Module HoareLogic

From Coq Require Import ZArith Psatz Bool String List Wellfounded Program.Equality.
From Coq Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
From CDF Require Import IMP Sequences.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.

4. Program logics: Hoare logic

4.1. Prelude: direct verification of a program

We can verify the correctness of a program using nothing but an operational semantics for the language in which it is written. For example, here is an IMP program that exchanges the values of two variables.

Definition swap_xy :=
    ASSIGN "t" (VAR "x");; ASSIGN "x" (VAR "y");; ASSIGN "y" (VAR "t").

We can characterize the expected behavior of the program as follows: started in a store s, the program always terminates, in a store s' where "x" has value s "y" and "y" has value s "x".

Lemma swap_xy_correct:
  forall s, exists s',
  star red (swap_xy, s) (SKIP, s') /\ s' "x" = s "y" /\ s' "y" = s "x".
  intros. econstructor; split.
- eapply star_step. apply red_seq_step. apply red_assign.
  eapply star_step. apply red_seq_done.
  eapply star_step. apply red_seq_step. apply red_assign.
  eapply star_step. apply red_seq_done.
  eapply star_step. apply red_assign.
  apply star_refl.
- unfold update; cbn. auto.

The proof script is long but not difficult. First, we perform a "symbolic execution" of the program by chaining reduction steps. This determines the final store s', which is easily shown to satisfy the expected property.

Here is a more complicated example, involving a loop. The program adds "x" to "y" by incrementing "y" and decrementing "x" until "x" drops to zero.

Definition slow_add :=
        (ASSIGN "x" (MINUS (VAR "x") (CONST 1)) ;;
         ASSIGN "y" (PLUS (VAR "y") (CONST 1))).

The statement of correctness for this program remains simple.

Lemma slow_add_correct:
  forall s,
  s "x" >= 0 ->
  exists s', star red (slow_add, s) (SKIP, s') /\ s' "y" = s "y" + s "x".
  assert (REC: forall v, 0 <= v ->
               forall s, s "x" = v ->
               exists s', star red (slow_add, s) (SKIP, s') /\ s' "y" = s "y" + s "x").
  { intros v0 v0POS. pattern v0. apply natlike_ind; auto.
  - intros. exists s; split.
    + apply star_one. apply red_while_done. cbn. rewrite H. apply Z.leb_nle. lia.
    + lia.
  - intros v VPOS REC s EQ.
    set (s1 := update "x" v s).
    set (s2 := update "y" (s "y" + 1) s1).
    destruct (REC s2) as (s' & REDS & EQ'). auto.
    exists s'; split.
    + eapply star_step. apply red_while_loop. cbn. rewrite EQ. apply Z.leb_le. lia.
      eapply star_step. apply red_seq_step. apply red_seq_step. apply red_assign.
      eapply star_step. apply red_seq_step. apply red_seq_done.
      eapply star_step. apply red_seq_step. apply red_assign.
      eapply star_step. apply red_seq_done.
      cbn. replace (s "x" - 1) with v by lia. apply REDS.
    + rewrite EQ'. cbn. lia.
  intros. eapply REC; eauto. lia.

The proof, however, is rather difficult. We need to perform an explicit induction on the value v of variable "x". To use the induction hypothesis, we must manually determine some of the intermediate stores: purely symbolic execution no longer suffices. It is inconceivable to verify much more complex programs with these techniques!

Program logics provide higher-level reasoning principles to formally verify programs. In particular, they provide ways to reason about loops without setting up a full proof by induction.

The most familiar program logic is Hoare logic. In this module, we build a Hoare logic to reason about programs written in IMP.

4.2. Assertions on the values of variables

Hoare logic manipulates formulas / claims / assertions that "talk about" the values of the program variables. A typical assertion is 0 <= x /\ x <= y, meaning "at this program point, the value of variable x is positive and less than or equal to the value of variable y".

In our Coq development, we represent assertions by Coq logical formulas (type Prop) parameterized by the current store, which provides the values of the variables. For example, the assertion 0 <= x /\ x <= y above is represented by the Coq predicate fun s => 0 <= s "x" /\ s "x" <= s "y".
Definition assertion : Type := store -> Prop.

Here are some useful assertions. Conjunction and disjunction of two assertions.

Definition aand (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => P s /\ Q s.

Definition aor (P Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => P s \/ Q s.

The assertion "arithmetic expression a evaluates to value v".

Definition aequal (a: aexp) (v: Z) : assertion :=
  fun s => aeval a s = v.

The assertions "Boolean expression b evaluates to true / to false".

Definition atrue (b: bexp) : assertion :=
  fun s => beval b s = true.

Definition afalse (b: bexp) : assertion :=
  fun s => beval b s = false.

The assertion written " P[x <- a] " in the literature. Substituting a for x in P amounts to evaluating P in stores where the variable x is equal to the value of expression a.

Definition aupdate (x: ident) (a: aexp) (P: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => P (update x (aeval a s) s).

Pointwise implication. Unlike conjunction and disjunction, this is not a predicate over the store, just a Coq proposition.

Definition aimp (P Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall s, P s -> Q s.

A few notations to improve legibility.

Notation "P -->> Q" := (aimp P Q) (at level 95, no associativity).
Notation "P //\\ Q" := (aand P Q) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "P \\// Q" := (aor P Q) (at level 75, right associativity).

4.3. The rules of weak Hoare logic

Here are the base rules for Hoare logic. They define a relation Hoare P c Q, where This is a "weak" logic, meaning that it does not guarantee termination of the command c. What is guaranteed is that if c terminates, then its final store satisfies postcondition Q.

Inductive Hoare: assertion -> com -> assertion -> Prop :=
  | Hoare_skip: forall P,
      Hoare P SKIP P
  | Hoare_assign: forall P x a,
      Hoare (aupdate x a P) (ASSIGN x a) P
  | Hoare_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      Hoare P c1 Q ->
      Hoare Q c2 R ->
      Hoare P (c1;;c2) R
  | Hoare_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      Hoare (atrue b //\\ P) c1 Q ->
      Hoare (afalse b //\\ P) c2 Q ->
      Hoare P (IFTHENELSE b c1 c2) Q
  | Hoare_while: forall P b c,
      Hoare (atrue b //\\ P) c P ->
      Hoare P (WHILE b c) (afalse b //\\ P)
  | Hoare_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      Hoare P c Q ->
      P' -->> P ->
      Q -->> Q' ->
      Hoare P' c Q'.

Some derived rules.

Lemma Hoare_consequence_pre: forall P P' Q c,
      Hoare P c Q ->
      P' -->> P ->
      Hoare P' c Q.
  intros. apply Hoare_consequence with (P := P) (Q := Q); unfold aimp; auto.

Lemma Hoare_consequence_post: forall P Q Q' c,
      Hoare P c Q ->
      Q -->> Q' ->
      Hoare P c Q'.
  intros. apply Hoare_consequence with (P := P) (Q := Q); unfold aimp; auto.

Lemma Hoare_ifthen: forall b c P Q,
    Hoare (atrue b //\\ P) c Q ->
    afalse b //\\ P -->> Q ->
    Hoare P (IFTHENELSE b c SKIP) Q.
  intros. apply Hoare_ifthenelse; auto.
  apply Hoare_consequence_pre with Q; auto using Hoare_skip.

An example of a derivation in Hoare logic.

Example Hoare_swap_xy: forall m n,
  Hoare (aequal (VAR "x") m //\\ aequal (VAR "y") n)
        (aequal (VAR "x") n //\\ aequal (VAR "y") m).
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre.
- unfold swap_xy. eapply Hoare_seq. apply Hoare_assign.
  eapply Hoare_seq. apply Hoare_assign. apply Hoare_assign.
- unfold aequal, aupdate, aand, aimp; cbn. tauto.

Exercise (2 stars)

Here is another way to exchange the values of two variables, without using a third, temporary variable.

Definition swap_xy_2 :=
  ASSIGN "x" (PLUS (VAR "x") (VAR "y")) ;;
  ASSIGN "y" (MINUS (VAR "x") (VAR "y")) ;;
  ASSIGN "x" (MINUS (VAR "x") (VAR "y")).

Prove that this program satisfies the same property as swap_xy. Hint: rework the proof script for Hoare_swap_xy, only minimal changes need to be made.

Example Hoare_swap_xy_2: forall m n,
  Hoare (aequal (VAR "x") m //\\ aequal (VAR "y") n)
        (aequal (VAR "x") n //\\ aequal (VAR "y") m).
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

4.4. Soundness of Hoare logic

We give a semantic interpretation to the statements Hoare P c Q of Hoare logic. The interpretation is the relation triple P c Q defined below in terms of IMP's natural semantics (the relation cexec s c s').

Definition triple (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  forall s s', cexec s c s' -> P s -> Q s'.

Notation "{{ P }} c {{ Q }}" := (triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

The semantic interpretation validates every rule of Hoare logic.

Lemma triple_skip: forall P,
     {{P}} SKIP {{P}}.
  unfold triple; intros. inversion H; subst. auto.

Lemma triple_assign: forall P x a,
      {{aupdate x a P}} ASSIGN x a {{P}}.
  unfold triple, aupdate; intros. inversion H; subst. auto.

Lemma triple_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      {{P}} c1 {{Q}} ->
      {{Q}} c2 {{R}} ->
      {{P}} c1;;c2 {{R}}.
  unfold triple; intros. inversion H1; subst. eauto.

Lemma triple_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      {{atrue b //\\ P}} c1 {{Q}} ->
      {{afalse b //\\ P}} c2 {{Q}} ->
      {{P}} IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 {{Q}}.
  unfold triple, aand, atrue, afalse; intros. inversion H1; subst.
  destruct (beval b s) eqn:B; eauto.

Lemma triple_while: forall P b c,
      {{atrue b //\\ P}} c {{P}} ->
      {{P}} WHILE b c {{afalse b //\\ P}}.
  unfold triple; intros P b c T s s' E. dependent induction E; intros.
- split; auto.
- eapply IHE2; eauto. apply T with s; auto. split; auto.

Lemma triple_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      {{P}} c {{Q}} ->
      P' -->> P ->
      Q -->> Q' ->
      {{P'}} c {{Q'}}.
  unfold triple, aimp; intros. eauto.

It follows that Hoare logic is sound: every triple derivable by the rules of the logic is semantically valid.

Theorem Hoare_sound:
  forall P c Q, Hoare P c Q -> {{P}} c {{Q}}.
  induction 1; eauto using triple_skip, triple_assign, triple_seq,
  triple_ifthenelse, triple_while, triple_consequence.

4.5. Completeness of Hoare logic

The converse of theorem Hoare_sound is true: a "Hoare triple" that holds semantically ({{P}} c {{Q}}) can always be derived using the rules of the logic (Hoare P c Q). The proof relies on the notion of "weakest precondition" (WP).

The weakest precondition for a command c with postcondition Q.

Definition wp (c: com) (Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  fun s => forall s', cexec s c s' -> Q s'.

The WP is a precondition.

Lemma wp_precondition: forall c Q, {{wp c Q}} c {{Q}}.
  unfold triple, wp; intros. auto.

The WP is the weakest of all preconditions: any other precondition implies the WP.

Lemma wp_weakest: forall P c Q, {{P}} c {{Q}} -> P -->> wp c Q.
  unfold triple, wp, aimp; intros. eauto.

The rules of Hoare logic are powerful enough to derive the fact that wp c Q is a valid precondition for c and Q.

Lemma Hoare_wp: forall c Q, Hoare (wp c Q) c Q.
  induction c; intros Q.
- (* SKIP *)
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_skip.
  unfold aimp, wp; intros. apply H. apply cexec_skip.
- (* ASSIGN *)
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply Hoare_assign.
  unfold aimp, aupdate, wp; intros. apply H. apply cexec_assign.
- (* SEQ *)
  eapply Hoare_consequence_pre.
  eapply Hoare_seq with (wp c2 Q); eauto.
  unfold aimp, wp; intros. apply H. apply cexec_seq with s'; auto.
  apply Hoare_ifthenelse.
  + eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc1.
    unfold atrue, aand, aimp, wp; intros. destruct H.
    apply H1. apply cexec_ifthenelse. rewrite H; auto.
  + eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc2.
    unfold afalse, aand, aimp, wp; intros. destruct H.
    apply H1. apply cexec_ifthenelse. rewrite H; auto.
- (* WHILE *)
  eapply Hoare_consequence_post.
  + apply Hoare_while.
    eapply Hoare_consequence_pre. apply IHc.
    unfold atrue, aand, aimp, wp; intros. destruct H.
    apply H2. apply cexec_while_loop with s'; auto.
  + unfold afalse, aand, aimp, wp; intros. destruct H.
    apply H0. apply cexec_while_done; auto.

It follows that any semantically valid triple {{P}} c {{Q}} can be derived by Hoare's rules.

Theorem Hoare_complete: forall P c Q, {{P}} c {{Q}} -> Hoare P c Q.
  intros. apply Hoare_consequence_pre with (wp c Q).
- apply Hoare_wp.
- apply wp_weakest; auto.

4.6. Other useful rules

Using the semantic definition of Hoare triples, it is easy to add new reasoning rules: these are just lemmas about the operational semantics that we prove once and for all. For example:

Lemma triple_conj:
  forall c P1 Q1 P2 Q2,
  {{P1}} c {{Q1}} -> {{P2}} c {{Q2}} -> {{P1 //\\ P2}} c {{Q1 //\\ Q2}}.
  intros; red; intros. destruct H2 as [PRE1 PRE2]. split; eauto.

Lemma triple_disj:
  forall c P1 Q1 P2 Q2,
  {{P1}} c {{Q1}} -> {{P2}} c {{Q2}} -> {{P1 \\// P2}} c {{Q1 \\// Q2}}.
  intros; red; intros. destruct H2 as [PRE1|PRE2]; [left|right]; eauto.

We can also give an alternate rule to reason about assignments. The alternate rule is a "forward" rule (the postcondition is determined by the precondition), unlike Hoare's rule which is "backward".

Definition aexists {A: Type} (P: A -> assertion) : assertion :=
  fun (s: store) => exists (a: A), P a s.

Lemma triple_assign_fwd: forall x a P,
  {{ P }}
  ASSIGN x a
  {{ aexists (fun m => aexists (fun n =>
     aequal (VAR x) n //\\ aupdate x (CONST m) (P //\\ aequal a n))) }}.
  intros. unfold triple, aequal, aupdate; intros.
  inversion H; subst.
  exists (s x); exists (aeval a s); cbn.
  split. apply update_same.
  replace (update x (s x) (update x (aeval a s) s)) with s.
  split; auto.
  apply functional_extensionality; intros y.
  unfold update. destruct (string_dec x y); congruence.

Finally, we build a frame rule that makes it possible to reuse an existing verification of {{P} c {{Q}} and add extra facts R to the precondition and the postcondition, obtaining a verification of {{P //\\ R}} c {{Q //\\ R}}.

For example: if we showed the correctness of swap_xy like this
    {{ aequal (VAR "x") m //\\ aequal (VAR "y") n }}
    {{ aequal (VAR "x") n //\\ aequal (VAR "y") m }}
we should be able, without having to re-do the verification de swap_xy, to prove a more informative triple such as
    {{ aequal (VAR "x") m //\\ aequal (VAR "y") n //\\ aequal (VAR "z") p }}
    {{ aequal (VAR "x") n //\\ aequal (VAR "y") m //\\ aequal (VAR "z") p }}
to be read as: "furthermore, the value of variable z is unchanged".

This reasoning is valid provided the extra facts R mention exclusively variables that are not modified during the execution of c. We approximate this requirement by saying that variables that occur as left-hand sides of an assignment in c can be modified, and other variables definitely cannot.

Fixpoint modified_by (c: com) (x: ident) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => False
  | ASSIGN y a => x = y
  | SEQ c1 c2 => modified_by c1 x \/ modified_by c2 x
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => modified_by c1 x \/ modified_by c2 x
  | WHILE b c1 => modified_by c1 x

Lemma cexec_modified:
  forall x s1 c s2,
  cexec s1 c s2 -> ~modified_by c x -> s2 x = s1 x.
  induction 1; cbn; intros MB.
- auto.
- unfold update. destruct (string_dec x0 x); congruence.
- rewrite IHcexec2, IHcexec1 by tauto. auto.
- apply IHcexec. destruct (beval b s); tauto.
- auto.
- rewrite IHcexec2, IHcexec1 by tauto. auto.

Syntactically, an assertion P is independent from a set vars of variables if none of the variables in vars is mentioned in P. With out encoding of assertions as predicates store -> Prop, we cannot state the independence condition like this, since the predicates are opaque functions. Instead, we will say that the assertion has the same truth value in any two stores s1 and s2 that differ only on the values of the variables in set vars.

Definition independent_of (P: assertion) (vars: ident -> Prop) : Prop :=
  forall s1 s2,
  (forall x, ~ vars x -> s1 x = s2 x) ->
  (P s1 <-> P s2).

In the end, we obtain the following frame rule.

Lemma triple_frame:
  forall c P Q R,
  {{P}} c {{Q}} ->
  independent_of R (modified_by c) ->
  {{P //\\ R}} c {{Q //\\ R}}.
  intros; red; intros. destruct H2 as [PRE1 PRE2]. split.
- eapply H; eauto.
- apply (H0 s' s).
  + intros. apply cexec_modified with c; auto.
  + auto.

4.7. Strong Hoare triples

The Hoare logic presented above is "weak" because it does not guarantee program termination, and therefore can show partial correctness results only.

Following similar approaches, we now construct a "strong" Hoare logic that guarantees termination and therefore proves total correctness results.

As we did for the weak logic, we could give the rules of the strong logic as an inductive predicate, then interpret them semantically. To simplify the presentation, we omit the inductive predicate and define the "strong" logic directly from the operational semantics, via the relation [[P]] c [[Q]] below.

Definition Triple (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) :=
  forall s, P s -> exists s', cexec s c s' /\ Q s'.

Notation "[[ P ]] c [[ Q ]]" := (Triple P c Q) (at level 90, c at next level).

Note the difference with the weak logic:

The base rules for the strong logic are the same as for the weak logic, except for loops.

Lemma Triple_skip: forall P,
      [[P]] SKIP [[P]].
  intros P s PRE. exists s; split; auto. apply cexec_skip.

Lemma Triple_assign: forall P x a,
      [[aupdate x a P]] ASSIGN x a [[P]].
  intros P x a s PRE. exists (update x (aeval a s) s); split.
- apply cexec_assign.
- exact PRE.

Lemma Triple_seq: forall P Q R c1 c2,
      [[P]] c1 [[Q]] -> [[Q]] c2 [[R]] ->
      [[P]] c1;;c2 [[R]].
  intros; intros s PRE.
  destruct (H s PRE) as (s1 & EXEC1 & MID).
  destruct (H0 s1 MID) as (s2 & EXEC2 & POST).
  exists s2; split.
- apply cexec_seq with s1; auto.
- exact POST.

Lemma Triple_ifthenelse: forall P Q b c1 c2,
      [[atrue b //\\ P]] c1 [[Q]] ->
      [[afalse b //\\ P]] c2 [[Q]] ->
      [[P]] IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 [[Q]].
  intros; intros s PRE. destruct (beval b s) eqn:B.
- destruct (H s) as (s' & EXEC & POST). split; auto.
  exists s'; split; auto. constructor; rewrite B; auto.
- destruct (H0 s) as (s' & EXEC & POST). split; auto.
  exists s'; split; auto. constructor; rewrite B; auto.

Lemma Triple_consequence: forall P Q P' Q' c,
      [[P]] c [[Q]] -> P' -->> P -> Q -->> Q' ->
      [[P']] c [[Q']].
  intros; intros s PRE.
  destruct (H s) as (s' & EXEC & POST). apply H0; auto.
  exists s'; auto.

For WHILE b c loops, the strong triple must guarantee that the loop terminates for all initial stores satisfying the precondition. A simple way to guarantee termination is to exhibit a "variant": an integer-valued expression that decreases at every loop iteration while remaining nonnegative.

Definition alessthan (a: aexp) (v: Z) : assertion :=
  fun (s: store) => 0 <= aeval a s < v.

Lemma Triple_while: forall P variant b c,
  (forall v,
     [[ P //\\ atrue b //\\ aequal variant v ]]
     [[ P //\\ alessthan variant v ]])
     [[P]] WHILE b c [[P //\\ afalse b]].
  intros P variant b c T.
  assert (REC: forall v s, P s -> aeval variant s = v ->
               exists s', cexec s (WHILE b c) s' /\ (P s' /\ beval b s' = false)).
  { induction v using (well_founded_induction (Z.lt_wf 0)).
    intros. destruct (beval b s) eqn:B.
  - destruct (T v s) as (s1 & EXEC1 & (PS1 & LT1)). unfold aand, aequal, atrue; auto.
    destruct (H _ LT1 s1 PS1) as (s2 & EXEC2 & PS2). auto.
    exists s2; split; auto. apply cexec_while_loop with s1; auto.
  - exists s; split; auto. apply cexec_while_done; auto.
  intros s PRE. apply REC with (v := aeval variant s); auto.

Exercise (3 stars)

The "variant" trick and the order on nonnegative integers are sometimes insufficient to show termination of a WHILE loop. Here is a more powerful rule that uses two variant expressions and a lexicographic ordering between pairs of nonnegative integers. Show that this rule is sound.

Lemma Triple_while_lexico: forall P variant1 variant2 b c,
  (forall v1 v2,
    [[ P //\\ atrue b //\\ aequal variant1 v1 //\\ aequal variant2 v2 ]]
    [[ P //\\ (alessthan variant1 v1 \\// (aequal variant1 v1 //\\ alessthan variant2 v2)) ]])
    [[P]] WHILE b c [[P //\\ afalse b]].
  intros P variant1 variant2 b c T.
  assert (REC: forall v1 v2 s, P s -> aeval variant1 s = v1 -> aeval variant2 s = v2 ->
               exists s', cexec s (WHILE b c) s' /\ (P s' /\ beval b s' = false)).
  (* FILL IN HERE *)

4.8. Verification condition generation

With the exception of the rule for WHILE loops, the rules of Hoare logic can be read as an algorithm that, given a command c and a postcondition Q, computes the weakest precondition P. For example, if c comprises two assignments in sequence
    c = ASSIGN x1 a1 ;; ASSIGN x2 a2
the precondition P is determined as
    P = aupdate x1 a1 (aupdate x2 a2 Q)
Such a computation is much simpler than general proof search, which can apply the weakening rule triple_consequence at any point.

Of course, the problem is with WHILE loops: the loop invariant cannot be determined automatically by a computation.

In the following, we develop a hybrid approach where loops are manually annotated with their loop invariants, but all other preconditions are automatically computed from the postconditions.

Module VCGEN.

This is the language of commands where WHILE loops are annotated by an invariant Inv.

Inductive com: Type :=
  | SKIP
  | ASSIGN (x: ident) (a: aexp)
  | SEQ (c1: com) (c2: com)
  | IFTHENELSE (b: bexp) (c1: com) (c2: com)
  | WHILE (Inv: assertion) (b: bexp) (c1: com). (* new! *)

The function pre c Q computes a precondition for command c and postcondition Q, by "backward execution" of command c and application of the rules of Hoare logic. The only exception is WHILE loops, where we take as precondition the loop invariant provided.

Fixpoint pre (c: com) (Q: assertion) : assertion :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => Q
  | ASSIGN x a => aupdate x a Q
  | SEQ c1 c2 => pre c1 (pre c2 Q)
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => atrue b //\\ pre c1 Q \\// afalse b //\\ pre c2 Q
  | WHILE Inv b c => Inv

The Hoare triple {{ pre c Q }} c {{ Q }} is not always valid: we must also ensure that the invariants provided for the loops are actually invariant. For a loop WHILE Inv b c having postcondition Q, it must be the case that The following function vcg (Verification Condition Generator) collects all these "verification conditions" for all the loops WHILE contained in command c.

Fixpoint vcg (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => True
  | ASSIGN x a => True
  | SEQ c1 c2 => vcg c1 (pre c2 Q) /\ vcg c2 Q
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => vcg c1 Q /\ vcg c2 Q
  | WHILE Inv b c =>
       vcg c Inv
    /\ (afalse b //\\ Inv -->> Q)
    /\ (atrue b //\\ Inv -->> pre c Inv)

The triple {{P}} c {{Q}} is valid as soon as

Definition vcgen (P: assertion) (c: com) (Q: assertion) : Prop :=
  (P -->> pre c Q) /\ vcg c Q.

To prove this verification algorithm correct, we define the plain IMP command erase c obtained from the annotated command c by erasing the loop invariants from the WHILE nodes.

Fixpoint erase (c: com) : :=
  match c with
  | ASSIGN x a => IMP.ASSIGN x a
  | SEQ c1 c2 => IMP.SEQ (erase c1) (erase c2)
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => IMP.IFTHENELSE b (erase c1) (erase c2)
  | WHILE Inv b c => IMP.WHILE b (erase c)

We can then show that pre c Q is a valid precondition for c and Q, provided that the conditions vcg c Q are true.

Lemma vcg_sound:
  forall c Q, vcg c Q -> {{pre c Q}} erase c {{Q}}.
  induction c; cbn; intros.
- apply triple_skip.
- apply triple_assign.
- destruct H as (V1 & V2).
  apply triple_seq with (pre c2 Q); auto.
- destruct H as (V1 & V2).
  apply triple_ifthenelse.
  + eapply triple_consequence. eapply IHc1; eauto.
    unfold aimp, aand, aor, atrue, afalse. intuition congruence.
    unfold aimp; auto.
  + eapply triple_consequence. eapply IHc2; eauto.
    unfold aimp, aand, aor, atrue, afalse. intuition congruence.
    unfold aimp; auto.
- destruct H as (V1 & V2 & V3).
  eapply triple_consequence.
  + apply triple_while. eapply triple_consequence. apply IHc; eauto.
    eauto. red; auto.
  + red; auto.
  + auto.

The correctness of algorithm vcgen follows.

Theorem vcgen_correct:
  forall P c Q, vcgen P c Q -> {{P}} erase c {{Q}}.
  unfold vcgen; intros. destruct H as (V1 & V2).
  eapply triple_consequence. eapply vcg_sound; eauto. auto. red; auto.

Application: Euclidean division

Infix ";;" := SEQ (at level 80, right associativity).

Here are the precondition, the loop invariant, and the postcondition for the program that does Euclidean division by iterated subtraction.

Definition Pre (s: store) :=
  s "a" >= 0 /\ s "b" > 0.

Definition Inv (s: store) :=
  s "r" >= 0 /\ s "b" > 0 /\ s "a" = s "b" * s "q" + s "r".

Definition Post (s: store) :=
  s "q" = s "a" / s "b" /\ s "r" = s "a" mod s "b".

Here is the IMP program with the loop annotated by Inv.

Definition Euclidean_division :=
  ASSIGN "r" (VAR "a") ;;
  ASSIGN "q" (CONST 0) ;;
  WHILE Inv (LESSEQUAL (VAR "b") (VAR "r"))
    (ASSIGN "r" (MINUS (VAR "r") (VAR "b")) ;;
     ASSIGN "q" (PLUS (VAR "q") (CONST 1))).

And here is its correctness proof. It does not use explicitly any rules of Hoare logic. Instead, we apply the vcgen_correct theorem, then ask Coq to compute and simplify the verification condition. In the end, all what remains is a formula in standard logic (not Hoare logic) that is easily proved using standard Coq tactics.

Theorem Euclidean_division_correct:
  {{Pre}} erase Euclidean_division {{Post}}.
  apply vcgen_correct. red; cbn.
  unfold aimp, aupdate, aand, afalse, atrue, Pre, Post, Inv; cbn.
  intuition auto.
  (* The precondition implies the loop invariant. *)
  - lia.
  (* The invariant and the loop exit imply the postcondition. *)
  - apply Z.leb_gt in H0. apply Zdiv_unique with (s "r"). lia. auto.
  - apply Z.leb_gt in H0. apply Zmod_unique with (s "q"). lia. auto.
  (* The loop invariant is preserved at each iteration. *)
  - apply Z.leb_le in H0. lia.
  - lia.

Exercise (1 star)

Redo the verification after removing the hypothesis s "b" > 0 from the precondition and the invariant. How is it possible that the verification "goes through" even when the divisor b is zero?

Exercise (3 stars)

Specify and verify the following program. It leaves in r the integer square root of a.
    r := 0; s := 1;
    while s <= a do (r := r + 1; s := s + r + r + 1)