Module traces

From Coq Require Import Classical List Setoid.
Require Import semantics.


Definition trace: Type := list term.

Definition cons_right (t: trace) (a: term) := t ++ (a :: nil).

Notation "a @@ b" := (cons_right a b) (at level 55, right associativity).

Lemma cons_right_app:
  forall a b c, (a ++ b) @@ c = a ++ (b @@ c).
  intros. unfold cons_right. rewrite app_ass. auto.

Definition trace_app_l (t: trace) (b: term) : trace := (fun a => App a b) t.

Definition trace_app_r (a: term) (t: trace) : trace := (fun b => App a b) t.

CoInductive traceinf: Type :=
  | Tcons: term -> traceinf -> traceinf.

Infix ":::" := Tcons (at level 60, right associativity).

Fixpoint append_trace_traceinf (t1: trace) (t2: traceinf) {struct t1}: traceinf :=
  match t1 with
  | nil => t2
  | ev :: t => ev ::: append_trace_traceinf t t2

Notation "a +++ b" := (append_trace_traceinf a b) (at level 55, right associativity).

Lemma append_assoc: forall t1 t2 t3, (t1 ++ t2) +++ t3 = t1 +++ (t2 +++ t3).
  induction t1; simpl; intros. auto. rewrite IHt1. auto.

Lemma decompose_traceinf:
  forall t, t = match t with Tcons e t' => Tcons e t' end.
  intro. destruct t; auto.

Ltac dec x := rewrite (decompose_traceinf x); simpl.

CoFixpoint traceinf_app_l (t: traceinf) (b: term) : traceinf :=
  match t with
  | a ::: t' => App a b ::: traceinf_app_l t' b
CoFixpoint traceinf_app_r (a: term) (t: traceinf) : traceinf :=
  match t with
  | b ::: t' => App a b ::: traceinf_app_r a t'

CoInductive traceinf_sim: traceinf -> traceinf -> Prop :=
  | traceinf_sim_intro: forall a t1 t2,
      traceinf_sim t1 t2 -> traceinf_sim (a ::: t1) (a ::: t2).

Notation "x == y" := (traceinf_sim x y) (at level 70, no associativity).

Lemma traceinf_sim_refl: forall x, x == x.
  cofix COINDHYP; intro. destruct x. constructor. apply COINDHYP.

Lemma traceinf_sim_sym: forall x y, x == y -> y == x.
  cofix COINDHYP; intros. inversion H. constructor. apply COINDHYP; auto.

Lemma traceinf_sim_trans: forall x y z, x == y -> y == z -> x == z.
  cofix COINDHYP; intros. inversion H; subst. inversion H0; subst. constructor. apply COINDHYP with t2; auto.

Add Relation traceinf traceinf_sim
  reflexivity proved by traceinf_sim_refl
  symmetry proved by traceinf_sim_sym
  transitivity proved by traceinf_sim_trans
  as traceinf_sim_Rel.

Add Morphism traces.Tcons
  with signature eq ==> traceinf_sim ==> traceinf_sim
  as Tcons_M.
 intros. constructor; auto.

Add Morphism append_trace_traceinf
  with signature eq ==> traceinf_sim ==> traceinf_sim
  as append_trace_traceinf_M.
  induction y; intros; simpl. auto. constructor; auto.

Add Morphism traceinf_app_l
  with signature traceinf_sim ==> eq ==> traceinf_sim
  as traceinf_app_l_M.
  cofix COINDHYP; intros.
  inversion H. dec (traceinf_app_l (a ::: t1) y0). dec (traceinf_app_l (a ::: t2) y0).
  constructor. apply COINDHYP; assumption.

Add Morphism traceinf_app_r
  with signature eq ==> traceinf_sim ==> traceinf_sim
  as traceinf_app_r_M.
  cofix COINDHYP; intros.
  inversion H. dec (traceinf_app_r y (a ::: t1)). dec (traceinf_app_r y (a ::: t2)).
  constructor. apply COINDHYP; assumption.

Big-step semantics with traces

Inductive teval: term -> trace -> term -> Prop :=
  | teval_const: forall c,
      teval (Const c) nil (Const c)
  | teval_fun: forall x a,
      teval (Fun x a) nil (Fun x a)
  | teval_app: forall a b x c vb v t1 t2 t3,
      teval a t1 (Fun x c) ->
      teval b t2 vb ->
      teval (subst x vb c) t3 v ->
      teval (App a b) (trace_app_l t1 b ++
                       trace_app_r (Fun x c) t2 ++
                       App (Fun x c) vb :: t3) v.

Lemma teval_isvalue:
  forall a t b, teval a t b -> isvalue b.
  induction 1; intros.

Lemma teval_deterministic:
  forall a t v, teval a t v -> forall t' v', teval a t' v' -> v' = v /\ t' = t.
  induction 1; intros.
    inversion H; auto.
    inversion H; auto.
    inversion H2. subst.
      destruct (IHteval1 _ _ H5) as [EQ1 EQ2].
      subst t1. inversion EQ1; subst.
      destruct (IHteval2 _ _ H6) as [EQ3 EQ4]. subst.
      destruct (IHteval3 _ _ H9) as [EQ5 EQ6]. subst.

Definition vx: var := 0.
Definition delta := Fun vx (App (Var vx) (Var vx)).
Definition omega := App delta delta.

Lemma not_eval_omega:
  forall t v, ~(teval omega t v).
  assert (forall a t v, teval a t v -> a <> omega).
    induction 1; unfold omega.
    red; intro. injection H2; intros; subst a; subst b. clear H2.
    unfold delta in H. inversion H. subst x; subst c. clear H.
    unfold delta in H0. inversion H0. subst vb; clear H0.
    simpl in IHteval3. fold delta in IHteval3. fold omega in IHteval3. congruence.
  intros; red; intros.
  elim (H _ _ _ H0). auto.

CoInductive tevalinf: term -> traceinf -> Prop :=
  | tevalinf_app_l: forall a b t1 t,
      tevalinf a t1 ->
      t == traceinf_app_l t1 b ->
      tevalinf (App a b) t
  | tevalinf_app_r: forall a b va t1 t2 t,
      teval a t1 va ->
      tevalinf b t2 ->
      t == trace_app_l t1 b +++ traceinf_app_r va t2 ->
      tevalinf (App a b) t
  | tevalinf_app_f: forall a b x c vb t1 t2 t3 t,
      teval a t1 (Fun x c) ->
      teval b t2 vb ->
      tevalinf (subst x vb c) t3 ->
      t == trace_app_l t1 b +++
           trace_app_r (Fun x c) t2 +++
           (App (Fun x c) vb ::: t3) ->
      tevalinf (App a b) t.

CoFixpoint omegatrace : traceinf :=
  omega ::: omegatrace.

Lemma tevalinf_omega: tevalinf omega omegatrace.
  unfold omega. cofix COINDHYP. dec omegatrace.
  change (omega ::: omegatrace)
    with (trace_app_l nil delta +++
          trace_app_r delta nil +++ (omega ::: omegatrace)).
  unfold omega, delta.
  eapply tevalinf_app_f.
  simpl. fold delta. apply COINDHYP.

Small-step semantics

Inductive tred: term -> trace -> term -> Prop :=
  | tred_refl: forall a,
      tred a nil a
  | tred_step: forall a b c t,
      red1 a b -> tred b t c -> tred a (a :: t) c.

Lemma tred_one: forall a b, red1 a b -> tred a (a :: nil) b.
  intros. apply tred_step with b. auto. apply tred_refl.

Lemma tred_trans: forall a t1 b t2 c, tred a t1 b -> tred b t2 c -> tred a (t1 ++ t2) c.
  induction 1; intros. simpl. auto.
  simpl. apply tred_step with b; auto.

CoInductive tredinf: term -> traceinf ->Prop :=
  | tredinf_intro: forall a b t,
      red1 a b -> tredinf b t -> tredinf a (a ::: t).

Lemma tredinf_deterministic:
  forall a t1 t2, tredinf a t1 -> tredinf a t2 -> t1 == t2.
  cofix COINDHYP; intros.
  inversion H; subst. inversion H0; subst.
  assert (b = b0). eapply red1_deterministic; eauto.
  subst b0. constructor. apply COINDHYP with b; assumption.

CoInductive tredinf': term -> traceinf ->Prop :=
  | tredinf'_intro: forall a b t1 t,
      red1 a b -> tredinf' b t1 -> t == a ::: t1 -> tredinf' a t.

Lemma tredinf'_tredinf:
  forall a t, tredinf' a t -> tredinf a t.
  cofix COINDHYP; intros. inversion H; subst.
  inversion H2; subst. apply tredinf_intro with b.
  assumption. apply COINDHYP.
  inversion H1; subst. apply tredinf'_intro with b0 t2; auto.
  transitivity t1. auto. auto.

Lemma tredinf_decompose:
  forall a b t, tred a t b ->
  forall T, tredinf a T -> exists T', tredinf b T' /\ T = t +++ T'.
  induction 1; intros.
  exists T; split; auto.
  inversion H1. subst.
  assert (b = b0). eapply red1_deterministic; eauto. subst b0.
  destruct (IHtred t0 H3) as [T' [A B]].
  exists T'; split; auto. simpl. rewrite B; auto.

Connections between the reduction semantics with and without traces

Lemma tred_red:
  forall a t b, tred a t b -> red a b.
  induction 1; econstructor; eauto.

Lemma red_tred:
  forall a b, red a b -> exists t, tred a t b.
  induction 1.
  exists (@nil term); constructor.
  destruct IHred as [t R2].
  exists (a :: t); econstructor; eauto.

Lemma tred_or_redinf:
  forall a,
  (exists b, exists t, tred a t b /\ notred b) \/ redinf a.
  intro. elim (red_or_redinf a).
  intros [b [R NR]]. destruct (red_tred _ _ R) as [t TR].
  left; exists b; exists t; split. auto. auto.
  intro RI. right; auto.

Lemma isvalue_dec: forall a, {isvalue a} + {~isvalue a}.
  destruct a.
  right; red; intro; inversion H.
  left; constructor.
  left; constructor.
  right; red; intro; inversion H.

Fixpoint reduce1 (a: term): option term :=
  match a with
  | Var _ => None
  | Const c => None
  | Fun x b => None
  | App (Fun x b) c =>
      if isvalue_dec c
      then Some (subst x c b)
      else match reduce1 c with
           | Some c' => Some (App (Fun x b) c')
           | None => None
  | App b c =>
      match reduce1 b with
      | Some b' => Some(App b' c)
      | None =>
          if isvalue_dec b then
            match reduce1 c with
            | Some c' => Some(App b c')
            | None => None
          else None

Lemma isvalue_reduce1:
  forall v, isvalue v -> reduce1 v = None.
  intros. inversion H; reflexivity.

Lemma red1_reduce1:
  forall a b, red1 a b -> reduce1 a = Some b.
  induction 1; simpl.
  destruct (isvalue_dec v). auto. contradiction.
  rewrite IHred1. destruct a1; auto. inversion H.
  repeat rewrite (isvalue_reduce1 _ H).
  destruct (isvalue_dec v); [idtac | contradiction].
  rewrite IHred1. destruct v; auto.
  destruct (isvalue_dec b1).
  generalize (isvalue_reduce1 _ i0). congruence.

CoFixpoint traceinf_for (a: term) : traceinf :=
  match reduce1 a with
  | Some b => a ::: traceinf_for b
  | None => a ::: traceinf_for a

Lemma redinf_tredinf_aux:
  forall a, redinf a -> tredinf a (traceinf_for a).
  cofix COINDHYP; intros. inversion H.
  dec (traceinf_for a). rewrite (red1_reduce1 _ _ H0).
  apply tredinf_intro with b. assumption. apply COINDHYP. assumption.

Lemma tred_or_tredinf:
  forall a,
  (exists b, exists t, tred a t b /\ notred b) \/
  (exists t, tredinf a t).
  intro. elim (red_or_redinf a).
  intros [b [R NR]]. destruct (red_tred _ _ R) as [t TR].
  left; exists b; exists t; split. auto. auto.
  intro RI. right. exists (traceinf_for a). apply redinf_tredinf_aux; auto.

Connections between big-step and small-step semantics

Lemma tred_app_l:
   forall a1 t a2 b, tred a1 t a2 -> tred (App a1 b) (trace_app_l t b) (App a2 b).
  induction 1; intros; simpl.
  apply tred_refl.
  apply tred_step with (App b0 b). apply red1_app_l; auto. auto.

Lemma tred_app_r:
   forall v a1 t a2 , isvalue v -> tred a1 t a2 -> tred (App v a1) (trace_app_r v t) (App v a2).
  induction 2; intros; simpl.
  apply tred_refl.
  apply tred_step with (App v b). apply red1_app_r; auto. auto.

Lemma teval_tred:
  forall a t v, teval a t v -> tred a t v.
  induction 1.
  apply tred_refl.
  apply tred_refl.
  apply tred_trans with (App (Fun x c) b).
    apply tred_app_l. assumption.
  apply tred_trans with (App (Fun x c) vb).
    apply tred_app_r. constructor. assumption.
  apply tred_step with (subst x vb c).
  apply red1_beta. eapply teval_isvalue; eauto.

Lemma teval_value:
  forall v, isvalue v -> teval v nil v.
  induction 1; intros. apply teval_const. apply teval_fun.

Lemma tred1_teval:
  forall a b, red1 a b -> forall t v, teval b t v -> teval a (a :: t) v.
  induction 1; intros.
  change (App (Fun x a) v :: t)
    with (trace_app_l nil v ++ trace_app_r (Fun x a) nil ++ App (Fun x a) v :: t).
  eapply teval_app. apply teval_fun. apply teval_value; auto. assumption.
  inversion H0; subst.
  change (App a1 b :: trace_app_l t1 b ++ trace_app_r (Fun x c) t2 ++ App (Fun x c) vb :: t3)
    with (trace_app_l (a1 :: t1) b ++ trace_app_r (Fun x c) t2 ++ App (Fun x c) vb :: t3).
  eapply teval_app; eauto.
  inversion H1; subst; clear H1.
  assert (v = Fun x c /\ nil = t1).
    apply teval_deterministic with v. auto. apply teval_value; auto.
  destruct H1 as [A B]; subst v t1. simpl.
  change (App (Fun x c) b1 :: trace_app_r (Fun x c) t2 ++ App (Fun x c) vb :: t3)
    with (trace_app_l nil b1 ++ trace_app_r (Fun x c) (b1 :: t2) ++ App (Fun x c) vb :: t3).
  eapply teval_app; eauto.

Lemma tred_teval:
  forall a t v, tred a t v -> isvalue v -> teval a t v.
  induction 1; intros.
  apply teval_value. assumption.
  eapply tred1_teval; eauto.

Lemma tevalinf_tred1:
  forall a t, tevalinf a t ->
  exists b, exists t', red1 a b /\ tevalinf b t' /\ t == a ::: t'.
  induction a; intros; inversion H; clear H; subst.
  (* function part evaluates infinitely *)
  destruct (IHa1 _ H2) as [b [t1' [R1 [RI EQ]]]].
  exists (App b a2); exists (traceinf_app_l t1' a2); intuition.
  constructor; auto.
  eapply tevalinf_app_l; eauto. reflexivity.
  rewrite H4. rewrite EQ. dec (traceinf_app_l (a1 ::: t1') a2). reflexivity.
  (* function part evaluates finitely,
     argument evaluates infinitely *)

  destruct (IHa2 _ H3) as [b [t3 [R1 [RI EQ]]]].
  generalize (teval_tred _ _ _ H2). intro. inversion H; clear H; subst.
    (* function part was already a value *)
    exists (App va b); exists (traceinf_app_r va t3); intuition.
    constructor. eapply teval_isvalue; eauto. auto.
    eapply tevalinf_app_r. eassumption. eassumption. reflexivity.
    rewrite H5; simpl. rewrite EQ. dec (traceinf_app_r va (a2 ::: t3)).
    (* function part evaluates *)
    exists (App b0 a2); exists (trace_app_l t0 a2 +++ traceinf_app_r va (a2 ::: t3)); intuition.
    constructor. auto.
    eapply tevalinf_app_r. apply tred_teval; eauto. eapply teval_isvalue; eauto.
    rewrite EQ. reflexivity.
    rewrite H5. simpl. rewrite EQ. reflexivity.
  (* function and argument parts evaluate finitely,
     beta-redex evaluates infinitely *)

  generalize (teval_tred _ _ _ H2). intro. inversion H; clear H; subst.
    (* function part was already a value *)
    generalize (teval_tred _ _ _ H3). intro. inversion H; clear H; subst.
      (* argument part was already a value *)
      exists (subst x vb c); exists t3; intuition.
      constructor. eapply teval_isvalue; eauto.
      (* argument part reduces *)
      exists (App (Fun x c) b); exists (trace_app_r (Fun x c) t0 +++ (App (Fun x c) vb ::: t3)); intuition.
      constructor. constructor. auto.
      eapply tevalinf_app_f.
      apply tred_teval; eauto. eapply teval_isvalue; eauto.
      simpl. reflexivity.
    (* function part reduces *)
    exists (App b a2); exists(trace_app_l t0 a2 +++ trace_app_r (Fun x c) t2 +++ (App (Fun x c) vb ::: t3)); intuition.
    constructor. auto.
    eapply tevalinf_app_f.
    apply tred_teval; eauto. constructor.
    eauto. eauto.

Lemma tevalinf_tredinf':
  forall a t, tevalinf a t -> tredinf' a t.
  cofix COINDHYP. intros.
  destruct (tevalinf_tred1 _ _ H) as [b [t1 [R1 [RI EQ]]]].
  apply tredinf'_intro with b t1. auto. apply COINDHYP. auto. auto.

Lemma tevalinf_tredinf:
  forall a t, tevalinf a t -> tredinf a t.
  intros. apply tredinf'_tredinf. apply tevalinf_tredinf'. auto.

Lemma tredinf_app_l_1:
  forall a t a' b t',
  tred a t a' -> tredinf (App a b) t' ->
  exists t'', tredinf (App a' b) t'' /\ t' = trace_app_l t b +++ t''.
  intros. apply tredinf_decompose with (App a b).
  apply tred_app_l. auto. auto.

Lemma tredinf_app_r_1:
  forall b t b' a t',
  tred b t b' -> isvalue a -> tredinf (App a b) t' ->
  exists t'', tredinf (App a b') t'' /\ t' = trace_app_r a t +++ t''.
  intros. apply tredinf_decompose with (App a b).
  apply tred_app_r; auto. auto.

Lemma tredinf_app_l:
  forall a b t, tredinf a t -> tredinf (App a b) (traceinf_app_l t b).
  cofix COINDHYP; intros.
  inversion H. subst. dec (traceinf_app_l (a ::: t0) b).
  apply tredinf_intro with (App b0 b). constructor. auto.
  apply COINDHYP. assumption.

Lemma tredinf_app_r:
  forall a b t, isvalue a -> tredinf b t -> tredinf (App a b) (traceinf_app_r a t).
  cofix COINDHYP; intros.
  inversion H0. subst. dec (traceinf_app_r a (b ::: t0)).
  apply tredinf_intro with (App a b0).
  constructor. auto. auto.
  apply COINDHYP. assumption. assumption.

Lemma tredinf_app_l_2:
  forall a b t ta,
  tredinf (App a b) t -> tredinf a ta ->
  t == traceinf_app_l ta b.
  intros. apply tredinf_deterministic with (App a b).
  assumption. apply tredinf_app_l. auto.

Lemma tredinf_app_r_2:
  forall a b t tb,
  tredinf (App a b) t -> isvalue a -> tredinf b tb ->
  t == traceinf_app_r a tb.
  intros. apply tredinf_deterministic with (App a b).
  assumption. apply tredinf_app_r; auto.

Lemma redinf_evalinf:
  forall a t, tredinf a t -> tevalinf a t.
  cofix COINDHYP.
  destruct a; try (inversion H; inversion H0; fail).
  elim (tred_or_tredinf a1).
  (* a1 evaluates finitely *)
  intros [n1 [t1 [REDM1 NOTRED1]]].
  destruct (tredinf_app_l_1 _ _ _ _ _ REDM1 H) as [t1' [REDINF1 EQ1]].
  assert (ISVAL1: isvalue n1).
    inversion REDINF1. inversion H0.
    elim (NOTRED1 _ H7).
  elim (tred_or_tredinf a2).
  (* a2 evaluates finitely as well *)
  intros [n2 [t2 [REDM2 NOTRED2]]].
  destruct (tredinf_app_r_1 _ _ _ _ _ REDM2 ISVAL1 REDINF1) as [t2' [REDINF2 EQ2]].
  assert (exists x, exists c, exists t3,
            n1 = Fun x c /\ isvalue n2 /\
            tredinf (subst x n2 c) t3 /\
            t2' = App n1 n2 ::: t3).
    inversion REDINF2; subst. inversion H0; subst.
    exists x; exists a; exists t0. tauto.
    elim (NOTRED1 _ H5).
    elim (NOTRED2 _ H6).
  destruct H0 as [x [c [t3 [A [B [C D]]]]]]. subst n1.
  rewrite EQ1; rewrite EQ2; rewrite D.
  eapply tevalinf_app_f.
    apply tred_teval; eassumption.
    apply tred_teval; eassumption.
    apply COINDHYP. eassumption.
  (* a2 evaluates infinitely *)
  intros [t2' TREDINF2].
  assert (t1' == traceinf_app_r n1 t2').
    apply tredinf_app_r_2 with a2; auto.
  eapply tevalinf_app_r.
  apply tred_teval; eassumption.
  apply COINDHYP. eassumption.
  rewrite EQ1. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
  (* a1 evaluates infinitely *)
  intros [t1' REDINF1].
  assert (t == traceinf_app_l t1' a2).
    apply tredinf_app_l_2 with a1; auto.
  apply tevalinf_app_l with t1'. apply COINDHYP. assumption. assumption.

Lemma tevalinf_deterministic:
  forall a t1 t2, tevalinf a t1 -> tevalinf a t2 -> t1 == t2.
  intros. apply tredinf_deterministic with a.
  apply tevalinf_tredinf; auto.
  apply tevalinf_tredinf; auto.