Module IMP

From Coq Require Import Arith ZArith Psatz Bool String List Program.Equality.
From CDF Require Import Sequences Simulation.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Local Open Scope list_scope.

1. The IMP language

1.1 Arithmetic expressions

Definition ident := string.

The abstract syntax: an arithmetic expression is either...

Inductive aexp : Type :=
  | CONST (n: Z) (* a constant, or *)
  | VAR (x: ident) (* a variable, or *)
  | PLUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp) (* a sum of two expressions, or *)
  | MINUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp). (* a difference of two expressions *)

The denotational semantics: an evaluation function that computes the integer value denoted by an expression. This function is parameterized by a store s that associates values to variables.

Definition store : Type := ident -> Z.

Fixpoint aeval (a: aexp) (s: store) : Z :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => n
  | VAR x => s x
  | PLUS a1 a2 => aeval a1 s + aeval a2 s
  | MINUS a1 a2 => aeval a1 s - aeval a2 s

Such evaluation functions / denotational semantics have many uses. First, we can use aeval to evaluate a given expression in a given store.

Eval compute in (aeval (PLUS (VAR "x") (MINUS (VAR "x") (CONST 1))) (fun x => 2)).

Result: = 3 : Z .

We can also do partial evaluation with respect to an unknown store

Eval cbn in (aeval (PLUS (VAR "x") (MINUS (CONST 10) (CONST 1)))).

Result: = fun s : store => s "x" + 9 .

We can prove mathematical properties of a given expression.

Lemma aeval_xplus1:
  forall s x, aeval (PLUS (VAR x) (CONST 1)) s > aeval (VAR x) s.
  intros. cbn. lia.

Finally, we can prove "meta-properties" that hold for all expressions. For example: the value of an expression depends only on the values of its free variables. Free variables are defined by this recursive predicate:

Fixpoint free_in_aexp (x: ident) (a: aexp) : Prop :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => False
  | VAR y => y = x
  | PLUS a1 a2 | MINUS a1 a2 => free_in_aexp x a1 \/ free_in_aexp x a2

Theorem aeval_free:
  forall s1 s2 a,
  (forall x, free_in_aexp x a -> s1 x = s2 x) ->
  aeval a s1 = aeval a s2.
  induction a; cbn; intros SAMEFREE.
- (* Case a = CONST n *)
- (* Case a = VAR x *)
  apply SAMEFREE. auto.
- (* Case a = PLUS a1 a2 *)
  rewrite IHa1, IHa2; auto.
- (* Case a = MINUS a1 a2 *)
  rewrite IHa1, IHa2; auto.

1.2. Growing the language of arithmetic expressions

We can enrich the language with new operators in several ways. The simplest way is to define derived forms in terms of existing operators. For example, the "opposite" operator is:

Definition OPP (a: aexp) : aexp := MINUS (CONST 0) a.

Its semantics is the one we expect.

Lemma aeval_OPP: forall s a, aeval (OPP a) s = - (aeval a s).
  intros; cbn. lia.

In other cases, we must add constructors to the aexp type and cases to the aeval function. For example, let's add multiplication.

Module AExp_mul.

Inductive aexp : Type :=
  | CONST (n: Z)
  | VAR (x: ident)
  | PLUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | MINUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | TIMES (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp). (* NEW! *)

Fixpoint aeval (a: aexp) (s: store) : Z :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => n
  | VAR x => s x
  | PLUS a1 a2 => aeval a1 s + aeval a2 s
  | MINUS a1 a2 => aeval a1 s - aeval a2 s
  | TIMES a1 a2 => aeval a1 s * aeval a2 s

End AExp_mul.

Why not add division as well?

Module AExp_div.

Inductive aexp : Type :=
  | CONST (n: Z)
  | VAR (x: ident)
  | PLUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | MINUS (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | TIMES (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp)
  | QUOT (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp). (* NEW! *)

We have a problem! The evaluation of an expression can now fail, in case of a division by zero. We must change the type of aeval to reflect this error case: aeval now returns an option type option Z. The result Some n means "no errors, and the value is n". The result None means "error during evaluation". Now that we know how to handle errors, we can make our semantics more realistic in other places: - variables can be uninitialized; using such a variable in an expression is a run-time error; - arithmetic operations can overflow the range of integers representable by a machine (e.g. 64-bit integers); this is a run-time error as well.

Definition min_int := - (2 ^ 63). (* the smallest representable integer *)
Definition max_int := 2 ^ 63 - 1. (* the greatest representable integer *)

Definition check_for_overflow (n: Z): option Z :=
  if (min_int <=? n) && (n <=? max_int) then Some n else None.

Fixpoint aeval (s: ident -> option Z) (a: aexp) : option Z :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => check_for_overflow n
  | VAR x => s x
  | PLUS a1 a2 =>
      match aeval s a1, aeval s a2 with
      | Some n1, Some n2 => check_for_overflow (n1 + n2)
      | _, _ => None
  | MINUS a1 a2 =>
      match aeval s a1, aeval s a2 with
      | Some n1, Some n2 => check_for_overflow (n1 - n2)
      | _, _ => None
  | TIMES a1 a2 =>
      match aeval s a1, aeval s a2 with
      | Some n1, Some n2 => check_for_overflow (n1 * n2)
      | _, _ => None
  | QUOT a1 a2 =>
      match aeval s a1, aeval s a2 with
      | Some n1, Some n2 => if n2 =? 0 then None else check_for_overflow (n1 / n2)
      | _, _ => None

End AExp_div.

1.3 Boolean expressions

The IMP language has conditional statements (if/then/else) and loops. They are controlled by expressions that evaluate to Boolean values. Here is the abstract syntax of Boolean expressions.

Inductive bexp : Type :=
  | TRUE (* always true *)
  | FALSE (* always false *)
  | EQUAL (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp) (* whether a1 = a2 *)
  | LESSEQUAL (a1: aexp) (a2: aexp) (* whether a1 <= a2 *)
  | NOT (b1: bexp) (* Boolean negation *)
  | AND (b1: bexp) (b2: bexp). (* Boolean conjunction *)

Just like arithmetic expressions evaluate to integers, Boolean expressions evaluate to Boolean values true or false.

Fixpoint beval (b: bexp) (s: store) : bool :=
  match b with
  | TRUE => true
  | FALSE => false
  | EQUAL a1 a2 => aeval a1 s =? aeval a2 s
  | LESSEQUAL a1 a2 => aeval a1 s <=? aeval a2 s
  | NOT b1 => negb (beval b1 s)
  | AND b1 b2 => beval b1 s && beval b2 s

There are many useful derived forms.

Definition NOTEQUAL (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := NOT (EQUAL a1 a2).

Definition GREATEREQUAL (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := LESSEQUAL a2 a1.

Definition GREATER (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := NOT (LESSEQUAL a1 a2).

Definition LESS (a1 a2: aexp) : bexp := GREATER a2 a1.

Definition OR (b1 b2: bexp) : bexp := NOT (AND (NOT b1) (NOT b2)).

Exercise (1 star)

Prove that the OR derived form has the expected semantics.

Lemma beval_OR:
  forall s b1 b2, beval (OR b1 b2) s = beval b1 s || beval b2 s.
  intros; cbn.
  (* Hint: use "SearchAbout negb" to see the available lemmas
     that deal with Boolean negation. *)

  (* Hint: or just do a case analysis on [beval b1 s] and [beval b2 s],
     there are only 4 cases to consider. *)

  (* FILL IN HERE *)

1.4 Commands

To complete the definition of the IMP language, here is the abstract syntax of commands, also known as statements.

Inductive com: Type :=
  | SKIP (* do nothing *)
  | ASSIGN (x: ident) (a: aexp) (* assignment: v := a *)
  | SEQ (c1: com) (c2: com) (* sequence: c1; c2 *)
  | IFTHENELSE (b: bexp) (c1: com) (c2: com) (* conditional: if b then c1 else c2 *)
  | WHILE (b: bexp) (c1: com). (* loop: while b do c1 done *)

We can write c1 ;; c2 instead of SEQ c1 c2, it is easier on the eyes.

Infix ";;" := SEQ (at level 80, right associativity).

Here is an IMP program that performs Euclidean division by repeated subtraction. At the end of the program, "q" contains the quotient of "a" by "b", and "r" contains the remainder. In pseudocode:
       r := a; q := 0;
       while b <= r do r := r - b; q := q + 1 done
In abstract syntax:

Definition Euclidean_division :=
  ASSIGN "r" (VAR "a") ;;
  ASSIGN "q" (CONST 0) ;;
    (ASSIGN "r" (MINUS (VAR "r") (VAR "b")) ;;
     ASSIGN "q" (PLUS (VAR "q") (CONST 1))).

A useful operation over stores: update x v s is the store that maps x to v and is equal to s for all variables other than x.

Definition update (x: ident) (v: Z) (s: store) : store :=
  fun y => if string_dec x y then v else s y.

Lemma update_same: forall x v s, (update x v s) x = v.
  unfold update; intros. destruct (string_dec x x); congruence.

Lemma update_other: forall x v s y, x <> y -> (update x v s) y = s y.
  unfold update; intros. destruct (string_dec x y); congruence.

Naively, we would like to define the semantics of a command with an execution function cexec s c that runs the command c in initial store s and returns the final store when c terminates.

Fail Fixpoint cexec (c: com) (s: store) : store :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => s
  | ASSIGN x a => update x (aeval a s) s
  | SEQ c1 c2 => let s' := cexec c1 s in cexec c2 s'
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => if beval b s then cexec c1 s else cexec c2 s
  | WHILE b c1 =>
      if beval b s
      then (let s' := cexec c1 s in cexec (WHILE b c1) s')
      else s

The definition above is rejected by Coq, and rightly so, because all Coq functions must terminate, yet the WHILE case may not terminate. Consider for example the infinite loop WHILE TRUE SKIP. Let's attempt a different style of semantics, based on sequences of reductions.

1.5. Reduction semantics

The relation red (c, s) (c', s') defines a basic reduction, that is, the first computation step when executing command c in initial memory state s. s' is the memory state "after" this computation step. c' is a command that represent all the computations that remain to be performed later. The reduction relation is presented as a Coq inductive predicate, with one case (one "constructor") for each reduction rule.

Inductive red: com * store -> com * store -> Prop :=
  | red_assign: forall x a s,
      red (ASSIGN x a, s) (SKIP, update x (aeval a s) s)
  | red_seq_done: forall c s,
      red (SEQ SKIP c, s) (c, s)
  | red_seq_step: forall c1 c s1 c2 s2,
      red (c1, s1) (c2, s2) ->
      red (SEQ c1 c, s1) (SEQ c2 c, s2)
  | red_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 s,
      red (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2, s) ((if beval b s then c1 else c2), s)
  | red_while_done: forall b c s,
      beval b s = false ->
      red (WHILE b c, s) (SKIP, s)
  | red_while_loop: forall b c s,
      beval b s = true ->
      red (WHILE b c, s) (SEQ c (WHILE b c), s).

An interesting property of this reduction relation is that it is functional: a configuration (c,s) reduces to at most one configuration. This corresponds to the fact that IMP is a deterministic language.

Lemma red_determ:
  forall cs cs1, red cs cs1 -> forall cs2, red cs cs2 -> cs1 = cs2.
  induction 1; intros cs2 R2; inversion R2; subst; eauto.
- inversion H3.
- inversion H.
- assert (EQ: (c2, s2) = (c4, s3)) by auto. congruence.
- congruence.
- congruence.

We define the semantics of a command by chaining successive reductions. The command c in initial state s terminates with final state s' if we can go from (c, s) to (skip, s') in a finite number of reductions.

Definition terminates (s: store) (c: com) (s': store) : Prop :=
  star red (c, s) (SKIP, s').

The star operator is defined in library Sequences. star R is the reflexive transitive closure of relation R. On paper it is often written R*. The star red relation therefore represents zero, one or several reduction steps.

Likewise, command c diverges (fails to terminate) in initial state s if there exists an infinite sequence of reductions starting with (c, s). The infseq relation operator is defined in library Sequences.

Definition diverges (s: store) (c: com) : Prop :=
  infseq red (c, s).

Generally speaking, a third kind of executions is possible: "going wrong" after a finite number of reductions. A configuration (c', s') "goes wrong" if it cannot reduce and is not a final configuration, that is, c' <> SKIP.

Definition goes_wrong (s: store) (c: com) : Prop :=
  exists c', exists s',
  star red (c, s) (c', s') /\ irred red (c', s') /\ c' <> SKIP.

Exercise (2 stars)

Prove that IMP command never go wrong. Hint: first show the following "progress" property, showing that a command other than SKIP can always reduce.

Lemma red_progress:
  forall c s, c = SKIP \/ exists c', exists s', red (c, s) (c', s').
  induction c; intros.
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

Lemma not_goes_wrong:
  forall c s, ~(goes_wrong s c).
  intros c s (c' & s' & STAR & IRRED & NOTSKIP).
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

A technical lemma: a sequence of reductions can take place to the left of a SEQ constructor. This generalizes rule red_seq_step.

Lemma red_seq_steps:
  forall c2 s c s' c',
  star red (c, s) (c', s') -> star red ((c;;c2), s) ((c';;c2), s').
  intros. dependent induction H.
- apply star_refl.
- destruct b as [c1 st1].
  apply star_step with (c1;;c2, st1). apply red_seq_step. auto. auto.

1.6. Natural semantics

Inductive cexec: store -> com -> store -> Prop :=
  | cexec_skip: forall s,
      cexec s SKIP s
  | cexec_assign: forall s x a,
      cexec s (ASSIGN x a) (update x (aeval a s) s)
  | cexec_seq: forall c1 c2 s s' s'',
      cexec s c1 s' -> cexec s' c2 s'' ->
      cexec s (SEQ c1 c2) s''
  | cexec_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 s s',
      cexec s (if beval b s then c1 else c2) s' ->
      cexec s (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2) s'
  | cexec_while_done: forall b c s,
      beval b s = false ->
      cexec s (WHILE b c) s
  | cexec_while_loop: forall b c s s' s'',
      beval b s = true -> cexec s c s' -> cexec s' (WHILE b c) s'' ->
      cexec s (WHILE b c) s''.

The predicate cexec s c s' holds iff there exists a finite derivation for this conclusion, using the axioms and inference rules above. The structure of this derivation represents the computations performed by c as a tree --- not as a sequence of reductions. The finiteness of the derivation guarantees that only terminating executions satisfy cexec. As an example, WHILE TRUE SKIP does not satisfy cexec.

Lemma cexec_infinite_loop:
  forall s, ~ exists s', cexec s (WHILE TRUE SKIP) s'.
  assert (A: forall s c s', cexec s c s' -> c = WHILE TRUE SKIP -> False).
  { induction 1; intros EQ; inversion EQ.
  - subst b c. cbn in H. discriminate.
  - subst b c. apply IHcexec2. auto.
  intros s (s' & EXEC). apply A with (s := s) (c := WHILE TRUE SKIP) (s' := s'); auto.

We now show an equivalence between evaluations that terminate according to the natural semantics (existence of a derivation of cexec s c s') and to the reduction semantics (existence of a reduction sequence from (c,s) to (SKIP, s'). We start with the natural semantics => reduction sequence direction, which is proved by an elegant induction on the derivation of cexec.

Theorem cexec_to_reds:
  forall s c s', cexec s c s' -> star red (c, s) (SKIP, s').
  induction 1.
- (* SKIP *)
  apply star_refl.
- (* ASSIGN *)
  apply star_one. apply red_assign.
- (* SEQ *)
  eapply star_trans. apply red_seq_steps. apply IHcexec1.
  eapply star_step. apply red_seq_done. apply IHcexec2.
  eapply star_step. apply red_ifthenelse. auto.
- (* WHILE stop *)
  apply star_one. apply red_while_done. auto.
- (* WHILE loop *)
  eapply star_step. apply red_while_loop. auto.
  eapply star_trans. apply red_seq_steps. apply IHcexec1.
  eapply star_step. apply red_seq_done. apply IHcexec2.

The other direction, from a reduction sequence to a cexec derivation, is more subtle. Here is the key lemma, showing how a reduction step followed by a cexec execution can combine into a cexec execution.

Lemma red_append_cexec:
  forall c1 s1 c2 s2, red (c1, s1) (c2, s2) ->
  forall s', cexec s2 c2 s' -> cexec s1 c1 s'.
  intros until s2; intros STEP. dependent induction STEP; intros.
- (* red_assign *)
  inversion H; subst. apply cexec_assign.
- (* red_seq_done *)
  apply cexec_seq with s2. apply cexec_skip. auto.
- (* red seq step *)
  inversion H; subst. apply cexec_seq with s'0.
  eapply IHSTEP; eauto.
- (* red_ifthenelse *)
  apply cexec_ifthenelse. auto.
- (* red_while_done *)
  inversion H0; subst. apply cexec_while_done. auto.
- (* red while loop *)
  inversion H0; subst. apply cexec_while_loop with s'0; auto.

By induction on the reduction sequence, it follows that a command that reduces to SKIP executes according to the natural semantics, with the same final state.

Theorem reds_to_cexec:
  forall s c s',
  star red (c, s) (SKIP, s') -> cexec s c s'.
  intros. dependent induction H.
- apply cexec_skip.
- destruct b as [c1 s1]. apply red_append_cexec with c1 s1; auto.

1.7. Bounded interpreter

We found it impossible to define the semantics of commands as a Coq execution function. However, we can define an approximation of such a function by bounding a priori the recursion depth, using an extra parameter fuel of type nat. The "fuel" is decremented by 1 at each recursive call. If it drops to 0, execution returns None, meaning that the final state at the end of the command execution could not be determined: either the command diverges, or more fuel is needed to execute it.

Fixpoint cexec_f (fuel: nat) (s: store) (c: com) : option store :=
  match fuel with
  | O => None
  | S fuel' =>
      match c with
      | SKIP => Some s
      | ASSIGN x a => Some (update x (aeval a s) s)
      | SEQ c1 c2 =>
          match cexec_f fuel' s c1 with
          | None => None
          | Some s' => cexec_f fuel' s' c2
      | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 =>
          cexec_f fuel' s (if beval b s then c1 else c2)
      | WHILE b c1 =>
          if beval b s then
            match cexec_f fuel' s c1 with
            | None => None
            | Some s' => cexec_f fuel' s' (WHILE b c1)
          else Some s

This bounded execution function is very useful to compute the semantics of test programs. For example, let's compute the quotient and the remainder of 14 divided by 3 using the IMP program for Euclidean division shown above.

Eval compute in
  (let s := update "a" 14 (update "b" 3 (fun _ => 0)) in
   match cexec_f 100 s Euclidean_division with
   | None => None
   | Some s' => Some (s' "q", s' "r")

Exercise (3 stars)

Show that function cexec_f is sound with respect to the natural semantics cexec, by proving the two following lemmas.

Lemma cexec_f_sound:
  forall fuel s c s', cexec_f fuel s c = Some s' -> cexec s c s'.
  induction fuel as [ | fuel ]; cbn; intros.
- discriminate.
- destruct c.
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

Lemma cexec_f_complete:
  forall s c s', cexec s c s' ->
  exists fuel1, forall fuel, (fuel >= fuel1)%nat -> cexec_f fuel s c = Some s'.
  induction 1.
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

1.8. Transition semantics with continuations

To help with the verification of a compiler (module Compil), we now introduce another form of "small-step" semantics as an alternative to the reduction semantics. In the new semantics, the command to be executed is explicitly decomposed into - a sub-command under focus, where computation takes place; - a context that describes the position of the sub-command in the whole command; or, equivalently, a continuation that describes the parts of the whole command that remain to execute once the sub-command terminates. Consequently, the semantics is presented as a transition relation between triples (sub-command under focus, continuation, state). Here is the syntax of continuations:

Inductive cont : Type :=
  | Kstop
  | Kseq (c: com) (k: cont)
  | Kwhile (b: bexp) (c: com) (k: cont).

Intuitive meaning of these three constructors: - Kstop means that nothing remains to be done once the sub-command terminates. In other words, the sub-command under focus is the whole command. - Kseq c k means that when the sub-command terminates, we will then execute the command c, then continue as described by k. - Kwhile b c k means that when the sub-command terminates, we will then execute the loop WHILE b DO c END. When this loop terminates, we will continue as described by k.

Another way to form intuitions about continuations is to ponder the apply_cont k c function below. It takes the sub-command c and the continuation k, and rebuilds the whole command. This is achieved quite simpl by inserting c to the left of the nested SEQ constructors described by k.

Fixpoint apply_cont (k: cont) (c: com) : com :=
  match k with
  | Kstop => c
  | Kseq c1 k1 => apply_cont k1 (SEQ c c1)
  | Kwhile b1 c1 k1 => apply_cont k1 (SEQ c (WHILE b1 c1))

The transitions between triples (sub-command, continuation, state) can be classified in three groups: - Computation steps: evaluate an arithmetic or Boolean expression, and modify the triple accordingly. - Focusing: replace the sub-command by a sub-sub-command that must be executed first, enriching the continuation accordingly. - Resumption: when the sub-command under focus is SKIP, and therefore has terminated, examine the head of the continuation to find the next sub-command to focus on. Here are the transition rules, annotated by the groups to which they belong.

Inductive step: com * cont * store -> com * cont * store -> Prop :=

  | step_assign: forall x a k s, (* computation *)
      step (ASSIGN x a, k, s) (SKIP, k, update x (aeval a s) s)

  | step_seq: forall c1 c2 s k, (* focusing *)
      step (SEQ c1 c2, k, s) (c1, Kseq c2 k, s)

  | step_ifthenelse: forall b c1 c2 k s, (* computation *)
      step (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2, k, s) ((if beval b s then c1 else c2), k, s)

  | step_while_done: forall b c k s, (* computation *)
      beval b s = false ->
      step (WHILE b c, k, s) (SKIP, k, s)

  | step_while_loop: forall b c k s, (* computation + focusing *)
      beval b s = true ->
      step (WHILE b c, k, s) (c, Kwhile b c k, s)

  | step_skip_seq: forall c k s, (* resumption *)
      step (SKIP, Kseq c k, s) (c, k, s)

  | step_skip_while: forall b c k s, (* resumption *)
      step (SKIP, Kwhile b c k, s) (WHILE b c, k, s).

As with every small-step semantics, we define termination and divergence in terms of transition sequences. Initial states are of the shape (c, Kstop, s_initial) and final states (SKIP, Kstop, s_final).

Definition kterminates (s: store) (c: com) (s': store) : Prop :=
  star step (c, Kstop, s) (SKIP, Kstop, s').

Definition kdiverges (s: store) (c: com) : Prop :=
  infseq step (c, Kstop, s).

Correspondence between continuation semantics and reduction semantics

To build confidence, we can prove that the two small-step semantics for IMP are equivalent: they agree on which commands terminate and which commands diverge. To prove this claim, we follow the approach based on simulation diagrams that we also use to prove the correctness of the IMP compiler (module Compil). This proof is fairly technical and can be skipped on first reading. Here is the relation between a configuration of the continuation semantics and a configuration of the reduction semantics.

Inductive match_conf : com * cont * store -> com * store -> Prop :=
  | match_conf_intro: forall c k s c',
      c' = apply_cont k c ->
      match_conf (c, k, s) (c', s).

We show that every transition of the continuation semantics is simulated by zero, one or several reduction steps. The anti-stuttering measure counts the nesting of SEQ constructs in the command.

Fixpoint num_seq (c: com) : nat :=
  match c with
  | SEQ c1 c2 => S (num_seq c1)
  | _ => O

Definition kmeasure (C: com * cont * store) : nat :=
  let '(c, k, s) := C in num_seq c.

Remark red_apply_cont:
  forall k c1 s1 c2 s2,
  red (c1, s1) (c2, s2) ->
  red (apply_cont k c1, s1) (apply_cont k c2, s2).
  induction k; intros; simpl; eauto using red_seq_step.

Lemma simulation_cont_red:
  forall C1 C1', step C1 C1' ->
  forall C2, match_conf C1 C2 ->
  exists C2',
     (plus red C2 C2' \/ (star red C2 C2' /\ kmeasure C1' < kmeasure C1))%nat
  /\ match_conf C1' C2'.
  destruct 1; intros C2 MC; inversion MC; subst; cbn.
  2: econstructor; split; [right; split; [apply star_refl | lia] | constructor; auto ].
  1-6: econstructor; split; [left; apply plus_one; apply red_apply_cont; auto using red | constructor; auto].

It follows that termination according to the continuation semantics implies termination according to the reduction semantics, and likewise for divergence.

Theorem kterminates_terminates:
  forall s c s', kterminates s c s' -> terminates s c s'.
  destruct (simulation_star _ _ _ _ _ _ simulation_cont_red _ _ H (c, s)) as ((c' & s'') & STAR & INV).
  constructor; auto.
  inversion INV; subst. apply STAR.

Theorem kdiverges_diverges:
  forall s c, kdiverges s c -> diverges s c.
  apply (simulation_infseq _ _ _ _ _ _ simulation_cont_red _ _ H).
  constructor; auto.

The reverse implications follow from the symmetrical simulation diagram. First, we need a technical lemma on reductions of commands of the shape apply_cont k c.

Inductive red_apply_cont_cases: cont -> com -> store -> com -> store -> Prop :=
  | racc_base: forall c1 s1 c2 s2 k,
      red (c1, s1) (c2, s2) ->
      red_apply_cont_cases k c1 s1 (apply_cont k c2) s2
  | racc_skip_seq: forall c k s,
      red_apply_cont_cases (Kseq c k) SKIP s (apply_cont k c) s
  | racc_skip_while: forall b c k s,
      red_apply_cont_cases (Kwhile b c k) SKIP s (apply_cont k (WHILE b c)) s.

Lemma invert_red_apply_cont:
  forall k c s c' s',
  red (apply_cont k c, s) (c', s') ->
  red_apply_cont_cases k c s c' s'.
  induction k; simpl; intros.
- (* Kstop *)
  change c' with (apply_cont Kstop c'). apply racc_base; auto.
- (* Kseq *)
  specialize (IHk _ _ _ _ H). inversion IHk; subst.
  + (* base *)
    inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
    * (* seq finish *)
      apply racc_skip_seq.
    * (* seq step *)
      change (apply_cont k (c4;;c)) with (apply_cont (Kseq c k) c4).
      apply racc_base; auto.
- (* Kwhile *)
  specialize (IHk _ _ _ _ H). inversion IHk; subst.
  inversion H0; clear H0; subst.
    * (* seq finish *)
      apply racc_skip_while.
    * (* seq step *)
      change (apply_cont k (c4;;WHILE b c)) with (apply_cont (Kwhile b c k) c4).
      apply racc_base; auto.

Definition rmeasure (C: com * store) : nat := O. (* there is no stuttering *)

Lemma simulation_red_cont:
  forall C1 C1', red C1 C1' ->
  forall C2, match_conf C2 C1 ->
  exists C2',
     (plus step C2 C2' \/ (star step C2 C2' /\ rmeasure C1' < rmeasure C1))%nat
  /\ match_conf C2' C1'.
  intros C1 C1' R C2 MC. inversion MC; subst. destruct C1' as (c' & s').
  assert (A: red_apply_cont_cases k c s c' s') by (apply invert_red_apply_cont; auto).
  clear MC R. inversion A; subst; clear A.
- cut (exists C2', plus step (c, k, s) C2' /\ match_conf C2' (apply_cont k c2, s')).
  intros (C2' & A & B). exists C2'; auto.
  revert k. dependent induction H; intros.
  + econstructor; split. apply plus_one; constructor. constructor; auto.
  + econstructor; split.
    eapply plus_left. constructor. eapply star_one. constructor.
    constructor; auto.
  + edestruct IHred as (((cx & kx) & sx) & A & B); eauto.
    econstructor; split.
    eapply plus_left. constructor. apply plus_star. eexact A.
    exact B.
  + econstructor; split. apply plus_one; constructor. constructor; auto.
  + econstructor; split. apply plus_one; apply step_while_done; auto. constructor; auto.
  + econstructor; split. apply plus_one; apply step_while_loop; auto. constructor; auto.
- econstructor; split.
  left; apply plus_one; constructor.
  constructor; auto.
- econstructor; split.
  left; apply plus_one; constructor.
  constructor; auto.

Lemma apply_cont_is_skip:
  forall k c, apply_cont k c = SKIP -> k = Kstop /\ c = SKIP.
  induction k; cbn; intros.
- auto.
- apply IHk in H. intuition discriminate.
- apply IHk in H. intuition discriminate.

Theorem terminates_kterminates:
  forall s c s', terminates s c s' -> kterminates s c s'.
  destruct (simulation_star _ _ _ _ _ _ simulation_red_cont _ _ H (c, Kstop, s)) as ((c' & s'') & STAR & INV).
  constructor; auto.
  inversion INV; subst.
  edestruct apply_cont_is_skip; eauto. subst k c0. apply STAR.

Theorem diverges_kdiverges:
  forall s c, diverges s c -> kdiverges s c.
  apply (simulation_infseq _ _ _ _ _ _ simulation_red_cont _ _ H).
  constructor; auto.