Module SepLogic

From Coq Require Import ZArith Psatz Bool String List Wellfounded Program.Equality.
From Coq Require Import FunctionalExtensionality PropExtensionality.
From CDF Require Import IMP Sequences.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.

4. Program logics: separation logic

4.9. Memory heaps

A memory heap is a partial function from addresses (memory locations) to values, with a finite domain.

Definition addr := Z.

Record heap : Type := {
  contents :> addr -> option Z;
  isfinite : exists i, forall j, i <= j -> contents j = None

Lemma heap_extensionality:
  forall (h1 h2: heap),
  (forall l, h1 l = h2 l) -> h1 = h2.
  intros. destruct h1 as [c1 fin1], h2 as [c2 fin2].
  assert (c1 = c2) by (apply functional_extensionality; auto).
  subst c2. f_equal. apply proof_irrelevance.

The empty heap.

Program Definition hempty : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l => None |}.
Next Obligation.
  exists 0; auto.

The heap that contains v at address l and is equal to h on all other addresses.

Program Definition hupdate (l: addr) (v: Z) (h: heap) : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l' => if Z.eq_dec l l' then Some v else h l' |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (isfinite h) as (i & fin).
  exists (Z.max i (l + 1)); intros.
  destruct (Z.eq_dec l j). lia. apply fin; lia.

Lemma hupdate_same: forall l v h, (hupdate l v h) l = Some v.
  intros; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l); congruence.

Lemma hupdate_other: forall l v h l', l <> l' -> (hupdate l v h) l' = h l'.
  intros; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); congruence.

The heap h after deallocating address l.

Program Definition hfree (l: addr) (h: heap) : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l' => if Z.eq_dec l l' then None else h l' |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (isfinite h) as (i & fin).
  exists i; intros. destruct (Z.eq_dec l j); auto.

The heap h where addresses l, ..., l + sz - 1 are initialized to 0.

Fixpoint hinit (l: addr) (sz: nat) (h: heap) : heap :=
  match sz with O => h | S sz => hupdate l 0 (hinit (l + 1) sz h) end.

Lemma hinit_inside:
  forall h sz l l', l <= l' < l + Z.of_nat sz -> hinit l sz h l' = Some 0.
  induction sz; intros; cbn.
- lia.
- destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); auto. apply IHsz. lia.

Lemma hinit_outside:
  forall h sz l l', l' < l \/ l + Z.of_nat sz <= l' -> hinit l sz h l' = h l'.
  induction sz; intros; cbn.
- auto.
- destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'). lia. apply IHsz; lia.

The disjoint union of two heaps.

Definition hdisjoint (h1 h2: heap) : Prop :=
  forall l, h1 l = None \/ h2 l = None.

Lemma hdisjoint_sym:
  forall h1 h2, hdisjoint h1 h2 -> hdisjoint h2 h1.
  unfold hdisjoint; intros. specialize (H l); tauto.

Program Definition hunion (h1 h2: heap) : heap :=
  {| contents := fun l => if h1 l then h1 l else h2 l |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct (isfinite h1) as (i1 & fin1), (isfinite h2) as (i2 & fin2).
  exists (Z.max i1 i2); intros. rewrite fin1, fin2 by lia. auto.

Lemma hunion_comm:
  forall h1 h2, hdisjoint h1 h2 -> hunion h2 h1 = hunion h1 h2.
  intros; apply heap_extensionality; intros; cbn.
  specialize (H l). destruct (h1 l), (h2 l); intuition congruence.

Lemma hunion_assoc:
  forall h1 h2 h3, hunion (hunion h1 h2) h3 = hunion h1 (hunion h2 h3).
  intros; apply heap_extensionality; intros; cbn. destruct (h1 l); auto.

Lemma hunion_empty:
  forall h, hunion hempty h = h.
  intros; apply heap_extensionality; intros; cbn. auto.

4.10. The IMP language with pointers and dynamic allocation

Inductive com: Type :=
  | SKIP
  | ASSIGN (x: ident) (a: aexp)
  | SEQ (c1: com) (c2: com)
  | IFTHENELSE (b: bexp) (c1: com) (c2: com)
  | WHILE (b: bexp) (c1: com)
  | ALLOC (x: ident) (sz: nat) (* allocate sz consecutive words *)
  | GET (x: ident) (a: aexp) (* read from address a *)
  | SET (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp) (* write a2 at address a1 *)
  | FREE (a: aexp). (* deallocation of address a *)

The reduction semantics operates on configurations (c, s, h), where c is a command, s the current store (associating values to variables), and h the current heap (associating values to addresses).

The first 6 rules are those of IMP. The heap h is unchanged. The last 4 rules give semantics to heap operations ALLOC, GET, SET, FREE.

Inductive red: com * store * heap -> com * store * heap -> Prop :=
  | red_assign: forall x a s h,
      red (ASSIGN x a, s, h) (SKIP, update x (aeval a s) s, h)
  | red_seq_done: forall c s h,
      red (SEQ SKIP c, s, h) (c, s, h)
  | red_seq_step: forall c1 c s1 h1 c2 s2 h2,
      red (c1, s1, h1) (c2, s2, h2) ->
      red (SEQ c1 c, s1, h1) (SEQ c2 c, s2, h2)
  | red_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 s h,
      red (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2, s, h) ((if beval b s then c1 else c2), s, h)
  | red_while_done: forall b c s h,
      beval b s = false ->
      red (WHILE b c, s, h) (SKIP, s, h)
  | red_while_loop: forall b c s h,
      beval b s = true ->
      red (WHILE b c, s, h) (SEQ c (WHILE b c), s, h)
  | red_alloc: forall x sz s (h: heap) l,
      (forall i, l <= i < l + Z.of_nat sz -> h i = None) ->
      l <> 0 ->
      red (ALLOC x sz, s, h) (SKIP, update x l s, hinit l sz h)
  | red_get: forall x a s (h: heap) l v,
      l = aeval a s -> h l = Some v ->
      red (GET x a, s, h) (SKIP, update x v s, h)
  | red_set: forall a1 a2 s (h: heap) l v,
      l = aeval a1 s -> h l <> None -> v = aeval a2 s ->
      red (SET a1 a2, s, h) (SKIP, s, hupdate l v h)
  | red_free: forall a s (h: heap) l,
      l = aeval a s -> h l <> None ->
      red (FREE a, s, h) (SKIP, s, hfree l h).

The variables possibly modified by the execution of a command.

Fixpoint modified_by (c: com) (x: ident) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => False
  | ASSIGN y a => x = y
  | SEQ c1 c2 => modified_by c1 x \/ modified_by c2 x
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => modified_by c1 x \/ modified_by c2 x
  | WHILE b c1 => modified_by c1 x
  | ALLOC y sz => x = y
  | GET y a => x = y
  | SET a1 a2 => False
  | FREE a => False

4.11. Assertions for separation logic

Assertions are predicates over the two components of the memory state.

Definition assertion : Type := store -> heap -> Prop.

Definition aexists {A: Type} (P: A -> assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s h => exists a: A, P a s h.

The assertion "the heap is empty"

Definition emp : assertion :=
  fun s h => h = hempty.

The assertion "address l contains value v". The domain of the heap must be the singleton {l}.

Definition contains (l: addr) (v: Z) : assertion :=
  fun s h => h = hupdate l v hempty.

The assertion "address l is valid" (i.e. in the domain of the heap).

Definition valid (l: addr) : assertion := aexists (contains l).

The separating conjunction.

Definition sepconj (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s h => exists h1 h2, P s h1
                        /\ Q s h2
                        /\ hdisjoint h1 h2 /\ h = hunion h1 h2.

Notation "P ** Q" := (sepconj P Q) (at level 60, right associativity).

We also use simple assertions that do not depend on the heap but only depend on the store. These are similar to the assertions used in Hoare logic.

Definition simple_assertion : Type := store -> Prop.

The assertion "arithmetic expression a evaluates to value v".

Definition aequal (a: aexp) (v: Z) : simple_assertion :=
  fun s => aeval a s = v.

The assertions "Boolean expression b evaluates to true / to false".

Definition atrue (b: bexp) : simple_assertion :=
  fun s => beval b s = true.

Definition afalse (b: bexp) : simple_assertion :=
  fun s => beval b s = false.

The conjunction of a simple assertion and a general assertion.

Definition pureconj (P: simple_assertion) (Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s h => P s /\ Q s h.

Notation "P //\\ Q" := (pureconj P Q) (at level 60, right associativity).

Extensional equality between assertions.

Lemma assertion_extensionality:
  forall (P Q: assertion),
  (forall s h, P s h <-> Q s h) -> P = Q.
  intros. apply functional_extensionality; intros s.
  apply functional_extensionality; intros h.
  apply propositional_extensionality. auto.

Important properties of separating conjunction: commutativity, associativity, emp as neutral element.

Lemma sepconj_comm: forall P Q, P ** Q = Q ** P.
  assert (forall P Q s h, (P ** Q) s h -> (Q ** P) s h).
  { intros P Q s h (h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & EQ & DISJ); subst h.
    exists h2, h1; intuition auto.
    apply hdisjoint_sym; auto.
    symmetry; apply hunion_comm; auto. }
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split; auto.

Lemma sepconj_assoc: forall P Q R, (P ** Q) ** R = P ** (Q ** R).
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split.
- intros (hx & h3 & (h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & EQ & DISJ) & R3 & EQ' & DISJ'). subst hx h.
  rewrite hunion_assoc.
  exists h1, (hunion h2 h3); intuition auto.
  exists h2, h3; intuition auto.
  intros l. specialize (EQ l); specialize (EQ' l). cbn in EQ'.
  destruct EQ as [EQ|EQ]. rewrite EQ in EQ'; auto. auto.
  intros l. specialize (EQ l); specialize (EQ' l). cbn in *.
  destruct EQ as [EQ|EQ]. auto. rewrite EQ in *. destruct (h1 l); auto.
- intros (h1 & hx & P1 & (h2 & h3 & Q2 & R3 & EQ & DISJ) & EQ' & DISJ'). subst hx h.
  rewrite <- hunion_assoc.
  exists (hunion h1 h2), h3; intuition auto.
  exists h1, h2; intuition auto.
  intros l. specialize (EQ l); specialize (EQ' l). cbn in EQ'.
  destruct EQ' as [EQ'|EQ']. auto. destruct (h2 l); auto.
  intros l. specialize (EQ l); specialize (EQ' l). cbn in *.
  destruct EQ as [EQ|EQ]. rewrite EQ in *. destruct (h1 l); auto. auto.

Lemma sepconj_emp: forall P, emp ** P = P.
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split.
- intros (h1 & h2 & EMP1 & P2 & EQ & DISJ). red in EMP1. subst h h1.
  rewrite hunion_empty; auto.
- intros. exists hempty, h; intuition auto.
  red; auto.
  red; auto.
  rewrite hunion_empty; auto.

Lemma lift_aexists: forall (A: Type) (P: A -> assertion) Q,
  aexists P ** Q = aexists (fun x => P x ** Q).
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split.
- intros (h1 & h2 & (a & P1) & Q2 & DISJ & EQ).
  exists a, h1, h2; auto.
- intros (a & h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & DISJ & EQ).
  exists h1, h2; intuition auto. exists a; auto.

Lemma lift_simple_conj: forall P Q R, (P //\\ Q) ** R = P //\\ (Q ** R).
  intros; apply assertion_extensionality; intros; split.
- intros (h1 & h2 & (P1 & Q1) & R2 & DISJ & EQ).
  split; auto. exists h1, h2; auto.
- intros (P1 & (h1 & h2 & Q1 & R2 & DISJ & EQ)).
  exists h1, h2; intuition auto. split; auto.

4.12. The rules of separation logic.

We set out to define a "strong" logic that guarantees termination without errors for commands. Possible errors include reading or writing to an address that is not allocated, and deallocating an already-deallocated address. A natural definition of the triple [P] c [Q] is as follows.

Definition triple_base (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall s h,
  P s h -> exists s' h', star red (c, s, h) (SKIP, s', h') /\ Q s' h'.

This definition is not quite right because it does not validate the frame rule. For example, if c is an allocation x := ALLOC(1), we do have the triple
       [ emp ]  x := ALLOC(1)  [ aexists (fun l => aequal (VAR "x") l //\\ valid l ]
However, if we frame with another assertion R, the allocated address l could fall within the memory footprint of R. Therefore, the postcondition R ** aexists ... can be false.

An elegant way around this problem is to quantify universally over all possible framings in the very definition of the triple.

Definition independent_of (P: assertion) (vars: ident -> Prop) : Prop :=
  forall h s1 s2,
  (forall x, ~ vars x -> s2 x = s1 x) ->
  P s1 h -> P s2 h.

Definition triple (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall (R: assertion),
  independent_of R (modified_by c) ->
  triple_base (P ** R) c (Q ** R).

The frame rule is, then, valid by construction. However, the proofs of the other rules of separation logic are slightly more difficult, since they must account for this systematic framing by an assertion R.

Notation "[[ P ]] c [[ Q ]]" := (triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

Lemma triple_frame: forall P c Q R,
  [[ P ]] c [[ Q ]] ->
  independent_of R (modified_by c) ->
  [[ P ** R ]] c [[ Q ** R ]].
  intros P c Q R TR INDR S INDS. rewrite ! sepconj_assoc. apply TR.
  intros h s1 s2 SAME (h1 & h2 & R1 & S2 & DISJ & EQ).
  exists h1, h2; intuition eauto.

The "small rules" for heap operations.

Lemma triple_get: forall x a l v,
  [[ aequal a l //\\ contains l v ]]
  GET x a
  [[ aequal (VAR x) v //\\ contains l v ]].
  intros; intros R IND s h (h1 & h2 & (P1 & P2) & R1 & DISJ & EQ).
  do 2 econstructor; split.
- apply star_one. apply red_get with (l := l) (v := v); auto. rewrite EQ, P2; cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l); congruence.
- exists h1, h2; intuition auto.
  + split. red; cbn. apply update_same. auto.
  + apply IND with s; auto. cbn; intros. apply update_other; auto.

Lemma triple_set: forall a1 a2 l v,
  [[ aequal a1 l //\\ aequal a2 v //\\ valid l ]]
  SET a1 a2
  [[ contains l v ]].
  intros; intros R IND s h (h1 & h2 & (P1 & P2 & P3) & R1 & DISJ & EQ). destruct P3 as (v0 & P3).
  do 2 econstructor; split.
- apply star_one. eapply red_set with (l := l) (v := v); auto. rewrite EQ, P3. cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l); congruence.
- exists (hupdate l v hempty), h2; intuition auto.
  + red; auto.
  + intros l'. specialize (DISJ l'). rewrite P3 in DISJ. cbn in *. destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); intuition congruence.
  + rewrite EQ, P3. apply heap_extensionality; intros l'; cbn.
    destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); auto.

Fixpoint valid_N (l: addr) (sz: nat) : assertion :=
  match sz with O => emp | S sz => valid l ** valid_N (l + 1) sz end.

Lemma triple_alloc: forall x sz,
  [[ emp ]]
  ALLOC x sz
  [[ aexists (fun l => aequal (VAR x) l //\\ valid_N l sz) ]].
  intros; intros R IND s h (h1 & h2 & EMP & R1 & DISJ & EQ).
  destruct (isfinite h) as (l0 & FIN).
  set (l := Z.max l0 1).
  do 2 econstructor; split.
- apply star_one. apply red_alloc with (l := l). intros; apply FIN; lia. lia.
- exists (hinit l sz hempty), h2; intuition auto.
  + exists l; split. red; cbn. apply update_same.
    assert (REC: forall s1 sz1 l1, valid_N l1 sz1 s1 (hinit l1 sz1 hempty)).
    { induction sz1; cbn; intros.
    * red; auto.
    * exists (hupdate l1 0 hempty), (hinit (l1 + 1) sz1 hempty); intuition auto.
      ** exists 0; red; auto.
      ** red; intros. cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l1 l2); auto.
         right; apply hinit_outside; lia.
      ** apply heap_extensionality; intros. cbn. destruct (Z.eq_dec l1 l2); auto.
    apply REC.
  + apply IND with s; auto. cbn; intros. apply update_other; auto.
  + intros l'. destruct (Z.lt_ge_cases l' l).
    left; apply hinit_outside; auto.
    assert (L: h l' = None) by (apply FIN; lia).
    rewrite EQ in L; cbn in L. destruct (h1 l'); congruence.
  + rewrite EQ, EMP, hunion_empty. apply heap_extensionality; intros l'; cbn.
    destruct (Z.lt_ge_cases l' l). rewrite ! hinit_outside by auto. auto.
    destruct (Z.lt_ge_cases l' (l + Z.of_nat sz)). rewrite ! hinit_inside by auto. auto.
    rewrite ! hinit_outside by auto. auto.

Lemma triple_free: forall a l,
  [[ aequal a l //\\ valid l ]]
  FREE a
  [[ emp ]].
  intros; intros R IND s h (h1 & h2 & (P1 & P2) & R1 & DISJ & EQ). destruct P2 as (v0 & P2).
  do 2 econstructor; split.
- apply star_one. apply red_free with (l := l); auto.
  rewrite EQ; cbn. rewrite ! P2, hupdate_same. congruence.
- exists hempty, h2; intuition auto.
  + red; auto.
  + red; auto.
  + rewrite EQ, P2. apply heap_extensionality; intros l'; cbn.
    destruct (Z.eq_dec l l'); auto.
    subst l'. generalize (DISJ l). rewrite P2, hupdate_same. intuition congruence.

The rules for the other constructs of IMP. They resemble the rules for strong Hoare logic.

Lemma triple_skip:
  [[ emp ]] SKIP [[ emp ]].
  intros R IND s h PRE. exists s, h; split; auto. apply star_refl.

Lemma triple_assign: forall x a n,
  [[ aequal a n //\\ emp ]]
  ASSIGN x a
  [[ aequal (VAR x) n //\\ emp ]].
  intros; intros R IND s h (h1 & h2 & (P1 & P2) & R1 & DISJ & EQ).
  do 2 econstructor; split.
- apply star_one. apply red_assign.
- exists h1, h2; intuition auto.
  + split; auto. red; cbn. rewrite update_same; auto.
  + apply IND with s; auto. cbn; intros. apply update_other; auto.

Remark star_red_seq_step:
  forall c1 s1 h1 c2 s2 h2, star red (c1, s1, h1) (c2, s2, h2) ->
  forall c, star red (SEQ c1 c, s1, h1) (SEQ c2 c, s2, h2).
  intros until h2; intros STAR; dependent induction STAR; intros.
- apply star_refl.
- destruct b as [ [c' s'] h']. eapply star_step; eauto. apply red_seq_step; auto.

Lemma triple_seq: forall c1 c2 P Q R,
  [[ P ]] c1 [[ Q ]] -> [[ Q ]] c2 [[ R ]] -> [[ P ]] SEQ c1 c2 [[ R ]].
  intros; intros S IND s h A0.
  assert (IND1: independent_of S (modified_by c1)).
  { red; intros; apply IND with s1; auto. cbn. intros; apply H1; tauto. }
  assert (IND2: independent_of S (modified_by c2)).
  { red; intros; apply IND with s1; auto. cbn. intros; apply H1; tauto. }
  destruct (H S IND1 s h A0) as (s1 & h1 & EXEC1 & A1).
  destruct (H0 S IND2 s1 h1 A1) as (s2 & h2 & EXEC2 & A2).
  exists s2, h2; split; auto.
  eapply star_trans. apply star_red_seq_step; eauto.
  eapply star_step. apply red_seq_done. auto.

Lemma triple_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 P Q,
  [[ atrue b //\\ P ]] c1 [[ Q ]] ->
  [[ afalse b //\\ P ]] c2 [[ Q ]] ->
  [[ P ]] IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 [[ Q ]].
  intros; intros R IND s h PRE. destruct (beval b s) eqn:B.
- assert (IND1: independent_of R (modified_by c1)).
  { red; intros. apply IND with s1; auto. cbn; intros; apply H1; tauto. }
  destruct (H R IND1 s h) as (s' & h' & EXEC & POST).
  rewrite lift_simple_conj. split; auto.
  exists s', h'; split; auto.
  eapply star_step. apply red_ifthenelse. rewrite B. auto.
- assert (IND2: independent_of R (modified_by c2)).
  { red; intros. apply IND with s1; auto. cbn; intros; apply H1; tauto. }
  destruct (H0 R IND2 s h) as (s' & h' & EXEC & POST).
  rewrite lift_simple_conj. split; auto.
  exists s', h'; split; auto.
  eapply star_step. apply red_ifthenelse. rewrite B. auto.

Definition alessthan (a: aexp) (v: Z) : simple_assertion :=
  fun (s: store) => 0 <= aeval a s < v.

Lemma triple_while: forall P variant b c,
  (forall v,
     [[ atrue b //\\ aequal variant v //\\ P]]
     [[ alessthan variant v //\\ P]])
     [[ P ]] WHILE b c [[ afalse b //\\ P ]].
  intros P variant b c TR.
  assert (REC: forall v,
               [[ aequal variant v //\\ P ]]
               WHILE b c
               [[ afalse b //\\ P ]]).
  { induction v using (well_founded_induction (Z.lt_wf 0)).
    intros R IND s h PRE.
    assert (IND1: independent_of R (modified_by c)).
    { red; intros; apply IND with s1; auto. }
    destruct (beval b s) eqn:B.
  - destruct (TR v R IND1 s h) as (s1 & h1 & EXEC1 & POST1).
    rewrite lift_simple_conj. split; auto.
    rewrite lift_simple_conj in POST1. destruct POST1 as (LT & POST1).
    destruct (H (aeval variant s1) LT R IND s1 h1) as (s2 & h2 & EXEC2 & POST2).
    rewrite lift_simple_conj. split; auto. red; auto.
    exists s2, h2; split; auto.
    eapply star_step. apply red_while_loop. auto.
    eapply star_trans. apply star_red_seq_step. eexact EXEC1.
    eapply star_step. apply red_seq_done.
    exact EXEC2.
  - rewrite lift_simple_conj in PRE. destruct PRE as (EQ & POST1).
    exists s, h; split.
    + apply star_one. apply red_while_done. auto.
    + rewrite lift_simple_conj. split; auto.
  intros R IND s h PRE.
  apply (REC (aeval variant s) R IND s h).
  rewrite lift_simple_conj. split; auto. red; auto.

The consequence rule.

Definition aimp (P Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall s h, P s h -> Q s h.

Notation "P -->> Q" := (aimp P Q) (at level 95, no associativity).

Remark aimp_sepconj: forall P P' Q,
  P -->> P' -> P ** Q -->> P' ** Q.
  intros; red. intros s h (h1 & h2 & P1 & Q2 & DISJ & EQ). exists h1, h2; auto.

Lemma triple_consequence: forall P P' c Q' Q,
  P -->> P' -> [[ P' ]] c [[ Q' ]] -> Q' -->> Q ->
  [[ P ]] c [[ Q ]].
  intros; intros R IND s h PRE.
  destruct (H0 R IND s h) as (s' & h' & EXEC & POST).
  apply aimp_sepconj with P; auto.
  exists s', h'; split; auto. apply aimp_sepconj with Q'; auto.