Module AbstrInterp

From Coq Require Import ZArith Psatz Bool String List FMaps.
From CDF Require Import Sequences IMP.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.

5. Static analysis by abstract interpretation, simplified version

5.1. Interface of abstract domains

The analyzer computes over abstract values: approximations of sets of integer values. The type of abstract values and the associated operations are grouped in a Coq module, whose interface follows.


The type of abstract values.
  Parameter t: Type.

In n N holds if integer n belongs to the set represented by abstract value N. This is equivalent to the concretization function γ : In n N means n ∈ γ(N).
  Parameter In: Z -> t -> Prop.

Abstract values are ordered by inclusion of the sets they represent.
  Definition le (N1 N2: t) : Prop := forall n, In n N1 -> In n N2.

ble is a Boolean-valued function that decides the le relation.
  Parameter ble: t -> t -> bool.
  Axiom ble_1: forall N1 N2, ble N1 N2 = true -> le N1 N2.
  Axiom ble_2: forall N1 N2, le N1 N2 -> ble N1 N2 = true.

const n is the abstract value for the singleton set {n}.
  Parameter const: Z -> t.
  Axiom const_1: forall n, In n (const n).

bot represents the empty set.
  Parameter bot: t.
  Axiom bot_1: forall n, ~(In n bot).

top represents the set of all integers.
  Parameter top: t.
  Parameter top_1: forall n, In n top.

join computes an upper bound of its two arguments.
  Parameter join: t -> t -> t.
  Axiom join_1: forall n N1 N2, In n N1 -> In n (join N1 N2).
  Axiom join_2: forall n N1 N2, In n N2 -> In n (join N1 N2).

Abstract operators for addition and subtraction.
  Parameter add: t -> t -> t.
  Axiom add_1:
    forall n1 n2 N1 N2, In n1 N1 -> In n2 N2 -> In (n1+n2) (add N1 N2).

  Parameter sub: t -> t -> t.
  Axiom sub_1:
    forall n1 n2 N1 N2, In n1 N1 -> In n2 N2 -> In (n1-n2) (sub N1 N2).


Store abstractions are defined in the same style: a module that defines a type t of abstract stores and the associated abstract operations. Here is the interface of this module.


A value abstraction for integer values.
  Declare Module V: VALUE_ABSTRACTION.

The type of abstract stores.
  Parameter t: Type.

get x S is the abstract value associated with x in S.
  Parameter get: ident -> t -> V.t.

Whether a concrete store belongs to an abstract store.
  Definition In (s: store) (S: t) : Prop :=
    forall x, V.In (s x) (get x S).

Abstract assignment to a variable.
  Parameter set: ident -> V.t -> t -> t.
  Axiom set_1:
    forall x n N s S, V.In n N -> In s S -> In (update x n s) (set x N S).

The order between abstract stores.
  Definition le (S1 S2: t) : Prop := forall s, In s S1 -> In s S2.

  Parameter ble: t -> t -> bool.
  Axiom ble_1: forall S1 S2, ble S1 S2 = true -> le S1 S2.

Smallest and greatest abstract stores.
  Parameter bot: t.
  Axiom bot_1: forall s, ~(In s bot).

  Parameter top: t.
  Parameter top_1: forall s, In s top.

join computes an upper bound of its two arguments.
  Parameter join: t -> t -> t.
  Axiom join_1: forall s S1 S2, In s S1 -> In s (join S1 S2).
  Axiom join_2: forall s S1 S2, In s S2 -> In s (join S1 S2).


5.2. The generic analyzer

The analyzer is presented as a module parameterized by a store abstraction, the latter containing a value abstraction.

Module Analysis (ST: STORE_ABSTRACTION).

Module V := ST.V.

Computing post-fixed points

We follow the same approach as in the 3rd lecture, module Optim: a fixed point iteration that starts from bot and stops as soon a post-fixed point is found, or when the maximal number of iterations is reached. In the latter case, the result is top.


Variable F: ST.t -> ST.t.

Fixpoint iter (n: nat) (S: ST.t) : ST.t :=
  match n with
  | O =>
  | S n' => let S' := F S in
            if ST.ble S' S then S else iter n' S'

Definition niter := 10%nat.

Definition postfixpoint : ST.t := iter niter

Lemma postfixpoint_sound:
  ST.le (F postfixpoint) postfixpoint.
  unfold postfixpoint. generalize niter
  induction n; intros S; cbn.
- red; intros; apply ST.top_1.
- destruct (ST.ble (F S) S) eqn:B.
  + apply ST.ble_1; auto.
  + apply IHn.


Abstract interpretation of arithmetic operations.

Fixpoint Aeval (a: aexp) (S: ST.t) : V.t :=
  match a with
  | CONST n => V.const n
  | VAR x => ST.get x S
  | PLUS a1 a2 => V.add (Aeval a1 S) (Aeval a2 S)
  | MINUS a1 a2 => V.sub (Aeval a1 S) (Aeval a2 S)

This abstract interpretation is sound with respect to the concrete semantics of expressions.

Lemma Aeval_sound:
  forall s S a,
  ST.In s S -> V.In (aeval a s) (Aeval a S).
  induction a; cbn; intros.
- apply V.const_1.
- apply H.
- apply V.add_1; auto.
- apply V.sub_1; auto.

Abstract interpretation of commands.

The abstract interpretation of a command c is a function ST.t -> ST.t that computes the abstract store "after" the execution of c as a function of the abstract store "before". Owing to abstraction, this computation always terminates and can be defined as a function.

Fixpoint Cexec (c: com) (S: ST.t) : ST.t :=
  match c with
  | SKIP => S
  | ASSIGN x a => ST.set x (Aeval a S) S
  | SEQ c1 c2 => Cexec c2 (Cexec c1 S)
  | IFTHENELSE b c1 c2 => ST.join (Cexec c1 S) (Cexec c2 S)
  | WHILE b c => postfixpoint (fun X => ST.join S (Cexec c X))

This abstract interpretation is sound with respect to the IMP operational semantics.

Theorem Cexec_sound:
  forall c s s' S,
  ST.In s S -> cexec s c s' -> ST.In s' (Cexec c S).
Opaque niter.
  induction c; intros s s' S PRE EXEC; cbn.
- (* SKIP *)
  inversion EXEC; subst. auto.
- (* ASSIGN *)
  inversion EXEC; subst. apply ST.set_1; auto. apply Aeval_sound; auto.
- (* SEQ *)
  inversion EXEC; subst. eauto.
  inversion EXEC; subst. destruct (beval b s).
  apply ST.join_1; eauto.
  apply ST.join_2; eauto.
- (* WHILE *)
  set (F := fun X => ST.join S (Cexec c X)).
  set (X := postfixpoint F).
  assert (L : ST.le (F X) X) by (apply postfixpoint_sound).
  assert (REC: forall s1 c1 s2,
               cexec s1 c1 s2 ->
               c1 = WHILE b c ->
               ST.In s1 X ->
               ST.In s2 X).
  { induction 1; intro EQ; inversion EQ; subst; intros.
  - (* WHILE done *)
  - (* WHILE loop *)
    apply IHcexec2; auto. apply L. unfold F. apply ST.join_2. eapply IHc; eauto.
  eapply REC; eauto. apply L. unfold F. apply ST.join_1. auto.

End Analysis.

5.3. An abstract domain for stores

We now build an abstract domain for stores that can be used for all non-relational analyses, in particular all value analyses.

Morally, abstract stores are functions ident -> V.t from identifiers to abstract values. However, the order between abstract stores must be decidable, which is not the case if abstract stores are arbitrary functions over the infinite type ident. Therefore, we use finite partial functions from ident to V.t, implemented using the "maps" provided by Coq's standard library, and consider that any identifier not in the domain of the finite function is mapped to

As in file Optim, we equip the type of identifiers with a decidable equality, then instantiate the standard library modules for maps on this type.

Module Ident_Decidable <: DecidableType with Definition t := ident.
  Definition t := ident.
  Definition eq (x y: t) := x = y.
  Definition eq_refl := @eq_refl t.
  Definition eq_sym := @eq_sym t.
  Definition eq_trans := @eq_trans t.
  Definition eq_dec := string_dec.
End Ident_Decidable.

Module IdentMap := FMapWeakList.Make(Ident_Decidable).
Module IMFact := FMapFacts.WFacts(IdentMap).
Module IMProp := FMapFacts.WProperties(IdentMap).

The domain of abstract stores is parameterized by a module VA defining the abstract values.


Module V := VA.

An abstract store is either Bot, associating to all variables, or Top_except m, associating to the variables that are not described in the map m.

Inductive abstr_state : Type :=
  | Bot
  | Top_except (m: IdentMap.t V.t).

Definition t := abstr_state.

Definition get (x: ident) (S: t) : V.t :=
  match S with
  | Bot =>
  | Top_except m =>
      match IdentMap.find x m with
      | None =>
      | Some N => N

Definition In (s: store) (S: t) : Prop :=
  forall x, V.In (s x) (get x S).

Definition set (x: ident) (N: V.t) (S: t): t :=
  if V.ble N then Bot else
  match S with
  | Bot => Bot
  | Top_except m => Top_except (IdentMap.add x N m)

Lemma set_1:
  forall x n N s S,
  V.In n N -> In s S -> In (update x n s) (set x N S).
  unfold In, get, set; intros.
  destruct (V.ble N eqn:BLE; [ | destruct S ].
- apply V.ble_1 in BLE. apply BLE in H. elim (V.bot_1 n); auto.
- elim (V.bot_1 (s "")). auto.
- rewrite IMFact.add_o. change IdentMap.E.eq_dec with string_dec. unfold update.
  destruct (string_dec x x0); auto.

The inclusion order between abstract stores.

Definition le (S1 S2: t) : Prop :=
  forall s, In s S1 -> In s S2.

Definition ble (S1 S2: t) : bool :=
  match S1, S2 with
  | Bot, _ => true
  | _, Bot => false
  | Top_except m1, Top_except m2 =>
      IMProp.for_all (fun x v => V.ble (get x S1) v) m2

Lemma ble_1: forall S1 S2, ble S1 S2 = true -> le S1 S2.
  unfold ble, le; intros.
  destruct S1 as [ | m1].
- elim (V.bot_1 (s "")). apply H0.
- destruct S2 as [ | m2]. discriminate.
  red; cbn; intros. destruct (IdentMap.find x m2) as [N2|] eqn:F2.
  + apply IdentMap.find_2 in F2. eapply IMProp.for_all_iff in H; eauto.
    apply V.ble_1 in H. apply H. apply H0.
    hnf. intros; subst x0. hnf; intros. subst x0. auto.
  + apply V.top_1.

The lattice operations.

Definition bot: t := Bot.

Lemma bot_1: forall s, ~(In s bot).
  unfold In; cbn. intros s IN. apply (V.bot_1 (s "")). apply IN.

Definition top: t := Top_except (IdentMap.empty V.t).

Lemma top_1: forall s, In s top.
  unfold In, top, get; cbn. intros. apply V.top_1.

Definition join_aux (ov1 ov2: option V.t) : option V.t :=
  match ov1, ov2 with
  | Some v1, Some v2 => Some (V.join v1 v2)
  | _, _ => None

Definition join (S1 S2: t) : t :=
  match S1, S2 with
  | Bot, _ => S2
  | _, Bot => S1
  | Top_except m1, Top_except m2 => Top_except (IdentMap.map2 join_aux m1 m2)

Lemma join_1:
  forall s S1 S2, In s S1 -> In s (join S1 S2).
  unfold join; intros.
  destruct S1 as [ | m1]. elim (bot_1 s); auto.
  destruct S2 as [ | m2]. auto.
- red; unfold get; intros. rewrite IMFact.map2_1bis; auto.
  unfold join_aux. specialize (H x). unfold get in H.
  destruct (IdentMap.find x m1).
  + destruct (IdentMap.find x m2).
    * apply V.join_1; auto.
    * apply V.top_1.
  + apply V.top_1.

Lemma join_2:
  forall s S1 S2, In s S2 -> In s (join S1 S2).
  unfold join; intros.
  destruct S1 as [ | m1]. auto.
  destruct S2 as [ | m2]. elim (bot_1 s); auto.
- red; unfold get; intros. rewrite IMFact.map2_1bis; auto.
  unfold join_aux. specialize (H x). unfold get in H.
  destruct (IdentMap.find x m1).
  + destruct (IdentMap.find x m2).
    * apply V.join_2; auto.
    * apply V.top_1.
  + apply V.top_1.

End StoreAbstr.

5.4. An application: constant propagation analysis

The "flat" abstract domain of integers.


The abstract values: empty set, singleton set, or Z as a whole.

  Inductive abstr_value : Type := Bot | Just (n: Z) | Top.
  Definition t := abstr_value.

Membership and inclusion.

  Definition In (n: Z) (N: t) : Prop :=
    match N with
    | Bot => False
    | Just m => n = m
    | Top => True

  Definition le (N1 N2: t) : Prop :=
    forall n, In n N1 -> In n N2.

  Definition ble (N1 N2: t) : bool :=
    match N1, N2 with
    | Bot, _ => true
    | _, Top => true
    | Just n1, Just n2 => n1 =? n2
    | _, _ => false

  Lemma ble_1: forall N1 N2, ble N1 N2 = true -> le N1 N2.
    unfold ble, le, In; intros.
    destruct N1; try contradiction; destruct N2; try discriminate; auto.
    apply Z.eqb_eq in H. lia.

  Lemma ble_2: forall N1 N2, le N1 N2 -> ble N1 N2 = true.
    unfold ble, le, In; intros.
    destruct N1; auto.
  - specialize (H n refl_equal). destruct N2. contradiction. apply Z.eqb_eq; auto. auto.
  - destruct N2. elim (H 0); auto. specialize (H (n + 1)); lia. auto.

const n is the abstract value for the singleton set {n}.
  Definition const (n: Z) : t := Just n.

  Lemma const_1: forall n, In n (const n).
    intros; cbn; auto.

The lattice operations: bot, top, join.

  Definition bot: t := Bot.

  Lemma bot_1: forall n, ~(In n bot).
    intros. cbn. tauto.

  Definition top: t := Top.

  Lemma top_1: forall n, In n top.
    intros. cbn; auto.

  Definition join (N1 N2: t) : t :=
    match N1, N2 with
    | Bot, _ => N2
    | _, Bot => N1
    | Top, _ => Top
    | _, Top => Top
    | Just n1, Just n2 => if n1 =? n2 then Just n1 else Top

  Lemma join_1:
    forall n N1 N2, In n N1 -> In n (join N1 N2).
    unfold In, join; intros; cbn.
    destruct N1, N2; try tauto.
    destruct (Z.eqb_spec n0 n1); auto.

  Lemma join_2:
    forall n N1 N2, In n N2 -> In n (join N1 N2).
    unfold In, join; intros; cbn.
    destruct N1, N2; try tauto.
    destruct (Z.eqb_spec n0 n1); auto. congruence.

The abstract arithmetic operations

  Definition lift (f: Z -> Z -> Z) : t -> t -> t :=
    fun N1 N2 =>
      match N1, N2 with
      | Bot, _ => Bot
      | _, Bot => Bot
      | Just n1, Just n2 => Just (f n1 n2)
      | _, _ => Top

  Lemma lift_1:
    forall f n1 n2 N1 N2, In n1 N1 -> In n2 N2 -> In (f n1 n2) (lift f N1 N2).
    unfold In, lift; intros. destruct N1, N2; try tauto. congruence.

  Definition add := lift Z.add.

  Lemma add_1:
    forall n1 n2 N1 N2, In n1 N1 -> In n2 N2 -> In (n1+n2) (add N1 N2).
  Proof (lift_1 Z.add).

  Definition sub := lift Z.sub.

  Lemma sub_1:
    forall n1 n2 N1 N2, In n1 N1 -> In n2 N2 -> In (n1-n2) (sub N1 N2).
  Proof (lift_1 Z.sub).

End FlatInt.

The constant propagation analysis

We just have to instantiate the analyzer on the flat domain of integers and on the corresponding store domain.

Module SConstProp := StoreAbstr(FlatInt).
Module AConstProp := Analysis(SConstProp).

A sample program:
    x := 0; y := 100; z := x + y;
    if x = 0
    then y := x + 10; x := 1
    else y := 10

Definition prog1 :=
  ASSIGN "x" (CONST 0) ;;
  ASSIGN "y" (CONST 100) ;;
  ASSIGN "z" (PLUS (VAR "x") (VAR "y")) ;;
    (ASSIGN "y" (PLUS (VAR "x") (CONST 10)) ;; ASSIGN "x" (CONST 1))
    (ASSIGN "y" (CONST 10)).

Compute (let S := AConstProp.Cexec prog1 in
         (SConstProp.get "x" S, SConstProp.get "y" S, SConstProp.get "z" S)).

Analysis result:
     = (FlatInt.Top, FlatInt.Just 10, FlatInt.Just 100) 
In other words: x is unknown, y is 10, and z is 100.

Write an abstract domain for sign analysis. For each variable, we'd like to know if its value is always positive or zero, or always negative, or of unknown sign.

Module Sign .

  Inductive sign : Type :=
    | Bot
    | Pos (* nonnegative (positive or zero) *)
    | Neg (* negative (and not zero) *)
    | Top.
  Definition t := sign.

  Definition In (n: Z) (N: t) : Prop :=
    match N with
    | Bot => False
    | Pos => 0 <= n
    | Neg => n < 0
    | Top => True

End Sign.