timeout
  | S fuel' =>
      match instr_at C pc, stk with
      | Some Ihalt, nil => Terminates s
      | Some (Iconst n), stk => mach_interp C fuel' (pc + 1) (n :: stk) s
      | _, _ => Stuck

3. The compilation scheme

We now define the compilation of IMP expressions and commands to sequence of machine instructions.

The code for an arithmetic expression a executes in sequence (no branches), and deposits the value of a at the top of the stack. This is the familiar translation to "reverse Polish notation". The only twist here is that the machine has no "subtract" instruction. However, it can compute the difference a - b by adding a and the opposite of b.

Fixpoint compile_aexp (a: aexp) : code :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => Iconst n :: nil
  | VAR x => Ivar x :: nil
  | PLUS a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Iadd :: nil
  | MINUS a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Iopp :: Iadd :: nil

Some examples

Eval compute in (compile_aexp (PLUS (CONST 1) (CONST 2))).

Result is: Iconst 1 :: Iconst 2 :: Iadd :: nil

Eval compute in (compile_aexp (PLUS (VAR "x") (MINUS (VAR "y") (CONST 1)))).

Result is: Ivar "x" :: Ivar "x" :: Iconst 1 :: Iopp :: Iadd :: Iadd :: nil.

For Boolean expressions b, we could produce code that deposits 1 or 0 at the top of the stack, depending on whether b is true or false. The compiled code for IFTHENELSE and WHILE commands would, then, compare this 0/1 value against 0 and branch to the appropriate piece of code. However, it is simpler and more efficient to compile a Boolean expression b to a piece of code that directly jumps d1 or d0 instructions forward, depending on whether b is true or false. The actual value of b is never computed as an integer, and the stack is unchanged.

Fixpoint compile_bexp (b: bexp) (d1: Z) (d0: Z) : code :=
  match b with
  | TRUE => if d1 =? 0 then nil else Ibranch d1 :: nil
  | FALSE => if d0 =? 0 then nil else Ibranch d0 :: nil
  | EQUAL a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Ibeq d1 d0 :: nil
  | LESSEQUAL a1 a2 => compile_aexp a1 ++ compile_aexp a2 ++ Ible d1 d0 :: nil
  | NOT b1 => compile_bexp b1 d0 d1
  | AND b1 b2 =>
      let code2 := compile_bexp b2 d1 d0 in
      let code1 := compile_bexp b1 0 (codelen code2 + d0) in
      code1 ++ code2

See the slides for an explanation of the mysterious offsets in the AND case.

Examples are in order.

Eval compute in (compile_bexp (EQUAL (VAR "x") (CONST 1)) 12 34).

Result is: Ivar "x" :: Iconst 1 :: Ibeq 12 34 :: nil .

Eval compute in (compile_bexp (AND (LESSEQUAL (CONST 1) (VAR "x"))
                                   (LESSEQUAL (VAR "x") (CONST 10))) 0 10).

Result is: Iconst 1 :: Ivar "x" :: Ible 0 13 :: Ivar "x" :: Iconst 10 :: Ible 0 10 :: nil

Eval compute in (compile_bexp (OR (LESSEQUAL (CONST 1) (VAR "x"))
                                  (LESSEQUAL (VAR "x") (CONST 10))) 0 10).

Result is: Iconst 1 :: Ivar "x" :: Ible 3 0 :: Ivar "x" :: Iconst 10 :: Ible 0 10 :: nil

Eval compute in (compile_bexp (NOT (AND TRUE FALSE)) 12 34).

Result is: Ibranch 12 :: nil

The code for a command c: - updates the store (the values of variables) as prescribed by c - preserves the stack - finishes "at the end" of the generated code: the next instruction executed is the instruction that will follow the generated code. Again, see the slides for explanations of the generated branch offsets.

Fixpoint compile_com (c: com) : code :=
  match c with
  | SKIP =>
  | ASSIGN x a =>
      compile_aexp a ++ Isetvar x :: nil
  | SEQ c1 c2 =>
      compile_com c1 ++ compile_com c2
  | IFTHENELSE b ifso ifnot =>
      let code_ifso := compile_com ifso in
      let code_ifnot := compile_com ifnot in
      compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code_ifso + 1)
      ++ code_ifso
      ++ Ibranch (codelen code_ifnot)
      :: code_ifnot
  | WHILE b body =>
      let code_body := compile_com body in
      let code_test := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code_body + 1) in
      ++ code_body
      ++ Ibranch (- (codelen code_test + codelen code_body + 1)) :: nil

The code for a program p (a command) is similar, but terminates cleanly on an Ihalt instruction.

Definition compile_program (p: com) : code :=
  compile_com p ++ Ihalt :: nil.

Examples of compilation:

Eval compute in (compile_program (ASSIGN "x" (PLUS (VAR "x") (CONST 1)))).

Result is: Ivar "x" :: Iconst 1 :: Iadd :: Isetvar "x" :: Ihalt :: nil

Eval compute in (compile_program (WHILE TRUE SKIP)).

Result is: Ibranch (-1) :: Ihalt :: nil .

Eval compute in (compile_program (IFTHENELSE (EQUAL (VAR "x") (CONST 1)) (ASSIGN "x" (CONST 0)) SKIP)).

Result is: Ivar "x" :: Iconst 1 :: Ibeq 0 3 :: Iconst 0 :: Isetvar "x" :: Ibranch 0 :: Ihalt :: nil .

Exercise (1 star, recommended)

The last example shows a slight inefficiency in the code generated for IFTHENELSE b c SKIP. How would you change compile_com to generate better code? Hint: the following function could be useful.

Definition smart_Ibranch (d: Z) : code :=
  if d =? 0 then nil else Ibranch d :: nil.

4. First compiler correctness proofs

To reason about the execution of compiled code, we need to consider code sequences C2 that are at position pc in a bigger code sequence C = C1 ++ C2 ++ C3. The following predicate code_at C pc C2 does just this.

Inductive code_at: code -> Z -> code -> Prop :=
  | code_at_intro: forall C1 C2 C3 pc,
      pc = codelen C1 ->
      code_at (C1 ++ C2 ++ C3) pc C2.

We show a number of simple lemmas about instr_at and code_at, then populate a "hint database" so that Coq can use them automatically.

Lemma codelen_cons:
  forall i c, codelen (i :: c) = codelen c + 1.
  unfold codelen; intros; cbn; lia.

Lemma codelen_app:
  forall c1 c2, codelen (c1 ++ c2) = codelen c1 + codelen c2.
  induction c1; intros.
- auto.
- cbn [app]. rewrite ! codelen_cons. rewrite IHc1. lia.

Lemma instr_at_app:
  forall i c2 c1 pc,
  pc = codelen c1 ->
  instr_at (c1 ++ i :: c2) pc = Some i.
  induction c1; simpl; intros; subst pc.
- auto.
- assert (A: codelen (a :: c1) =? 0 = false).
  { apply Z.eqb_neq. unfold codelen. cbn [length]. lia. }
  rewrite A. rewrite codelen_cons. apply IHc1. lia.

Lemma code_at_head:
  forall C pc i C',
  code_at C pc (i :: C') ->
  instr_at C pc = Some i.
  intros. inversion H. simpl. apply instr_at_app. auto.

Lemma code_at_tail:
  forall C pc i C',
  code_at C pc (i :: C') ->
  code_at C (pc + 1) C'.
  intros. inversion H.
  change (C1 ++ (i :: C') ++ C3)
    with (C1 ++ (i :: nil) ++ C' ++ C3).
  rewrite <- app_ass. constructor. rewrite codelen_app. subst pc. auto.

Lemma code_at_app_left:
  forall C pc C1 C2,
  code_at C pc (C1 ++ C2) ->
  code_at C pc C1.
  intros. inversion H. rewrite app_ass. constructor. auto.

Lemma code_at_app_right:
  forall C pc C1 C2,
  code_at C pc (C1 ++ C2) ->
  code_at C (pc + codelen C1) C2.
  intros. inversion H. rewrite app_ass. rewrite <- app_ass. constructor. rewrite codelen_app. subst pc. auto.

Lemma code_at_app_right2:
  forall C pc C1 C2 C3,
  code_at C pc (C1 ++ C2 ++ C3) ->
  code_at C (pc + codelen C1) C2.
  intros. apply code_at_app_right. apply code_at_app_left with (C2 := C3). rewrite app_ass; auto.

Lemma code_at_nil:
  forall C pc C1,
  code_at C pc C1 -> code_at C pc nil.
  intros. inversion H. subst. change (C1 ++ C3) with (nil ++ C1 ++ C3).
  constructor. auto.

Lemma instr_at_code_at_nil:
  forall C pc i, instr_at C pc = Some i -> code_at C pc nil.
  induction C; cbn; intros.
- discriminate.
- destruct (pc =? 0) eqn:PC.
+ assert (pc = 0) by (apply Z.eqb_eq; auto). subst pc.
  change (a :: C) with (nil ++ nil ++ (a :: C)). constructor. auto.
+ assert (A: code_at C (pc - 1) nil) by eauto.
  inversion A; subst.
  apply code_at_intro with (C1 := a :: C1) (C3 := C3). rewrite codelen_cons. lia.

Hint Resolve code_at_head code_at_tail code_at_app_left code_at_app_right
             code_at_app_right2 code_at_nil instr_at_code_at_nil: code.
Hint Rewrite codelen_app codelen_cons Z.add_assoc Z.add_0_r : code.

4.1 Correctness of generated code for expressions.

Remember the informal specification we gave for the code generated for an arithmetic expression a. It should We now prove that the code compile_aexp a fulfills this contract. The proof is a nice induction on the structure of a.

Lemma compile_aexp_correct:
  forall C s a pc stk,
  code_at C pc (compile_aexp a) ->
  transitions C
       (pc, stk, s)
       (pc + codelen (compile_aexp a), aeval s a :: stk, s).
  induction a; simpl; intros.

- (* CONST *)
  apply star_one. apply trans_const. eauto with code.

- (* VAR *)
  apply star_one. apply trans_var. eauto with code.

- (* PLUS *)
  eapply star_trans. apply IHa1. eauto with code.
  eapply star_trans. apply IHa2. eauto with code.
  apply star_one. autorewrite with code. apply trans_add. eauto with code.

- (* MINUS *)
  eapply star_trans. apply IHa1. eauto with code.
  eapply star_trans. apply IHa2. eauto with code.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply star_one. apply trans_opp. eauto with code.
  apply star_one.
  replace (aeval s a1 - aeval s a2)
     with (aeval s a1 + (- aeval s a2))
       by lia.
  autorewrite with code. apply trans_add. eauto with code.

The proof for the compilation of Boolean expressions is similar. We recall the informal specification for the code generated by compile_bexp b d1 d0: it should

Lemma compile_bexp_correct:
  forall C s b d1 d0 pc stk,
  code_at C pc (compile_bexp b d1 d0) ->
  transitions C
       (pc, stk, s)
       (pc + codelen (compile_bexp b d1 d0) + (if beval s b then d1 else d0), stk, s).
  induction b; cbn; intros.

- (* TRUE *)
  destruct (d1 =? 0) eqn:Z.
  + (* distance is zero, no branch is generated *)
    assert (d1 = 0) by (apply Z.eqb_eq; auto). subst d1.
    autorewrite with code. apply star_refl.
  + (* a branch is generated *)
    apply star_one. apply trans_branch with (d := d1). eauto with code. auto.

- (* FALSE *)
  destruct (d0 =? 0) eqn:Z.
  + (* distance is zero, no branch is generated *)
    assert (d0 = 0) by (apply Z.eqb_eq; auto). subst d0.
    autorewrite with code. apply star_refl.
  + (* a branch is generated *)
    apply star_one. apply trans_branch with (d := d0). eauto with code. auto.

- (* EQUAL *)
  eapply star_trans. apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a1). eauto with code.
  eapply star_trans. apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a2). eauto with code.
  apply star_one. apply trans_beq with (d1 := d1) (d0 := d0). eauto with code.
  autorewrite with code. auto.

  eapply star_trans. apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a1). eauto with code.
  eapply star_trans. apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a2). eauto with code.
  apply star_one. apply trans_ble with (d1 := d1) (d0 := d0). eauto with code.
  autorewrite with code. auto.

- (* NOT *)
  replace (if negb (beval s b) then d1 else d0)
     with (if beval s b then d0 else d1).
  apply IHb. auto.
  destruct (beval s b); auto.

- (* AND *)
  set (code2 := compile_bexp b2 d1 d0) in *.
  set (code1 := compile_bexp b1 0 (codelen code2 + d0)) in *.
  eapply star_trans. apply IHb1. eauto with code.
  fold code1. destruct (beval s b1); cbn.
  + (* b1 evaluates to true, the code for b2 is executed *)
    autorewrite with code. apply IHb2. eauto with code.
  + (* b2 evaluates to true, the code for b2 is skipped *)
    autorewrite with code. apply star_refl.

4.2 Correctness of generated code for commands, terminating case.

Lemma compile_com_correct_terminating:
  forall s c s',
  cexec s c s' ->
  forall C pc stk,
  code_at C pc (compile_com c) ->
  transitions C
      (pc, stk, s)
      (pc + codelen (compile_com c), stk, s').
  induction 1; cbn; intros.

- (* SKIP *)
  autorewrite with code. apply star_refl.

- (* ASSIGN *)
  eapply star_trans. apply compile_aexp_correct with (a := a). eauto with code.
  apply star_one. autorewrite with code. apply trans_setvar. eauto with code.

- (* SEQUENCE *)
  eapply star_trans.
  apply IHcexec1. eauto with code.
  autorewrite with code. apply IHcexec2. eauto with code.

  set (code1 := compile_com c1) in *.
  set (code2 := compile_com c2) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code1 + 1)) in *.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b). eauto with code.
  fold codeb. destruct (beval s b); autorewrite with code.
  + (* the "then" branch is selected *)
    eapply star_trans. apply IHcexec. eauto with code.
    fold code1. apply star_one. apply trans_branch with (d := codelen code2). eauto with code. lia.
  + (* then "else" branch is selected *)
    replace (pc + codelen codeb + codelen code1 + codelen code2 + 1)
       with (pc + codelen codeb + codelen code1 + 1 + codelen code2) by lia.
    apply IHcexec. eauto with code.

- (* WHILE stop *)
  set (code_body := compile_com c) in *.
  set (code_branch := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code_body + 1)) in *.
  set (d := - (codelen code_branch + codelen code_body + 1)) in *.
  eapply star_trans. apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b). eauto with code.
  rewrite H. fold code_branch. autorewrite with code. apply star_refl.

- (* WHILE loop *)
  set (code_body := compile_com c) in *.
  set (code_branch := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code_body + 1)) in *.
  set (d := - (codelen code_branch + codelen code_body + 1)) in *.
  eapply star_trans. apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b). eauto with code.
  rewrite H. fold code_branch. autorewrite with code.
  eapply star_trans. apply IHcexec1. eauto with code.
  eapply star_trans.
  apply star_one. apply trans_branch with (d := d). eauto with code. eauto.
  replace (pc + codelen code_branch + codelen code_body + 1 + d)
     with pc
       by lia.
  replace (pc + codelen code_branch + codelen code_body + 1)
     with (pc + codelen (compile_com (WHILE b c)))
       by (cbn; autorewrite with code; auto).
  apply IHcexec2. auto.

As a corollary, we obtain the correctness of the compilation of whole programs, assuming they terminate.

Theorem compile_program_correct_terminating:
  forall s c s',
  cexec s c s' ->
  machine_terminates (compile_program c) s s'.
  set (C := compile_program c).
  assert (CODEAT: code_at C 0 (compile_com c ++ Ihalt :: nil)).
  { replace C with (nil ++ compile_program c ++ nil).
    apply code_at_intro. auto.
    rewrite app_nil_r; auto. }
  unfold machine_terminates.
  exists (0 + codelen (compile_com c)); split.
- apply compile_com_correct_terminating. auto. eauto with code.
- eauto with code.

Exercise (2 stars, recommended).

In a previous exercise, you modified compile_com to use smart_Ibranch instead of Ibranch so as to generate better code. Adapt the proof of compile_com_correct_terminating accordingly. Hint: first prove the following lemma, then use it!

Lemma transitions_smart_Ibranch:
  forall C pc d pc' stk s,
  code_at C pc (smart_Ibranch d) ->
  pc' = pc + 1 + d ->
  transitions C (pc, stk, s) (pc', stk, s).
  unfold smart_Ibranch; intros.
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

Exercise (4 stars, optional).

Consider a loop with a simple test, such as WHILE (LESSEQUAL a1 a2) c. Currently, the compiled code executes two branch instructions per iteration of the loop: one Ible to test the condition and one Ibranch to go back to the beginning of the loop. We can reduce this to one Ible instruction per iteration, by putting the code for c before the code for the test:
     compile_com c ++ compile_bexp b delta1 0
with delta1 chosen so as to branch back to the beginning of compile_com c when b is true. By itself, this would compile while loops like do-while loops, which is incorrect. On the first iteration, we must skip over the code for c and branch to the code that tests b:
    Ibranch (codesize(compile_com c)) :: compile_com c ++ compile_bexp b delta1 0
In this exercise, you should modify compile_com to implement this alternate compilation schema for loops, then show its correctness by updating the statement and proof of compile_com_correct_terminating. The difficulty (and the reason for the 4 stars) is that the hypothesis code_at C pc (compile_com c) no longer holds if c is a while loop and we are at the second iteration of the loop. You need to come up with a more flexible way to relate the command c and the PC.

7. Full proof of compiler correctness

We would like to strengthen the correctness result above so that it is not restricted to terminating source programs, but also applies to source program that diverge. To this end, we abandon the big-step semantics for commands and switch to the small-step semantics with continuations. We then show a simulation theorem, establishing that every transition of the small-step semantics in the source program is simulated (in a sense to be made precise below) by zero, one or several transitions of the machine executing the compiled code for the source program.

Our first task is to relate configurations (c, k, s) of the small-step semantics with configurations (C, pc, stk, s) of the machine. We already know how to relate a command c with the machine code, using the codeseq_at predicate. What needs to be defined is a relation between the continuation k and the machine code. Intuitively, when the machine finishes executing the generated code for command c, that is, when it reaches the program point pc + length(compile_com c), the machine should continue by executing instructions that perform the pending computations described by continuation k, then reach an Ihalt instruction to stop cleanly. We formalize this intution by the following inductive predicate compile_cont C k pc, which states that, starting at program point pc, there are instructions that perform the computations described in k and reach an Ihalt instruction.

Inductive compile_cont (C: code): cont -> Z -> Prop :=
  | ccont_stop: forall pc,
      instr_at C pc = Some Ihalt ->
      compile_cont C Kstop pc
  | ccont_seq: forall c k pc pc',
      code_at C pc (compile_com c) ->
      pc' = pc + codelen (compile_com c) ->
      compile_cont C k pc' ->
      compile_cont C (Kseq c k) pc
  | ccont_while: forall b c k pc d pc' pc'',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ibranch d) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + d ->
      code_at C pc' (compile_com (WHILE b c)) ->
      pc'' = pc' + codelen (compile_com (WHILE b c)) ->
      compile_cont C k pc'' ->
      compile_cont C (Kwhile b c k) pc
  | ccont_branch: forall d k pc pc',
      instr_at C pc = Some(Ibranch d) ->
      pc' = pc + 1 + d ->
      compile_cont C k pc' ->
      compile_cont C k pc.

Then, a configuration (c,k,s) of the small-step semantics matches a configuration (C, pc, stk, s') of the machine if the following conditions hold:

Inductive match_config (C: code): com * cont * store -> config -> Prop :=
  | match_config_intro: forall c k st pc,
      code_at C pc (compile_com c) ->
      compile_cont C k (pc + codelen (compile_com c)) ->
      match_config C (c, k, st) (pc, nil, st).

We are now ready to prove the expected simulation property. Since some transitions in the source command correspond to zero transitions in the compiled code, we need a simulation diagram of the "star" kind (see the slides).
     c / k / st  ----------------------- machconfig
       |                                   |
       |                                   | + or ( * and |c',k'| < |c,k} )
       |                                   |
       v                                   v
    c' / k' / st' ----------------------- machconfig'
Note the stronger conclusion on the right: It would be equivalent to state: However, the formulation above, with the "star" case, is often more convenient.

Finding an appropriate "anti-stuttering" measure is a bit of a black art. After trial and error, we find that the following measure works. It is the sum of the sizes of the command c under focus and all the commands appearing in the continuation k.

Fixpoint com_size (c: com) : nat :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => 1%nat
  | ASSIGN x a => 1%nat
  | (c1 ;; c2) => (com_size c1 + com_size c2 + 1)%nat
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => (com_size c1 + com_size c2 + 1)%nat
  | WHILE b c1 => (com_size c1 + 1)%nat

Remark com_size_nonzero: forall c, (com_size c > 0)%nat.
  induction c; cbn; lia.

Fixpoint cont_size (k: cont) : nat :=
  match k with
  | Kstop => 0%nat
  | Kseq c k' => (com_size c + cont_size k')%nat
  | Kwhile b c k' => cont_size k'

Definition measure (impconf: com * cont * store) : nat :=
  match impconf with (c, k, m) => (com_size c + cont_size k)%nat end.

A few technical lemmas to help with the simulation proof.

Lemma compile_cont_Kstop_inv:
  forall C pc s,
  compile_cont C Kstop pc ->
  exists pc',
  star (transition C) (pc, nil, s) (pc', nil, s)
  /\ instr_at C pc' = Some Ihalt.
  intros. dependent induction H.
- exists pc; split. apply star_refl. auto.
- destruct IHcompile_cont as (pc'' & A & B); auto.
  exists pc''; split; auto. eapply star_step; eauto. eapply trans_branch; eauto.

Lemma compile_cont_Kseq_inv:
  forall C c k pc s,
  compile_cont C (Kseq c k) pc ->
  exists pc',
  star (transition C) (pc, nil, s) (pc', nil, s)
  /\ code_at C pc' (compile_com c)
  /\ compile_cont C k (pc' + codelen(compile_com c)).
  intros. dependent induction H.
- exists pc; split. apply star_refl. split; congruence.
- edestruct IHcompile_cont as (pc'' & A & B). eauto.
  exists pc''; split; auto. eapply star_step; eauto. eapply trans_branch; eauto.

Lemma compile_cont_Kwhile_inv:
  forall C b c k pc s,
  compile_cont C (Kwhile b c k) pc ->
  exists pc',
  plus (transition C) (pc, nil, s) (pc', nil, s)
  /\ code_at C pc' (compile_com (WHILE b c))
  /\ compile_cont C k (pc' + codelen(compile_com (WHILE b c))).
  intros. dependent induction H.
- exists (pc + 1 + d); split.
  apply plus_one. eapply trans_branch; eauto.
  split; congruence.
- edestruct IHcompile_cont as (pc'' & A & B & D). eauto.
  exists pc''; split; auto. eapply plus_left. eapply trans_branch; eauto. apply plus_star; auto.

Lemma match_config_skip:
  forall C k s pc,
  compile_cont C k pc ->
  match_config C (SKIP, k, s) (pc, nil, s).
  intros. constructor.
- cbn. inversion H; eauto with code.
- cbn. autorewrite with code. auto.

At last, we can state and prove the simulation diagram.

Lemma simulation_step:
  forall C impconf1 impconf2 machconf1,
  step impconf1 impconf2 ->
  match_config C impconf1 machconf1 ->
  exists machconf2,
      (plus (transition C) machconf1 machconf2
       \/ (star (transition C) machconf1 machconf2
           /\ (measure impconf2 < measure impconf1)%nat))
   /\ match_config C impconf2 machconf2.
  intros until machconf1; intros STEP MATCH.
  inversion STEP; clear STEP; subst; inversion MATCH; clear MATCH; subst; cbn in *.

- (* assign *)
  econstructor; split.
  left. eapply plus_right. eapply compile_aexp_correct; eauto with code.
  eapply trans_setvar; eauto with code.
  autorewrite with code in *. apply match_config_skip. auto.

- (* seq *)
  econstructor; split.
  right; split. apply star_refl. lia.
  autorewrite with code in *. constructor. eauto with code. eapply ccont_seq; eauto with code.

- (* if *)
  set (code1 := compile_com c1) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen code1 + 1)) in *.
  set (code2 := compile_com c2) in *.
  autorewrite with code in *.
  econstructor; split.
  right; split.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b). eauto with code.
  destruct (beval s b); lia.
  fold codeb. destruct (beval s b).
  + autorewrite with code. constructor. eauto with code.
    eapply ccont_branch. eauto with code. eauto.
    fold code1.
    replace (pc + codelen codeb + codelen code1 + 1 + codelen code2)
       with (pc + codelen codeb + codelen code1 + codelen code2 + 1) by lia.
  + autorewrite with code. constructor. eauto with code. auto.
    fold code2.
    replace (pc + codelen codeb + codelen code1 + 1 + codelen code2)
       with (pc + codelen codeb + codelen code1 + codelen code2 + 1) by lia.

- (* while stop *)
  set (codec := compile_com c) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen codec + 1)) in *.
  econstructor; split.
  right; split.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b). eauto with code.
  assert (com_size c > 0)%nat by apply com_size_nonzero. lia.
  rewrite H. fold codeb. autorewrite with code in *. apply match_config_skip. auto.

- (* while loop *)
  set (codec := compile_com c) in *.
  set (codeb := compile_bexp b 0 (codelen codec + 1)) in *.
  econstructor; split.
  right; split.
  apply compile_bexp_correct with (b := b). eauto with code.
  rewrite H. fold codeb. autorewrite with code in *.
  constructor. eauto with code.
  eapply ccont_while with (pc' := pc). eauto with code. fold codec. lia.
  cbn. fold codec; fold codeb. eauto.
  autorewrite with code. auto.

- (* skip seq *)
  autorewrite with code in *.
  edestruct compile_cont_Kseq_inv as (pc' & X & Y & Z). eauto.
  econstructor; split.
  right; split. eauto. lia.
  constructor; auto.

- (* skip while *)
  autorewrite with code in *.
  edestruct compile_cont_Kwhile_inv as (pc' & X & Y & Z). eauto.
  econstructor; split.
  left. eauto.
  constructor; auto.

The hard work is done! Nice consequences will follow.

First, we get an alternate proof of compile_program_correct_terminating, using the continuation semantics instead of the big-step semantics to characterize termination of the source program.

Lemma simulation_steps:
  forall C impconf1 impconf2, star step impconf1 impconf2 ->
  forall machconf1, match_config C impconf1 machconf1 ->
  exists machconf2,
     star (transition C) machconf1 machconf2
  /\ match_config C impconf2 machconf2.
  induction 1; intros.
- exists machconf1; split; auto. apply star_refl.
- edestruct simulation_step as (machconf2 & STEPS2 & MATCH2); eauto.
  edestruct IHstar as (machconf3 & STEPS3 & MATCH3); eauto.
  exists machconf3; split; auto.
  eapply star_trans; eauto.
  destruct STEPS2 as [A | [A B]]. apply plus_star; auto. auto.

Lemma match_initial_configs:
  forall c s,
  match_config (compile_program c) (c, Kstop, s) (0, nil, s).
  intros. set (C := compile_program c).
  assert (code_at C 0 (compile_com c ++ Ihalt :: nil)).
  { replace C with (nil ++ (compile_com c ++ Ihalt :: nil) ++ nil).
    constructor; auto.
    rewrite app_nil_r; auto. }
- eauto with code.
- apply ccont_stop. eauto with code.

Theorem compile_program_correct_terminating_2:
  forall c s s',
  star step (c, Kstop, s) (SKIP, Kstop, s') ->
  machine_terminates (compile_program c) s s'.
  intros. set (C := compile_program c).
  edestruct (simulation_steps C) as (ms & A & B). eauto. apply match_initial_configs.
  inversion B; subst.
  edestruct compile_cont_Kstop_inv as (pc' & D & E). eauto.
  exists pc'; split; auto.
  eapply star_trans. eauto. cbn in D; autorewrite with code in D. eauto.

Second, and more importantly, we get a proof of semantic preservation for diverging source programs: if the program makes infinitely many steps, the generated code makes infinitely many machine transitions.

Lemma simulation_infseq_inv:
  forall C n impconf1 machconf1,
  infseq step impconf1 -> match_config C impconf1 machconf1 ->
  (measure impconf1 < n)%nat ->
  exists impconf2 machconf2,
      infseq step impconf2
   /\ plus (transition C) machconf1 machconf2
   /\ match_config C impconf2 machconf2.
  induction n; intros impconf1 machconf1 INFSEQ MATCH MEASURE.
- exfalso; lia.
- inversion INFSEQ; clear INFSEQ; subst.
  edestruct simulation_step as (machconf2 & [PLUS | [STAR LESS]] & MATCH2). eauto. eauto.
+ exists b, machconf2; auto.
+ edestruct IHn as (impconf3 & machconf3 & X & Y & Z). eauto. eauto. lia.
  exists impconf3, machconf3.
  split. auto.
  split. eapply star_plus_trans; eauto.

Theorem compile_program_correct_diverging:
  forall c s,
  infseq step (c, Kstop, s) ->
  machine_diverges (compile_program c) s.
  intros. set (C := compile_program c).
  apply infseq_coinduction_principle_2 with
    (X := fun machconf =>
          exists impconf, infseq step impconf /\ match_config C impconf machconf).
- intros machconf (impconf & INFSEQ & MATCH).
  edestruct (simulation_infseq_inv C (S (measure impconf)))
  as (impconf2 & machconf2 & INFSEQ2 & PLUS & MATCH2).
  eauto. eauto. lia.
  exists machconf2; split. auto. exists impconf2; auto.
- exists (c, Kstop, s); split. auto. apply match_initial_configs.