Module Hoare

Hoare logic.

From Coq Require Import Arith ZArith Lia Bool String List Program.Equality.
From Coq Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
From CDF Require Import Sequences.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope list_scope.

Ltac inv H := inversion H; clear H; subst.

1. The IMP language

1.1. Arithmetic expressions

Definition ident := string.

The abstract syntax: an arithmetic expression is either...

Inductive aexp : Type :=
  | CONST (n: Z) (* a constant, or *)
  | VAR (x: ident) (* a variable, or *)
  | PLUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp) (* a sum of two expressions, or *)
  | MINUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp). (* a difference of two expressions *)

The denotational semantics: an evaluation function that computes the integer value denoted by an expression. This function is parameterized by a store s that associates values to variables.

Definition store : Type := ident -> Z.

Fixpoint aeval (a: aexp) (s: store) : Z :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => n
  | VAR x => s x
  | PLUS a1 a2 => aeval a1 s + aeval a2 s
  | MINUS a1 a2 => aeval a1 s - aeval a2 s

1.2. Boolean expressions

The IMP language has conditional statements (if/then/else) and loops. They are controlled by expressions that evaluate to Boolean values. Here is the abstract syntax of Boolean expressions.

Inductive bexp : Type :=
  | TRUE (* always true *)
  | FALSE (* always false *)
  | EQUAL (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp) (* whether a1 = a2 *)
  | LESSEQUAL (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp) (* whether a1 <= a2 *)
  | NOT (b1: bexp) (* Boolean negation *)
  | AND (b1: bexp) (b2: bexp). (* Boolean conjunction *)

Just like arithmetic expressions evaluate to integers, Boolean expressions evaluate to Boolean values true or false.

Fixpoint beval (b: bexp) (s: store) : bool :=
  match b with
  | TRUE => true
  | FALSE => false
  | EQUAL a1 a2 => aeval a1 s =? aeval a2 s
  | LESSEQUAL a1 a2 => aeval a1 s <=? aeval a2 s
  | NOT b1 => negb (beval b1 s)
  | AND b1 b2 => beval b1 s && beval b2 s

There are many useful derived forms.

Definition NOTEQUAL (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := NOT (EQUAL a1 a2).

Definition GREATEREQUAL (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := LESSEQUAL a2 a1.

Definition GREATER (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := NOT (LESSEQUAL a1 a2).

Definition LESS (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := GREATER a2 a1.

Definition OR (b1 b2: bexp) : bexp := NOT (AND (NOT b1) (NOT b2)).

1.3. Commands

To complete the definition of the IMP language, here is the abstract syntax of commands, also known as statements.

Inductive com: Type :=
  | SKIP (* do nothing *)
  | ASSIGN (x: ident) (a: aexp) (* assignment: v := a *)
  | SEQ (c1: com) (c2: com) (* sequence: c1; c2 *)
  | IFTHENELSE (b: bexp) (c1: com) (c2: com) (* conditional: if b then c1 else c2 *)
  | WHILE (b: bexp) (c1: com) (* loop: while b do c1 done *)
  | ASSERT (b: bexp) (* assertion (error if false) *)
  | HAVOC (x: ident). (* nondeterministic assignment *)

We can write c1 ;; c2 instead of SEQ c1 c2, it is easier on the eyes.

Infix ";;" := SEQ (at level 80, right associativity).

Reduction semantics.

Definition update (x: ident) (v: Z) (s: store) : store :=
  fun y => if string_dec x y then v else s y.

Lemma update_same: forall x v s, (update x v s) x = v.
  unfold update; intros. destruct (string_dec x x); congruence.

Lemma update_other: forall x v s y, x <> y -> (update x v s) y = s y.
  unfold update; intros. destruct (string_dec x y); congruence.

The relation red (c, s) (c', s') , written c / s --> c' / s' in the lectures, defines a basic reduction, that is, the first computation step when executing command c in initial memory state s. s' is the memory state "after" this computation step. c' is a command that represent all the computations that remain to be performed later. The reduction relation is presented as a Coq inductive predicate, with one case (one "constructor") for each reduction rule.

Inductive red: com * store -> com * store -> Prop :=
  | red_assign: forall x a s,
      red (ASSIGN x a, s) (SKIP, update x (aeval a s) s)
  | red_seq_done: forall c s,
      red (SEQ SKIP c, s) (c, s)
  | red_seq_step: forall c1 c s1 c2 s2,
      red (c1, s1) (c2, s2) ->
      red (SEQ c1 c, s1) (SEQ c2 c, s2)
  | red_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 s,
      red (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2, s) ((if beval b s then c1 else c2), s)
  | red_while_done: forall b c s,
      beval b s = false ->
      red (WHILE b c, s) (SKIP, s)
  | red_while_loop: forall b c s,
      beval b s = true ->
      red (WHILE b c, s) (SEQ c (WHILE b c), s)
  | red_havoc: forall x s n,
      red (HAVOC x, s) (SKIP, update x n s)
  | red_assert: forall b s,
      beval b s = true ->
      red (ASSERT b, s) (SKIP, s).

The predicate error c s means that command c started in state s causes a run-time error. This is written c / s --> err in the lectures.

Fixpoint error (c: com) (s: store) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | ASSERT b => beval b s = false
  | (c1 ;; c2) => error c1 s
  | _ => False

Definition terminated (c: com) : Prop := c = SKIP.

Definition terminates (c: com) (s s': store) : Prop :=
  exists c', star red (c, s) (c', s') /\ terminated c'.

Definition goeswrong (c: com) (s: store) : Prop :=
  exists c' s', star red (c, s) (c', s') /\ error c' s'.

2. Hoare logic

2.1. Assertions on the values of variables

Hoare logic manipulates formulas / claims / assertions that "talk about" the values of the program variables. A typical assertion is 0 <= x /\ x <= y, meaning "at this program point, the value of variable x is positive and less than or equal to the value of variable y".

In our Coq development, we represent assertions by Coq logical formulas (type Prop) parameterized by the current store, which provides the values of the variables. For example, the assertion 0 <= x /\ x <= y above is represented by the Coq predicate fun s => 0 <= s "x" /\ s "x" <= s "y".
Definition assertion : Type := store -> Prop.

Here are some useful assertions. Conjunction and disjunction of two assertions.

Definition aand (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => P s /\ Q s.

Definition aor (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => P s \/ Q s.

The assertion "arithmetic expression a evaluates to value v".

Definition aequal (a: aexp) (v: Z) : assertion :=
  fun s => aeval a s = v.

The assertions "Boolean expression b evaluates to true / to false".

Definition atrue (b: bexp) : assertion :=
  fun s => beval b s = true.

Definition afalse (b: bexp) : assertion :=
  fun s => beval b s = false.

The assertion written " P[x <- a] " in the literature. Substituting a for x in P amounts to evaluating P in stores where the variable x is equal to the value of expression a.

Definition aupdate (x: ident) (a: aexp) (P: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => P (update x (aeval a s) s).

Pointwise implication. Unlike conjunction and disjunction, this is not a predicate over the store, just a Coq proposition.

Definition aimp (P Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall s, P s -> Q s.


Definition aexists {A: Type} (P: A -> assertion) : assertion :=
  fun (s: store) => exists (a: A), P a s.

Definition aforall {A: Type} (P: A -> assertion) : assertion :=
  fun (s: store) => forall (a: A), P a s.

A few notations to improve legibility.

Notation "P -->> Q" := (aimp P Q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Notation "P //\\ Q" := (aand P Q) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "P \\// Q" := (aor P Q) (at level 75, right associativity).

2.2. The rules of Hoare logic

Here are the base rules for weak Hoare logic. They define a relation PcQ, where This is a "weak" logic, meaning that it does not guarantee termination of the command c. What is guaranteed is that if c terminates, then its final store satisfies postcondition Q.

Reserved Notation "⦃ PcQ ⦄" (at level 90, c at next level).

Inductive Hoare: assertion -> com -> assertion -> Prop :=
  | Hoare_skip: forall P,
      ⦃ PSKIPP
  | Hoare_assign: forall P x a,
      ⦃ aupdate x a PASSIGN x aP
  | Hoare_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      ⦃ Pc1Q ⦄ ->
      ⦃ Qc2R ⦄ ->
      ⦃ Pc1;;c2R
  | Hoare_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      ⦃ atrue b //\\ Pc1Q ⦄ ->
      ⦃ afalse b //\\ Pc2Q ⦄ ->
      ⦃ PIFTHENELSE b c1 c2Q
  | Hoare_while: forall P b c,
      ⦃ atrue b //\\ PcP ⦄ ->
      ⦃ PWHILE b cafalse b //\\ P
  | Hoare_havoc: forall x Q,
      ⦃ aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) Q) ⦄ HAVOC xQ
  | Hoare_assert: forall P b,
      ⦃ atrue b //\\ PASSERT batrue b //\\ P
  | Hoare_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
      P' -->> P ->
      Q -->> Q' ->
      ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ' ⦄

where "⦃ PcQ ⦄" := (Hoare P c Q).

Here are the rules for strong Hoare logic, defining strong triples PcQ that guarantee that c terminates. The only difference with weak triples is the rule for while loops.

Reserved Notation "〚 PcQ 〛" (at level 90, c at next level).

Definition alessthan (a: aexp) (v: Z) : assertion :=
  fun s => 0 <= aeval a s < v.

Inductive HOARE: assertion -> com -> assertion -> Prop :=
  | HOARE_skip: forall P,
      〚 PSKIPP
  | HOARE_assign: forall P x a,
      〚 aupdate x a PASSIGN x aP
  | HOARE_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      〚 Pc1Q 〛 ->
      〚 Qc2R 〛 ->
      〚 Pc1;;c2R
  | HOARE_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      〚 atrue b //\\ Pc1Q 〛 ->
      〚 afalse b //\\ Pc2Q 〛 ->
      〚 PIFTHENELSE b c1 c2Q
  | HOARE_while: forall P b c a,
      (forall v,
         〚 atrue b //\\ aequal a v //\\ Pcalessthan a v //\\ P 〛) ->
      〚 PWHILE b cafalse b //\\ P
  | HOARE_havoc: forall x Q,
      〚 aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) Q) 〛 HAVOC xQ
  | HOARE_assert: forall P b,
      〚 atrue b //\\ PASSERT batrue b //\\ P
  | HOARE_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      〚 PcQ 〛 ->
      P' -->> P ->
      Q -->> Q' ->
      〚 P' 〛 cQ' 〛

where "〚 PcQ 〛" := (HOARE P c Q).

2.3. Derived and admissible rules

Lemma Hoare_consequence_pre: forall P P' Q c,
      ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
      P' -->> P ->
      ⦃ P' ⦄ cQ ⦄.
  intros. apply Hoare_consequence with (P := P) (Q := Q); unfold aimp; auto.

Lemma Hoare_consequence_post: forall P Q Q' c,
      ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
      Q -->> Q' ->
      ⦃ PcQ' ⦄.
  intros. apply Hoare_consequence with (P := P) (Q := Q); unfold aimp; auto.

Lemma Floyd_assign: forall P x a,
  ⦃ PASSIGN x aaexists (fun x0 => aexists (fun v =>
                          aequal (VAR x) v //\\
                          aupdate x (CONST x0) (P //\\ aequal a v))) ⦄.
  intros. eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assign.
  intros s Ps.
  set (x0 := s x).
  set (v := aeval a s).
  set (s' := update x v s).
  set (s'' := update x x0 s').
  assert (s'' = s).
  { apply functional_extensionality; intros.
    unfold s'', s', update. destruct (string_dec x x1). subst x1; auto. auto. }
  unfold aupdate. exists x0. exists v.
  split. red; cbn. apply update_same.
  cbn; fold v; fold s'; fold s''. rewrite H. split; auto. red; auto.

Some derived constructs, with proof rules.

Lemma Hoare_ifthen: forall b c P Q,
    ⦃ atrue b //\\ PcQ ⦄ ->
    afalse b //\\ P -->> Q ->
  intros. apply Hoare_ifthenelse; auto.
  apply Hoare_consequence_pre with Q; auto using Hoare_skip.

Definition DOWHILE (c: com) (b: bexp) : com :=
  c ;; WHILE b c.

Lemma Hoare_dowhile: forall P b c Q,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ -> (atrue b //\\ Q -->> P) ->
  ⦃ PDOWHILE c bafalse b //\\ Q ⦄.
  intros. apply Hoare_seq with Q. auto.
  apply Hoare_while. apply Hoare_consequence_pre with P; auto.

A frame rule for strong triples. Used to reason about "for" loops below.

Fixpoint assigns (c: com) (x: ident) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => False
  | ASSIGN y a => x = y
  | SEQ c1 c2 => assigns c1 x \/ assigns c2 x
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => assigns c1 x \/ assigns c2 x
  | WHILE b c => assigns c x
  | ASSERT b => False
  | HAVOC y => x = y

Definition independent (A: assertion) (vars: ident -> Prop) : Prop :=
  forall (s1 s2: store),
  (forall x, ~ vars x -> s1 x = s2 x) ->
  A s1 -> A s2.

Ltac Tauto :=
  let s := fresh "s" in
  unfold aand, aor, aimp in *;
  intro s;
  repeat (match goal with [ H: (forall (s': store), _) |- _ ] => specialize (H s) end);
  intuition auto.

Lemma HOARE_frame:
  forall R P c Q,
  〚 PcQ 〛 ->
  independent R (assigns c) ->
  〚 P //\\ RcQ //\\ R 〛.
  intros R.
  assert (IND_SUB: forall (vars1 vars2: ident -> Prop),
                   independent R vars1 ->
                   (forall x, vars2 x -> vars1 x) ->
                   independent R vars2).
  { unfold independent; intros. apply H with s1; auto. }
  induction 1; intros IND; simpl in IND.
- apply HOARE_skip.
- eapply HOARE_consequence with (Q := P //\\ R).
  apply HOARE_assign.
  unfold aupdate; intros s [A B]. split. auto. apply IND with s; auto.
  intros y DIFF. rewrite update_other; auto.
- apply HOARE_seq with (Q //\\ R).
  apply IHHOARE1. eapply IND_SUB; eauto. cbn; intros; tauto.
  apply IHHOARE2. eapply IND_SUB; eauto. cbn; intros; tauto.
- apply HOARE_ifthenelse.
  eapply HOARE_consequence with (Q := Q //\\ R).
  apply IHHOARE1. eapply IND_SUB; eauto. cbn; intros; tauto.
  Tauto. Tauto.
  eapply HOARE_consequence with (Q := Q //\\ R).
  apply IHHOARE2. eapply IND_SUB; eauto. cbn; intros; tauto.
  Tauto. Tauto.
- eapply HOARE_consequence with (P := P //\\ R).
  apply HOARE_while with a. intros.
  eapply HOARE_consequence. apply (H0 v). auto.
  Tauto. Tauto. Tauto. Tauto.
- eapply HOARE_consequence with (Q := Q //\\ R).
  apply HOARE_havoc.
  intros s [A B] n; split. apply A. apply IND with s; auto.
  intros y DIFF. rewrite update_other; auto.
- eapply HOARE_consequence.
  apply HOARE_assert with (P := P //\\ R). Tauto. Tauto.
- eapply HOARE_consequence.
  apply IHHOARE; auto.
  intros s [A B]; split; auto.
  intros s [A B]; split; auto.

A counted "for" loop.

Definition FOR (i: ident) (l: aexp) (h: ident) (c: com) : com :=
  ASSIGN i l;;
  WHILE (LESSEQUAL (VAR i) (VAR h)) (c ;; ASSIGN i (PLUS (VAR i) (CONST 1))).

Lemma HOARE_for: forall l h i c P,
  〚 atrue (LESSEQUAL (VAR i) (VAR h)) //\\ P
  〚 aupdate i (PLUS (VAR i) (CONST 1)) P 〛 ->
  ~assigns c i -> ~assigns c h -> i <> h ->
  〚 aupdate i l PFOR i l h cafalse (LESSEQUAL (VAR i) (VAR h)) //\\ P 〛.
  intros. apply HOARE_seq with P. apply HOARE_assign.
  set (variant := PLUS (MINUS (VAR h) (VAR i)) (CONST 1)).
  apply HOARE_while with (a := variant).
  intro v.
  eapply HOARE_seq.
  eapply HOARE_consequence.
  apply HOARE_frame with (R := aequal variant v //\\ atrue (LESSEQUAL (VAR i) (VAR h))).
  eexact H.
  intros s1 s2 E. unfold aequal, atrue, aand; simpl.
  rewrite (E i), (E h) by auto. auto.
  intros s A. eexact A.
  eapply HOARE_consequence with (Q := alessthan variant v //\\ P).
  apply HOARE_assign.
  intros s (A & B & C). unfold aequal in B; simpl in B. unfold atrue in C; simpl in C. apply Z.leb_le in C.
  split. red; simpl. rewrite update_same. rewrite update_other by auto. lia.
  exact A.

Some inversion lemmas.

Lemma Hoare_skip_inv: forall P Q,
  ⦃ PSKIPQ ⦄ -> (P -->> Q).
  intros P Q H; dependent induction H.
- red; auto.
- red; intros. apply H1, IHHoare, H0; auto.

Lemma Hoare_assign_inv: forall x a P Q,
  ⦃ PASSIGN x aQ ⦄ -> (P -->> aupdate x a Q).
  intros x a P Q H; dependent induction H.
- red; auto.
- red; intros; red. apply H1, IHHoare, H0; auto.

Lemma Hoare_seq_inv: forall c1 c2 P Q,
  ⦃ Pc1 ;; c2Q ⦄ ->
  exists R, ⦃ Pc1R ⦄ /\ ⦃ Rc2Q ⦄.
  intros c1 c2 P Q H; dependent induction H.
- exists Q; auto.
- edestruct IHHoare as (R & C1 & C2); eauto.
  exists R; split; eauto using Hoare_consequence_pre, Hoare_consequence_post.

Lemma Hoare_ifthenelse_inv: forall b c1 c2 P Q,
  ⦃ PIFTHENELSE b c1 c2Q ⦄ ->
  ⦃ atrue b //\\ Pc1Q ⦄ /\ ⦃ afalse b //\\ Pc2Q ⦄.
  intros b c1 c2 P Q H; dependent induction H.
- split; auto.
- edestruct IHHoare as (C1 & C2); eauto.
  split; eapply Hoare_consequence; eauto.
  intros s [A B]; split; auto.
  intros s [A B]; split; auto.

Lemma Hoare_while_inv: forall b c P Q,
  ⦃ PWHILE b cQ ⦄ ->
  exists Inv, ⦃ atrue b //\\ InvcInv
           /\ (P -->> Inv) /\ (afalse b //\\ Inv -->> Q).
  intros b c P Q H; dependent induction H.
- exists P; split; auto. split; Tauto.
- edestruct IHHoare as (Inv & C & X & Y); eauto.
  exists Inv; split; auto. split; Tauto.

Lemma Hoare_havoc_inv: forall x P Q,
  ⦃ PHAVOC xQ ⦄ -> (P -->> aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) Q)).
  intros x P Q H; dependent induction H.
- red; auto.
- intros s Ps n. apply H1. apply IHHoare; auto.

Lemma Hoare_assert_inv: forall b P Q,
  ⦃ PASSERT bQ ⦄ ->
  exists R, (P -->> atrue b //\\ R) /\ (atrue b //\\ R -->> Q).
  intros b P Q H; dependent induction H.
- exists P; split; Tauto.
- edestruct IHHoare as (R & A & B); eauto.
  exists R; split; Tauto.

Some admissible rules.

Lemma Hoare_conj:
  forall c P1 P2 Q1 Q2,
  ⦃ P1cQ1 ⦄ -> ⦃ P2cQ2 ⦄ ->
  ⦃ P1 //\\ P2cQ1 //\\ Q2 ⦄.
  induction c; intros.
- apply Hoare_skip_inv in H. apply Hoare_skip_inv in H0.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_post. apply Hoare_skip. Tauto.
- apply Hoare_assign_inv in H. apply Hoare_assign_inv in H0.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assign. unfold aupdate in *; Tauto.
- apply Hoare_seq_inv in H. destruct H as (R1 & C11 & C21).
  apply Hoare_seq_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (R2 & C12 & C22).
  apply Hoare_seq with (R1 //\\ R2); auto.
- apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H. destruct H as (C11 & C21).
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (C12 & C22).
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. eauto. Tauto.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. eauto. Tauto.
- apply Hoare_while_inv in H. destruct H as (Inv1 & C1 & A1 & B1).
  apply Hoare_while_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (Inv2 & C2 & A2 & B2).
  eapply Hoare_consequence with (P := Inv1 //\\ Inv2).
  apply Hoare_while.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. eapply IHc; eauto. Tauto.
  Tauto. Tauto.
- intros. apply Hoare_assert_inv in H. destruct H as (R1 & A1 & B1).
  apply Hoare_assert_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (R2 & A2 & B2).
  eapply Hoare_consequence. eapply Hoare_assert with (P := R1 //\\ R2).
  Tauto. Tauto.
- apply Hoare_havoc_inv in H.
  apply Hoare_havoc_inv in H0.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_havoc.
  unfold aupdate, aforall in *; Tauto.

Lemma Hoare_disj:
  forall c P1 P2 Q1 Q2,
  ⦃ P1cQ1 ⦄ -> ⦃ P2cQ2 ⦄ ->
  ⦃ P1 \\// P2cQ1 \\// Q2 ⦄.
  induction c; intros.
- apply Hoare_skip_inv in H. apply Hoare_skip_inv in H0.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_post. apply Hoare_skip. Tauto.
- apply Hoare_assign_inv in H. apply Hoare_assign_inv in H0.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assign. unfold aupdate in *; Tauto.
- apply Hoare_seq_inv in H. destruct H as (R1 & C11 & C21).
  apply Hoare_seq_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (R2 & C12 & C22).
  apply Hoare_seq with (R1 \\// R2); auto.
- apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H. destruct H as (C11 & C21).
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (C12 & C22).
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. eauto. Tauto.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. eauto. Tauto.
- apply Hoare_while_inv in H. destruct H as (Inv1 & C1 & A1 & B1).
  apply Hoare_while_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (Inv2 & C2 & A2 & B2).
  eapply Hoare_consequence with (P := Inv1 \\// Inv2).
  apply Hoare_while.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. eapply IHc; eauto. Tauto.
  Tauto. Tauto.
- intros. apply Hoare_assert_inv in H. destruct H as (R1 & A1 & B1).
  apply Hoare_assert_inv in H0. destruct H0 as (R2 & A2 & B2).
  eapply Hoare_consequence. eapply Hoare_assert with (P := R1 \\// R2).
  Tauto. Tauto.
- apply Hoare_havoc_inv in H.
  apply Hoare_havoc_inv in H0.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_havoc.
  unfold aupdate, aforall in *; Tauto.

Definition choice_axiom :=
  forall (A B: Type) (R: A -> B -> Prop),
  (forall a, exists b, R a b) ->
  exists f: A -> B, forall a, R a (f a).

Lemma Hoare_exists:
  choice_axiom ->
  forall (X: Type) c (P Q: X -> assertion),
  (forall x, ⦃ P xcQ x ⦄) ->
  ⦃ aexists Pcaexists Q ⦄.
  intros CHOICE X. induction c; intros P Q H.
- assert (H': forall x, P x -->> Q x) by (intros; apply Hoare_skip_inv; auto).
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_skip.
  intros s (x & Px). exists x; apply H'; auto.
- assert (H': forall y, P y -->> aupdate x a (Q y)).
  { intros. apply Hoare_assign_inv. auto. }
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assign.
  intros s (y & Py). exists y. apply H'; auto.
- set (REL := fun (x : X) (R: assertion) => Hoare (P x) c1 R /\ Hoare R c2 (Q x)).
  assert (H': exists R: X -> assertion, forall x: X, REL x (R x)).
  { apply CHOICE. intros x. apply Hoare_seq_inv. auto. }
  destruct H' as (R & H').
  apply Hoare_seq with (aexists R).
  apply IHc1. intros; apply H'.
  apply IHc2. intros; apply H'.
- assert (H1: Hoare (aexists (fun x => atrue b //\\ P x)) c1 (aexists Q)).
  { apply IHc1. intros. specialize (H x). apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H. tauto. }
  assert (H2: Hoare (aexists (fun x => afalse b //\\ P x)) c2 (aexists Q)).
  { apply IHc2. intros. specialize (H x). apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H. tauto. }
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse; eapply Hoare_consequence_pre; eauto.
  intros s (A & x & B). exists x; split; auto.
  intros s (A & x & B). exists x; split; auto.
- set (REL := fun (x : X) (Inv: assertion) =>
          Hoare (atrue b //\\ Inv) c Inv /\ (P x -->> Inv) /\ (afalse b //\\ Inv -->> Q x)).
  assert (H': exists Inv: X -> assertion, forall x: X, REL x (Inv x)).
  { apply CHOICE. intros x. apply Hoare_while_inv. auto. }
  destruct H' as (Inv & H').
  eapply Hoare_consequence with (P := aexists Inv).
  apply Hoare_while.
  apply Hoare_consequence_pre with (P := aexists (fun x => atrue b //\\ Inv x)).
  apply IHc. intros x. apply H'.
  intros s (A & x & B); exists x; split; auto.
  intros s (x & A). exists x; apply H'; auto.
  intros s (A & x & B); exists x; apply H'; split; auto.
- intros.
  set (REL := fun (x : X) (R: assertion) =>
                (P x -->> atrue b //\\ R) /\ (atrue b //\\ R -->> Q x)).
  assert (H': exists R: X -> assertion, forall x: X, REL x (R x)).
  { apply CHOICE. intros x. apply Hoare_assert_inv. auto. }
  destruct H' as (R & A).
  eapply Hoare_consequence.
  apply Hoare_assert with (P := aexists R).
  intros s (x & Px). destruct (A x) as (B & C). apply B in Px. destruct Px. split; auto. exists x; auto.
  intros s (Bs & x & Rx). destruct (A x) as (B & C). exists x. apply C. split; auto.
- assert (H': forall y, P y -->> aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) (Q y))).
  { intros. apply Hoare_havoc_inv. auto. }
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_havoc.
  intros s (y & Py). exists y. apply H'; auto.

Lemma Hoare_forall:
  choice_axiom ->
  forall (X: Type) (inhabited: X) c (P Q: X -> assertion),
  (forall x, ⦃ P xcQ x ⦄) ->
  ⦃ aforall Pcaforall Q ⦄.
  intros CHOICE X inhabited; induction c; intros P Q H.
- assert (H': forall x, P x -->> Q x) by (intros; apply Hoare_skip_inv; auto).
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_skip.
  intros s Ps x. apply H'. apply Ps.
- assert (H': forall y, P y -->> aupdate x a (Q y)).
  { intros. apply Hoare_assign_inv. auto. }
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assign.
  intros s Ps y. apply H'. auto.
- set (REL := fun (x : X) (R: assertion) => Hoare (P x) c1 R /\ Hoare R c2 (Q x)).
  assert (H': exists R: X -> assertion, forall x: X, REL x (R x)).
  { apply CHOICE. intros x. apply Hoare_seq_inv. auto. }
  destruct H' as (R & H').
  apply Hoare_seq with (aforall R).
  apply IHc1. intros; apply H'.
  apply IHc2. intros; apply H'.
- assert (H1: Hoare (aforall (fun x => atrue b //\\ P x)) c1 (aforall Q)).
  { apply IHc1. intros. specialize (H x). apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H. tauto. }
  assert (H2: Hoare (aforall (fun x => afalse b //\\ P x)) c2 (aforall Q)).
  { apply IHc2. intros. specialize (H x). apply Hoare_ifthenelse_inv in H. tauto. }
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse; eapply Hoare_consequence_pre; eauto.
  intros s (A & B) x. split; auto.
  intros s (A & B) x. split; auto.
- set (REL := fun (x : X) (Inv: assertion) =>
          Hoare (atrue b //\\ Inv) c Inv /\ (P x -->> Inv) /\ (afalse b //\\ Inv -->> Q x)).
  assert (H': exists Inv: X -> assertion, forall x: X, REL x (Inv x)).
  { apply CHOICE. intros x. apply Hoare_while_inv. auto. }
  destruct H' as (Inv & H').
  eapply Hoare_consequence with (P := aforall Inv).
  apply Hoare_while.
  apply Hoare_consequence_pre with (P := aforall (fun x => atrue b //\\ Inv x)).
  apply IHc. intros x. apply H'.
  intros s [A B] x; split; auto.
  intros s A x. apply H'; auto.
  intros s [A B] x. apply H'; split; auto.
- intros.
  set (REL := fun (x : X) (R: assertion) =>
                (P x -->> atrue b //\\ R) /\ (atrue b //\\ R -->> Q x)).
  assert (H': exists R: X -> assertion, forall x: X, REL x (R x)).
  { apply CHOICE. intros x. apply Hoare_assert_inv. auto. }
  destruct H' as (R & A).
  eapply Hoare_consequence.
  apply Hoare_assert with (P := aforall R).
  intros s Pall; split.
  destruct (A inhabited) as (B & C). apply B; auto.
  intros x. destruct (A x) as (B & C). apply B; auto.
  intros s (Bs & Rall) x. destruct (A x) as (B & C). apply C; split; auto.
- assert (H': forall y, P y -->> aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) (Q y))).
  { intros. apply Hoare_havoc_inv. auto. }
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_havoc.
  intros s Pall n y. apply H'. auto.

2.4. Soundness

Soundness of Hoare logic, in the style of type soundness proofs.

Module Soundness1.

Lemma Hoare_safe:
  forall P c Q,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  forall s, P s -> ~(error c s).
  induction 1; intros s Ps; simpl; auto. destruct Ps. red in H. congruence.

Lemma Hoare_step:
  forall P c Q,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ ->
  forall s c' s',
  P s -> red (c, s) (c', s') -> exists P', ⦃ P' ⦄ c' ⦃ Q ⦄ /\ P' s'.
  induction 1; intros s c' s' Ps RED.
- inv RED.
- inv RED.
  exists P; split. constructor. exact Ps.
- inv RED.
  + exists Q; split. assumption. eapply Hoare_skip_inv; eauto.
  + destruct (IHHoare1 _ _ _ Ps H2) as (P' & HO' & Ps').
    exists P'; split; auto. apply Hoare_seq with Q; auto.
- inv RED.
  exists (if beval b s' then atrue b //\\ P else afalse b //\\ P); split.
  destruct (beval b s'); auto.
  unfold aand, atrue, afalse. destruct (beval b s') eqn:B; auto.
- inv RED.
  + exists (afalse b //\\ P); split. constructor. unfold aand, afalse; auto.
  + exists (atrue b //\\ P); split.
    apply Hoare_seq with P; auto. apply Hoare_while; auto.
    unfold aand, atrue; auto.
- inv RED. exists Q; split. constructor. apply Ps.
- destruct Ps as [Ps1 Ps2]. inv RED.
  exists (atrue b //\\ P); split. constructor. split; auto.
- apply H0 in Ps. destruct (IHHoare _ _ _ Ps RED) as (R & HO & Rs').
  exists R; split; auto. apply Hoare_consequence_post with Q; auto.

Corollary Hoare_steps:
  forall P Q c s c' s',
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ -> P s -> star red (c, s) (c', s') ->
  exists P', ⦃ P' ⦄ c' ⦃ Q ⦄ /\ P' s'.
  assert (REC: forall cs cs', star red cs cs' ->
               forall P Q, Hoare P (fst cs) Q -> P (snd cs) ->
               exists P', Hoare P' (fst cs') Q /\ P' (snd cs')).
  { induction 1; intros.
  - exists P; auto.
  - destruct a as [c1 s1], b as [c2 s2], c as [c3 s3]; simpl in *.
    destruct (Hoare_step _ _ _ H1 _ _ _ H2 H) as (R & HO & Rs2).
    eapply IHstar; eauto.
  intros. eapply (REC (c, s) (c', s')); eauto.

Corollary Hoare_sound:
  forall P c Q s,
  ⦃ PcQ ⦄ -> P s ->
  ~ goeswrong c s /\ (forall s', terminates c s s' -> Q s').
  intros P c Q s HO Ps; split.
- intros (c' & s' & RED & STUCK).
  destruct (Hoare_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ HO Ps RED) as (P' & HO' & Ps').
  eapply Hoare_safe; eauto.
- intros s' (c' & RED & TERM). red in TERM. subst c'.
  destruct (Hoare_steps _ _ _ _ _ _ HO Ps RED) as (P' & HO' & Ps').
  eapply Hoare_skip_inv; eauto.

End Soundness1.

Soundness of strong Hoare logic, using an inductive "safe" predicate.

Module Soundness2.

Inductive safe (Q: assertion): com -> store -> Prop :=
  | safe_now: forall c s,
      terminated c -> Q s ->
      safe Q c s
  | safe_step: forall c s,
      ~terminated c -> ~error c s ->
      (forall c' s', red (c, s) (c', s') -> safe Q c' s') ->
      safe Q c s.

Definition Triple (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall s, P s -> safe Q c s.

Notation "〚〚 P 〛〛 c 〚〚 Q 〛〛" := (Triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

Lemma Triple_skip: forall P,
      〚〚 P 〛〛 SKIP 〚〚 P 〛〛.
  intros P s PRE. apply safe_now. reflexivity. auto.

Lemma Triple_assign: forall P x a,
      〚〚 aupdate x a P 〛〛 ASSIGN x a 〚〚 P 〛〛.
  intros P x a s PRE. apply safe_step.
- unfold terminated; congruence.
- cbn; tauto.
- intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply safe_now. reflexivity. exact PRE.

Remark safe_seq:
  forall (Q R: assertion) (c': com),
  (forall s, Q s -> safe R c' s) ->
  forall c s, safe Q c s -> safe R (c ;; c') s.
  intros Q R c2 QR. induction 1.
  - rewrite H. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
    intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply QR; auto.
    inv H2.
  - apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
    intros c' s' RED; inv RED.
    + elim H; red; auto.
    + apply H2; auto.

Lemma Triple_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      〚〚 P 〛〛 c1 〚〚 Q 〛〛 -> 〚〚 Q 〛〛 c2 〚〚 R 〛〛 ->
      〚〚 P 〛〛 c1;;c2 〚〚 R 〛〛.
  intros. intros s PRE. apply safe_seq with Q; auto.

Lemma Triple_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      〚〚 atrue b //\\ P 〛〛 c1 〚〚 Q 〛〛 ->
      〚〚 afalse b //\\ P 〛〛 c2 〚〚 Q 〛〛 ->
      〚〚 P 〛〛 IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 〚〚 Q 〛〛.
  intros; intros s PRE. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED.
  destruct (beval b s') eqn:B.
- apply H; split; auto.
- apply H0; split; auto.

Lemma Triple_while: forall P variant b c,
  (forall v,
     〚〚 atrue b //\\ aequal variant v //\\ P 〛〛
     〚〚 alessthan variant v //\\ P 〛〛)
     〚〚 P 〛〛 WHILE b c 〚〚 afalse b //\\ P 〛〛.
  intros P variant b c T.
  assert (REC: forall v s, P s -> aeval variant s = v ->
               safe (afalse b //\\ P) (WHILE b c) s ).
  { induction v using (well_founded_induction (Z.lt_wf 0)).
    intros. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
    intros c' s' RED; inv RED.
  - apply safe_now. red; auto. split; auto.
  - apply safe_seq with (alessthan variant (aeval variant s') //\\ P).
    + intros s'' [PRE1 PRE2]. red in PRE1. eapply H. eexact PRE1. exact PRE2. auto.
    + apply T. split; auto. split; auto. red. auto.
  intros s PRE. apply REC with (aeval variant s); auto.

Lemma Triple_havoc: forall x Q,
      〚〚 aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) Q) 〛〛 HAVOC x 〚〚 Q 〛〛.
  intros; intros s PRE. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED. constructor. red; auto. apply PRE.

Lemma Triple_assert: forall b P,
      〚〚 atrue b //\\ P 〛〛 ASSERT b 〚〚 atrue b //\\ P 〛〛.
  intros. intros s [PRE1 PRE2]. red in PRE1.
  apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; congruence.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply safe_now; auto. red; auto. split; auto.

Lemma Triple_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      〚〚 P 〛〛 c 〚〚 Q 〛〛 -> P' -->> P -> Q -->> Q' ->
      〚〚 P' 〛〛 c 〚〚 Q' 〛〛.
  assert (REC: forall c s, safe Q c s -> safe Q' c s).
  { induction 1.
  - apply safe_now; auto.
  - apply safe_step; auto.
  red; auto.

Theorem HOARE_sound:
  forall P c Q, 〚 PcQ 〛 -> 〚〚 P 〛〛 c 〚〚 Q 〛〛.
  induction 1.
- apply Triple_skip.
- apply Triple_assign.
- apply Triple_seq with Q; auto.
- apply Triple_ifthenelse; auto.
- apply Triple_while with a; auto.
- apply Triple_havoc; auto.
- apply Triple_assert; auto.
- apply Triple_consequence with P Q; auto.

End Soundness2.

Soundness of weak Hoare logic, using a coinductive "safe" predicate.

Module Soundness3.

CoInductive safe (Q: assertion): com -> store -> Prop :=
  | safe_now: forall c s,
      terminated c -> Q s ->
      safe Q c s
  | safe_step: forall c s,
      ~terminated c -> ~error c s ->
      (forall c' s', red (c, s) (c', s') -> safe Q c' s') ->
      safe Q c s.

Lemma safe_terminated_inv: forall Q c s,
  safe Q c s -> terminated c -> Q s.
  intros. inv H. auto. contradiction.

Lemma safe_not_stuck: forall Q c s,
  safe Q c s -> ~terminated c -> ~(error c s).
  intros. inv H. contradiction. auto.

Lemma safe_step_inv: forall Q c s c' s',
  safe Q c s -> red (c, s) (c', s') -> safe Q c' s'.
  intros. inv H. red in H1; subst c; inv H0. eauto.

Definition triple (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall s, P s -> safe Q c s.

Notation "⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄" := (triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

Lemma triple_skip: forall P,
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ SKIP ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄.
  intros P s PRE. apply safe_now. reflexivity. auto.

Lemma triple_assign: forall P x a,
      ⦃⦃ aupdate x a P ⦄⦄ ASSIGN x a ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄.
  intros P x a s PRE. apply safe_step.
- unfold terminated; congruence.
- cbn; tauto.
- intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply safe_now. reflexivity. exact PRE.

Remark safe_seq:
  forall (Q R: assertion) (c': com),
  (forall s, Q s -> safe R c' s) ->
  forall c s, safe Q c s -> safe R (c ;; c') s.
  intros Q R c2 QR. cofix CHR; destruct 1.
  - rewrite H. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
    intros c' s' RED; inversion RED; clear RED. rewrite <- H4. apply QR; auto. congruence.
    inv H2.
  - apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
    intros c' s' RED; inversion RED.
    + elim H; red; auto.
    + apply CHR. apply H1; auto.

Lemma triple_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c1 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ -> ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ c2 ⦃⦃ R ⦄⦄ ->
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c1;;c2 ⦃⦃ R ⦄⦄.
  intros. intros s PRE. apply safe_seq with Q; auto.

Lemma triple_while: forall P b c,
   ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ ->
   ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ WHILE b c ⦃⦃ afalse b //\\ P ⦄⦄.
  intros P b c T.
  assert (REC: forall s, P s ->
               safe (afalse b //\\ P) (WHILE b c) s ).
  { cofix CHR; intros s Ps. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
    intros c' s' RED; inversion RED.
  - apply safe_now. red; auto. split; auto. congruence.
  - apply safe_seq with P.
    + intros s'' Ps''. apply CHR. auto.
    + apply T. split; auto. congruence.
  intros s PRE. apply REC. auto.

Lemma triple_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄ c1 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ ->
      ⦃⦃ afalse b //\\ P ⦄⦄ c2 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ ->
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄.
  intros; intros s PRE. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED.
  destruct (beval b s') eqn:B.
- apply H; split; auto.
- apply H0; split; auto.

Lemma triple_havoc: forall x Q,
      ⦃⦃ aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) Q) ⦄⦄ HAVOC x ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄.
  intros; intros s PRE. apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED. constructor. red; auto. apply PRE.

Lemma triple_assert: forall b P,
      ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄ ASSERT b ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄.
  intros. intros s [PRE1 PRE2]. red in PRE1.
  apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; congruence.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply safe_now; auto. red; auto. split; auto.

Lemma triple_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ -> P' -->> P -> Q -->> Q' ->
      ⦃⦃ P' ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q' ⦄⦄.
  assert (REC: forall c s, safe Q c s -> safe Q' c s).
  { cofix CH. destruct 1.
  - apply safe_now; auto.
  - apply safe_step; auto.
  red; auto.

Theorem Hoare_sound:
  forall P c Q, ⦃ PcQ ⦄ -> ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄.
  induction 1.
- apply triple_skip.
- apply triple_assign.
- apply triple_seq with Q; auto.
- apply triple_ifthenelse; auto.
- apply triple_while; auto.
- apply triple_havoc; auto.
- apply triple_assert; auto.
- apply triple_consequence with P Q; auto.

End Soundness3.

Soundness of weak Hoare logic, using a step-indexed "safe" predicate.

Module Soundness4.

Inductive safe (Q: assertion): nat -> com -> store -> Prop :=
  | safe_zero: forall c s,
      safe Q O c s
  | safe_now: forall n c s,
      terminated c -> Q s ->
      safe Q (S n) c s
  | safe_step: forall n c s,
      ~terminated c -> ~error c s ->
      (forall c' s', red (c, s) (c', s') -> safe Q n c' s') ->
      safe Q (S n) c s.

Definition triple (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall n s, P s -> safe Q n c s.

Notation "⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄" := (triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

Properties of safe.

Lemma safe_mono:
  forall Q n c s, safe Q n c s -> forall n', (n' <= n)%nat -> safe Q n' c s.
  induction 1; intros.
- replace n' with O by lia. constructor.
- destruct n'. constructor. apply safe_now; auto.
- destruct n'. constructor. apply safe_step; auto. intros. apply H2; auto. lia.

Lemma safe_now': forall (Q: assertion) n c s,
  terminated c -> Q s -> safe Q n c s.
  intros. destruct n. constructor. apply safe_now; auto.

Lemma safe_terminated_inv: forall Q n c s,
  safe Q (S n) c s -> terminated c -> Q s.
  intros. inv H. auto. contradiction.

Lemma safe_notstuck: forall Q n c s,
  safe Q (S n) c s -> ~error c s.
  intros. inv H.
- rewrite H1. cbn; auto.
- auto.

Lemma safe_step_inv: forall Q n c s c' s',
  safe Q (S n) c s -> red (c, s) (c', s') -> safe Q n c' s'.
  intros. inv H.
- rewrite H2 in H0; inv H0.
- eauto.

Deduction rules.

Lemma triple_skip: forall P,
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ SKIP ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄.
  intros P n s PRE. apply safe_now'. reflexivity. auto.

Lemma triple_assign: forall P x a,
      ⦃⦃ aupdate x a P ⦄⦄ ASSIGN x a ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄.
  intros P x a n s PRE. destruct n. constructor. apply safe_step.
- unfold terminated; congruence.
- cbn; tauto.
- intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply triple_skip. exact PRE.

Remark safe_seq:
  forall (Q R: assertion) (c': com) n,
  (forall n' s, (n' < n)%nat -> Q s -> safe R n' c' s) ->
  forall c s, safe Q n c s -> safe R n (c ;; c') s.
  intros Q R c2. induction n; intros QR c s SF.
- constructor.
- apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence.
  + cbn. eapply safe_notstuck; eauto.
  + intros c' s' RED. inv RED.
    * apply QR. lia. eapply safe_terminated_inv; eauto. red; auto.
    * apply IHn.
      intros; apply QR; auto.
      eapply safe_step_inv; eauto.

Lemma triple_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c1 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ -> ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ c2 ⦃⦃ R ⦄⦄ ->
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c1;;c2 ⦃⦃ R ⦄⦄.
  intros. intros n s PRE. apply safe_seq with Q; auto.

Lemma triple_while: forall P b c,
   ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ ->
   ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ WHILE b c ⦃⦃ afalse b //\\ P ⦄⦄.
  intros P b c T. red. induction n; intros s Ps. constructor.
  apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED.
- apply triple_skip. split; auto.
- apply safe_seq with P. intros. apply safe_mono with n. apply IHn; auto. lia.
  apply T. split; auto.

Lemma triple_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄ c1 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ ->
      ⦃⦃ afalse b //\\ P ⦄⦄ c2 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ ->
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄.
  intros; intros n s PRE. destruct n. constructor.
  apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED.
  destruct (beval b s') eqn:B.
- apply H; split; auto.
- apply H0; split; auto.

Lemma triple_havoc: forall x Q,
      ⦃⦃ aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) Q) ⦄⦄ HAVOC x ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄.
  intros; intros n s PRE. destruct n. constructor.
  apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; auto.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply safe_now'. red; auto. apply PRE.

Lemma triple_assert: forall b P,
      ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄ ASSERT b ⦃⦃ atrue b //\\ P ⦄⦄.
  intros. intros n s [PRE1 PRE2]. red in PRE1.
  destruct n. constructor.
  apply safe_step. unfold terminated; congruence. cbn; congruence.
  intros c' s' RED; inv RED. apply safe_now'; auto. red; auto. split; auto.

Lemma triple_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ -> P' -->> P -> Q -->> Q' ->
      ⦃⦃ P' ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q' ⦄⦄.
  assert (REC: forall n c s, safe Q n c s -> safe Q' n c s).
  { induction 1.
  - constructor.
  - apply safe_now; auto.
  - apply safe_step; auto.
  red; auto.

Theorem Hoare_sound:
  forall P c Q, ⦃ PcQ ⦄ -> ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄.
  induction 1.
- apply triple_skip.
- apply triple_assign.
- apply triple_seq with Q; auto.
- apply triple_ifthenelse; auto.
- apply triple_while; auto.
- apply triple_havoc; auto.
- apply triple_assert; auto.
- apply triple_consequence with P Q; auto.

End Soundness4.

2.5. Completeness

Module Completeness.

Import Soundness3.

A weakest (liberal) precondition, defined in terms of the operational semantics.

Definition sem_wp (c: com) (Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => safe Q c s.

Lemma terminated_dec: forall c, {terminated c} + {~terminated c}.
  unfold terminated. destruct c; (left; reflexivity) || (right; discriminate).

Lemma sem_wp_seq: forall c1 c2 Q s,
  sem_wp (c1 ;; c2) Q s -> sem_wp c1 (sem_wp c2 Q) s.
  unfold sem_wp; cofix CH; intros c1 c2 Q s SAFE.
  destruct (terminated_dec c1).
- apply safe_now. auto.
  eapply safe_step_inv. eauto. rewrite t. constructor.
- apply safe_step. auto.
  change (~ (error (c1;;c2) s)). eapply safe_not_stuck; eauto. unfold terminated; congruence.
  intros. apply CH. eapply safe_step_inv. eexact SAFE. constructor; auto.

Show that the triple { sem_wp c Q } c { Q } is derivable using the rules of Hoare logic.

Lemma Hoare_sem_wp:
  forall c Q, ⦃ sem_wp c QcQ ⦄.
  induction c; intros Q.
- eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_skip.
  intros s W. eapply safe_terminated_inv. eexact W. red; auto.
- eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assign.
  intros s W.
  assert (W': safe Q SKIP (update x (aeval a s) s)).
  { eapply safe_step_inv. eexact W. apply red_assign. }
  apply safe_terminated_inv in W'. assumption. red; auto.
- apply Hoare_seq with (sem_wp c2 Q); auto.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc1.
  intros s; apply sem_wp_seq.
- apply Hoare_ifthenelse.
  + eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc1.
    intros s [P1 P2]. replace c1 with (if beval b s then c1 else c2).
    eapply safe_step_inv. eexact P2. constructor. rewrite P1; auto.
  + eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc2.
    intros s [P1 P2]. replace c2 with (if beval b s then c1 else c2).
    eapply safe_step_inv. eexact P2. constructor. rewrite P1; auto.
- eapply Hoare_consequence_post. apply Hoare_while.
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc.
  + intros s [P1 P2].
    apply sem_wp_seq. eapply safe_step_inv. eexact P2. constructor. exact P1.
  + intros s [P1 P2].
    eapply safe_terminated_inv. eapply safe_step_inv. eexact P2. apply red_while_done. exact P1. red; auto.
- eapply Hoare_consequence. apply Hoare_assert.
  + intros s SAFE.
    assert (NOTSTUCK: ~ (error (ASSERT b) s)).
    { eapply safe_not_stuck; eauto. unfold terminated; congruence. }
    assert (B: beval b s = true).
    { cbn in NOTSTUCK. destruct (beval b s); auto. }
    assert (FINAL: Q s).
    { eapply safe_terminated_inv. eapply safe_step_inv. eexact SAFE. constructor. auto. red; auto. }
    split. exact B. exact FINAL.
  + intros s; unfold aand; tauto.
- eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_havoc.
  intros s W n.
  assert (W': safe Q SKIP (update x n s)).
  { eapply safe_step_inv. eexact W. apply red_havoc. }
  apply safe_terminated_inv in W'. assumption. red; auto.

Relative completeness follows.

Theorem Hoare_complete:
  forall P c Q, ⦃⦃ P ⦄⦄ c ⦃⦃ Q ⦄⦄ -> ⦃ PcQ ⦄.
  intros. apply Hoare_consequence_pre with (sem_wp c Q).
  apply Hoare_sem_wp.
  intros s. apply H.

End Completeness.

2.6. Calculating weakest preconditions and verification conditions

Module WP.

Annotated commands.

Inductive com: Type :=
  | SKIP (* do nothing *)
  | ASSIGN (x: ident) (a: aexp) (* assignment: v := a *)
  | SEQ (c1: com) (c2: com) (* sequence: c1; c2 *)
  | IFTHENELSE (b: bexp) (c1: com) (c2: com) (* conditional: if b then c1 else c2 *)
  | WHILE (Inv: assertion) (b: bexp) (c1: com) (* loop: while b do c1 done *)
  | ASSERT (b: bexp) (* assertion (error if false) *)
  | HAVOC (x: ident). (* nondeterministic assignment *)

Fixpoint erase (c: com) :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => Hoare.SKIP
  | ASSIGN x a => Hoare.ASSIGN x a
  | SEQ c1 c2 => Hoare.SEQ (erase c1) (erase c2)
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => Hoare.IFTHENELSE b (erase c1) (erase c2)
  | WHILE Inv b c => Hoare.WHILE b (erase c)
  | ASSERT b => Hoare.ASSERT b
  | HAVOC x => Hoare.HAVOC x

Fixpoint wlp (c: com) (Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => Q
  | ASSIGN x a => aupdate x a Q
  | SEQ c1 c2 => wlp c1 (wlp c2 Q)
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => (atrue b //\\ wlp c1 Q) \\// (afalse b //\\ wlp c2 Q)
  | WHILE Inv b c => Inv
  | ASSERT b => atrue b //\\ Q
  | HAVOC x => aforall (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) Q)

Fixpoint vcond (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | SKIP | ASSIGN _ _ => True
  | SEQ c1 c2 => vcond c1 (wlp c2 Q) /\ vcond c2 Q
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => vcond c1 Q /\ vcond c2 Q
  | WHILE Inv b c =>
      vcond c Inv /\
      (atrue b //\\ Inv -->> wlp c Inv) /\
      (afalse b //\\ Inv -->> Q)
  | ASSERT b => True
  | HAVOC x => True

Definition vcgen (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  vcond c Q /\ (P -->> wlp c Q).

Lemma wlp_sound: forall c Q,
  vcond c Q -> ⦃ wlp c Qerase cQ ⦄.
  induction c; intros Q VC; cbn.
- apply Hoare_skip.
- apply Hoare_assign.
- destruct VC as [VC1 VC2]. eapply Hoare_seq. apply IHc1; auto. apply IHc2; auto.
- destruct VC as [VC1 VC2].
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse; eapply Hoare_consequence_pre; eauto.
  + intros s. unfold aand, aor, atrue, afalse. intuition congruence.
  + intros s. unfold aand, aor, atrue, afalse. intuition congruence.
- destruct VC as (VC1 & VC2 & VC3).
  eapply Hoare_consequence_post. apply (Hoare_while Inv).
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc; auto. exact VC2.
  exact VC3.
- eapply Hoare_consequence_post. apply Hoare_assert.
  intros s [P1 P2]; auto.
- apply Hoare_havoc.

Theorem vcgen_sound: forall P c Q,
  vcgen P c Q -> ⦃ Perase cQ ⦄.
  intros P c Q [VC1 VC2]. eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply wlp_sound; auto. auto.

End WP.

2.7. Calculating strongest postconditions and verification conditions

Module SP.

Import WP. (* for annotated commands *)

Fixpoint sp (P: assertion) (c: com) : assertion :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => P
  | ASSIGN x a => aexists (fun x0 => aexists (fun v => aequal (VAR x) v //\\ aupdate x (CONST x0) (P //\\ aequal a v)))
  | SEQ c1 c2 => sp (sp P c1) c2
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => sp (atrue b //\\ P) c1 \\// sp (afalse b //\\ P) c2
  | WHILE Inv b c => afalse b //\\ Inv
  | ASSERT b => atrue b //\\ P
  | HAVOC x => aexists (fun n => aupdate x (CONST n) P)

Fixpoint vcond (P: assertion) (c: com) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | SKIP | ASSIGN _ _ => True
  | SEQ c1 c2 => vcond P c1 /\ vcond (sp P c1) c2
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => vcond (atrue b //\\ P) c1 /\ vcond (afalse b //\\ P) c2
  | WHILE Inv b c =>
      vcond (atrue b //\\ Inv) c /\
      (P -->> Inv) /\
      (sp (atrue b //\\ Inv) c -->> Inv)
  | ASSERT b =>
      (P -->> atrue b)
  | HAVOC x => True

Definition vcgen (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  vcond P c /\ (sp P c -->> Q).

Lemma sp_sound: forall c P,
  vcond P c -> ⦃ Perase csp P c ⦄.
  induction c; intros P VC; cbn.
- apply Hoare_skip.
- apply Floyd_assign.
- destruct VC as [VC1 VC2]. eapply Hoare_seq. apply IHc1; auto. apply IHc2; auto.
- destruct VC as [VC1 VC2].
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse; eapply Hoare_consequence_post; eauto.
  + intros s. unfold aand, aor, atrue, afalse; tauto.
  + intros s. unfold aand, aor, atrue, afalse; tauto.
- destruct VC as (VC1 & VC2 & VC3).
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. 2: eexact VC2.
  apply (Hoare_while Inv).
  eapply Hoare_consequence_post. apply IHc. eexact VC1. eexact VC3.
- red in VC. eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assert.
  intros s Ps. split; auto.
- eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_havoc.
  intros s Ps n. exists (s x). cbn.
  set (s' := update x n s).
  set (s'' := update x (s x) s').
  assert (s'' = s).
  { apply functional_extensionality; intros y.
    unfold s'', s', update. destruct (string_dec x y); congruence. }
  red; cbn. fold s''. congruence.

Theorem vcgen_sound: forall P c Q,
  vcgen P c Q -> ⦃ Perase cQ ⦄.
  intros P c Q [VC1 VC2]. eapply Hoare_consequence_post. apply sp_sound; auto. auto.

End SP.